

D.O.M.A. Struck Down

The Supreme Court has ruled DOMA is unconstitutional. The Federal defensive marriage act which was writting to prevent recognition by the federal government of same-sex marriages is no longer a valid law.   The supreme court has also sent back prop 8 to california, which means the last ruling stands.  Two landmark rulings delivered today.

Fresh Today at Wednesday Market in Brattleboro

Come on down RIGHT NOW to the Wednesday Farmers Market, 10-2, by the Coop. What’s fresh: Spring Garlic! Strawberries! Sugarsnap Peas! Salad Mix! Rhubarb! Cabbage! Greenhouse cukes and peppers! Beautiful flowers!
Anon’s Thai and Loaves and Stitches bakery– have you tried a gluten-free Vermont “poptart” yet?
Farm to Family coupons are being distributed on-site at the market today.
EBT and debit welcome! 802-254-8885

Love and Equality Win!

A good day to living in the US! Good job, Supreme Court Justices.

The Supreme Court Wednesday struck down as unconstitutional the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act that denies federal benefits to same-sex couples who are legally married in the states where they reside. The court said it violated equal protection to provide benefits to heterosexual couples while denying them to gay couples in the 12 states plus the District of Columbia where same-sex couples may marry. The law passed by bipartisan majorities in Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton recognized marriage as only between one man and one woman.

Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast Notes – GMO – Right to Know & What We Can Do

Presenter: Tristan Toleno – State Representative (Brattleboro – District 3)

Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast 

June 21, 2013 – Gibson-Aiken Center – Brattleboro VT

Brief Legislative History

The GMO Labeling Bill was last considered by the General Assembly in the second year of the  biennium, so that first bill went away, having been assigned to a committee and failing to see the floor for a vote.

Antje Duvekot w/ Lizzy Mandell at Hooker-Dunham Theater & Gallery on Friday, June 28

Twilight Music presents award-winning contemporary folk singer/songwriter Antje Duvekot at Hooker-Dunham Theater & Gallery on Friday, June 28 at 7:30 pm. Vermont-based singer/songwriter Lizzy Mandell opens the show.

Antje Duvekot is a German-born, American-raised singer/songwriter whose songs have been critically praised for their hard-won wisdom, dark-eyed realism and street-smart romanticism. Her bicultural upbringing and relative newness to English have helped shape her unique way with a song, giving her a startlingly original poetic palette.

Strawberry Day at the Brattleboro Farmers’ Market

The Brattleboro Farmers’ Market hosts a free educational strawberry event this Saturday, June 29th. From 9:30 to 11, sample different varieties of fresh berries and vote for your favorite! Learn about how strawberries are grown, and check out our scavenger hunt for kids!

The Farmers’ Market is open from 9am to 2pm outdoors on Rte 9, in West Brattleboro. EBT and debit are welcome. There’s something for everyone at the market– shoppers find the freshest food from local farms, globe-spanning cuisine, and gorgeous crafts. Strawberry season is here!

This week, Mary Lea, Andrea Larson, and Marko Packard will be playing Swedish music on violin and guitar from 11-1.

Sanders Statement on Global Warming

WASHINGTON, June 25 –Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a member of the Senate environment and energy committees, issued the following statement on President Obama’s proposals today on global warming:

“Global warming is the most serious environmental crisis facing the world today. It demands bold action to preserve our planet for our children and grandchildren. I applaud the president for saying he will take steps to limit heat-trapping pollution from coal-fired power plants and boost renewable energy production. These steps will help not only the environment but the economy too by creating many, many jobs. But let’s be clear: much more must be done.

Power Out in Dummerston

The power at our world headquarters on Cedar Street was knocked out for a short while today, but a problem said to be at the Dummerston substation has kept over 1,700 without power in Dummerston this afternoon. Green Mountain Power has the outage listed and is working on restoration of services.

Leahy Renews Legislative Push to Limit Surveillance Authorities & Bolster Oversight

WASHINGTON — Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) on Monday introduced legislation that would add important reforms and improve certain provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act and FISA Amendments Act.  The FISA Accountability and Privacy Protection Act of 2013 will bolster existing privacy safeguards and require greater oversight, transparency, and accountability in connection with the government’s expansive domestic surveillance powers. 

