

4th Annual Go Skateboarding Day At Crowell Lot

The 4th Annual Go Skateboarding Day is this Friday from 2-5 at the Crowell Lot Skate Park Site. We will have ramps, tons of refreshments, barbecue, contests and prizes as well as music. Should be a great afternoon. Bring your skateboard and tell everyone you can to come support the Brattleboro Skate Park efforts. 

As always, donations are welcome. 

Take care,

Selectboard Meeting Notes: Town Manager Resigns, 8,000 Solar Panel Farm Planned Near I-91

The Brattleboro Selectboard bid farewell to Ken Schneck, whose resignation is effective this week, but in a surprise announcement it was learned that Town Manager Barb Sondag will be resigning as well.  Sondag said that she’ll be taking a position in Missouri to be closer to family, and so the board must find a replacement. 

The Brooks House’s complex funding may be in place by next week, with construction beginning in late July. Skating rink repairs have been put on ice until the board’s next meeting. And the public is invited to comment on a proposal to put 8,000 solar panels near the Holiday Inn, viewable from I-91.

And much, much more. Read on for the details.

Estey Organ Museum Announces Special Open Days

Estey Organ Museum will be open for special extended hours the weekends of June 22 – 23 and June 22-23 to welcome members of the Organ Historical Society who will be traveling to and from the OHS 2013 Annual Convention being held in Burlington June 24-29.

The museum is located in the former Estey factory complex on Birge Street in Brattleboro, and features displays of various styles of reed organs as well as a playable, walk-through, 1915 Estey pipe organ. Many of the other instruments on display are also playable, and visitors of all ages are encouraged to take a turn at playing them.

Brattleboro Safe from Dangerous Grannies – For Now

Brattleboro police nabbed eight senior citizens last week, including one nonagenarian, charging each with a single count of disorderly conduct.

According to police, Ellen Graves, 72, of West Springfield, MA; Priscilla Lynch, 61, of Conway, MA; Linda Owen, 73, of Brattleboro; Patricia Wieland, 69, of Northampton, MA; Anneke Corbett, 70, of Florence, MA; Frances Crowe, 94, of Northampton, MA; Marcia Gagliardi, 65, of Athol, MA, and Susan Lantz, 72, of Northampton, MA, were arrested at about 7:35 am on Wednesday, June 12.

Kay Curtis Retrospective Exhibit Opens Saturday at All Souls Church

West Brattleboro, Vt. — An exhibit by Brattleboro artist Kay Curtis now graces gallery spaces at All Souls Church through the end of July. One of Kay’s larger paintings, “Diversity,” from a series she based on themes in the All Souls Covenant spoken from time to time at worship services, hangs permanently in the church parlor.

“Say Something New!” is a collection of twenty-one other works of Kay’s art created over the past thirty years. “I had great fun placing new marks on earlier work, and revisiting who I used to be,” Kay shares. “I took photography in college but have never shown the photos I love to make. In the spirit of this, showing new things seemed possible.”

Wednesday Farmers Market Open in Brattleboro

The Wednesday Farmers’ Market is back in business for the season and is better than ever!

Open every week 10 to 2 by the Brattleboro Food Coop, there are new farms, Loaves and Stitches gluten-free bakery, medicines and bodywork from Brattleboro Naturopathic, candles and crafts from Wicks and Stones, and for lunch visit Anon’s Thai Cuisine and Newfane Gelato.

The Loose-Knit of Worldkins in a Virtual Fishbowl

Being a Five- Light town, Brattleboro , has long been kept in a fishbowl where its local activities are open to public view in the tri-state area.

iBrattleboro, on the other hand, is in a virtual fishbowl where all manner of lively extranet conversations take place.

As a species of the genus microcosmos, we worldkins here are not far removed from a city of 8 million. The superficial differences are obvious but this corner piece of real-estate, proportionately speaking, has a knit of a tighter weave that is a daily, simulated reality of character interaction.

The Melting Pot Revisited

I remember hearing the term, “melting pot” used to describe America. That was back in the ’60s. 

The idea was that America takes all sorts of disparate human parts from  Europe, Africa, and Asia, and melts them down into an ingot called an American.  All traces of your old self were to disappear as you took on the new identity.