Co-op Enters Mobile Marketing Arena

Daily Text Message Alerts Help Customers Save Money

BRATTLEBORO – The Brattleboro Food Cooperative announced today the launch of a mobile text messaging alert system that is designed to inform on-the-go shoppers of in-store sales and promotions.

Since May the Co-op has featured a different steeply discounted item everyday under the banner of “Wild Deal of the Day”. Now, consumers will be able to get these notices sent directly to their mobile phone. David Cadran, Shareholder Services Coordinator, said “The process is designed to be as simple as possible, just text the keyword to the phone number provided and you’re signed up.”

Iced Ice Rink in Brattleboro

I am in shock at the high cost to repair Brattleboro’s Ice Arena.   The Brattleboro Recreation Department as with almost every other department in Brattleboro keeps getting hit with all these expenses.   I read the town meeting notes here, last week. Thank you Chris. Putting all other town business aside reading how our selectboard addressed this issue was comforting. 

Seeing how the estimate of repairs obtain by the town had been so far off from the bid received for the job reading that the selectboard had chose to not pull the checkbook out and pay the the extra 120,000 was comforting. The board wanting to step back and access what other options are out there just seems like the most practical thing to do giving the state of economic affairs at the moment.

Brattleboro’s Colonels Softball team D. 1 State Champs

Congratulations to Brattleboro’s own Division 1 State Champions softball team. I was just reading the Brattleboro Reformer’s sports section. I am quite proud to learn the Colonel’s Softball team are now Vermont’s division one softball champions.

Also answered the fleeting question I had on Friday; “What was all the sirens about?”. Again, congratulations to the team and all the supporters of the team.

Three cheers.

Kurn Hattin to Hold 22nd Annual Golf Benefit Tournament July 17 at the Keene Country Club

WESTMINSTER, VT— Kurn Hattin Homes invites golfers of all skill levels to enjoy a fun day of golf, great food,
contests and prizes while helping to improve the lives of children in need. The 22nd Annual Kurn Hattin Golf
Classic will be held Wednesday, July 17th at the Keene Country Club. The event benefits children at Kurn
Hattin Homes in Westminster, Vermont, a year-round home and school for boys and girls in need of temporary care as a result of family tragedy, or social or economic hardship.

A Little Poem

In My Good Death 

-Dalia Shevin


I will find myself waist deep in high summer

The humming shock of the golden light.

And I will hear them before I see them and know
right away who is bounding across the field to meet me.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 6/24/13

BCTV Ch.8 Schedule for the week of 6/24/13

                   Monday June 24
12:00 am      Culture Clash: Acknowledging Where Vermonters Don’t See Eye to Eye
1:00 am       Green Mountain Vets For Peace ep122
2:00 am       FSTV Overnight
4:00 am       Frank Blake Special: ‘To Stop a Bully’: Frank Blake Special: ‘To Stop a Bully’
4:30 am       Vermont Localvore Today

White Wolf Von Atzingen on WVEW, July 2nd

Join DJ Pockets for another “buttahmilk” experience for this one…July 2nd,Tuesday 6-8pm..on 107.7fm or www.wvew.org

White Wolf Von Atzingen is the founder of the Ways Of The Wild Institute and is the Alpha Guide for all wilderness courses and workshops. White Wolf has extensive experience in the ways of the wild. He trained in the wild during his youth under an old Native Metinuwak (“medicine man”) and warrior. His native guide and Teacher taught him the old ways of living with the earth. White Wolf became a 10th degree black belt and Grandmaster in Small Circles of 5 Animals Jujitsu. In school he wrestled for 5 years. He also holds the rank of first degree black belt in Shao-lin kung fu, 18 hand lohan kung fu and Muai Thai.

Deacon Blues – A Musical Reminiscence

Sitting on my back porch, head still addled from this late season flu, I listen as the last chords of “Deacon Blues” fade away and permit myself a sardonic smile.  

“They got a name for the winners —
I want a name when I lose…”

I am listening to Aja, Steely Dan’s mid 70s masterpiece, seven perfectly executed songs that manage to touch your soul while still exhibiting every iota of the “slick production” for which so many of us derided it when it came out.  But then as now, I ask myself, how can anyone resist the crystalline chords of “Aja” or Wayne Shorter’s heartrending sax solo… Of course, I’m biased.  Not only was I a huge Dan fan from Can’t Buy A Thrill on, but by the early 80s, I had the perfect system to play them on.