That was the theory. Of course, America was “whiter” back then.

Now, depending on who you listen to  America either soon will, or already has passed the point where European Americans are the majority.

Rep Alan Grayson (D – FL) on US Surveillance

I got to watch a fair amount of CSPAN last week as I recovered from a flu. One of the more interesting moments came late in the week, after most of the work for the week was through and members could use their time to talk about anything they wanted.

Rep. Grayson, a lawyer and a former phone company president, decided to spend about a half an hour talking about PRISM, phone records, metadata, and government spying on US citizens. It’s a pretty good overview of the known programs, and he offers up some good points of further inquiry.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 6/17/13

BCTV Channel 8 Schedule for the week of 6/17/13

                   Monday June 17

1:00 am       Artists ala Mode: March 2013- Electric Fence

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Danger Men Cooking: #008 – Guest, Chef Michael

5:00 am       Dummerston Conservation Commission: Got Bats?

6:30 am       True North Reports: Conservative Environmentalism

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – June 18, 2013

Overpriced ice rink compressors will be a topic of conversation at the next regular Tuesday meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard. The single bid received for fixing the ice rink came in more than $100,000 over what was anticipated to be a $364,000 project, and the Town can’t afford a $471,000 price tag, says the Finance Director.

The Town also plans to purchase a new dump truck and brush chipper, BaBB will give the board a status update, Brooks House owners Mesabi, Inc. will return to ask for an additional $50,000 in loans from the Town of Brattleboro, and much more. Tune in to watch on BCTV, attend in person at the Municipal Center, and read full coverage here the day after.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meetings – Interviews and Appointment

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold two special meetings on Thursday, June 20, 2013 in the Selectboard meeting room at the Municipal Center.  The first meeting will commence at 5:00pm.  The second meeting will commence at 6:30pm.  Agendas for both meetings are attached.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100

Safe Surfing

A couple years ago, I became leery of the amount of tracking Google engages in when anyone types a search term into their search engine. The last meaningful Google search I did was to find a safe alternative to Google, which has turned out to be . Unlike Google, which uses your IP address to track your searches as well as your movements around the web, StartPage.com does not record your IP address and does not track users of their service.

Weekend Concert: Singles Weekend

Everybody wiped out this week and no one was able to come up with a concert to share.

So, instead of full concerts, you are invited to share the equivalent of a video single. It can be an official video for a song you like, or a something that isn’t quite a full concert, but worth noting. (Save the full concerts for other weeks.)

Sanders Proposes Limits on Surveillance

WASHINGTON, June 14 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) introduced legislation to put strict limits on sweeping powers used by the National Security Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation to secretly track telephone calls by millions of innocent Americans who are not suspected of any wrongdoing.

“We must give our intelligence and law enforcement agencies all of the tools that they need to combat terrorism but we must do so in a way that protects our freedom and respects the Constitution’s ban on unreasonable searches,” Sanders said.

Brattleboro Selectboard Vacancy – Candidates

The deadline for candidates to submit letters of interest for the vacancy on the Brattleboro Selectboard was Thursday, June 13, 2013 at 5:00pm. Applications were timely received from the following individuals (in the order received):

Donna Macomber
Ian Kiehle
Michael Bosworth
Steve Cormier

Twilight on the Tavern Lawn presents The Stockwell Brothers

Twilight Music continues its 11th annual Twilight On The Tavern Lawn series of folk, world beat, rock, jazz, zydeco, Celtic, swing, blues and bluegrass summer concerts on Sunday, June 16 with newgrass and contemporary folk trio The Stockwell Brothers.  The seven concert series continues every other Sunday through August 25. All concerts begin at 5:30 pm in downtown Putney on the Putney Tavern lawn (bring a lawn chair or blanket) or at Next Stage at 15 Kimball Hill in case of rain. The series is sponsored by the Town of Putney, Putney Food Co-Op, Soundview Paper Company, The Putney Inn, Next Stage Arts Project, The Stockwell Brothers and many other Putney businesses and organizations.  The concerts are free to the public (donations are accepted) and food will be available.