

Brattleboro Labor Day Closures

In observance of Labor Day, all Town offices will be closed on Monday, September 4, 2023, with the exception of emergency services. Parking is free at all metered spaces and in the pay-and-display lots on Sunday, September 3, and Monday, September 4. All other violations will be enforced.

Brooks Memorial Library will be closed on Sunday, September 3, and Monday, September 4.

New Program at Youth Services Offers Community Conflict Support for All Ages

Have a conflict with a neighbor? Looking for restorative practices training for your group or business? Youth Services is pleased to announce a new restorative practices program, Circle Up, to provide community conflict support through circle facilitation and training in restorative practices, starting next month.

In 2021, the Brattleboro Community Justice Center merged with Youth Services’ Restorative Justice programs. “Over the years we frequently received requests for these kinds of services, but haven’t had enough staff to respond to most of them,” explained Mel Motel, formerly the  Brattleboro Community Justice Center Executive Director and now co-director of Youth Services’ Restorative Justice programs.

“We’re excited to finally be able to offer this new program, with a seasoned staff member taking on the role, at a time when community members are still navigating the stresses and tensions heightened by the pandemic with fewer resources,” Motel explained.

Supreme Court Poised To Make The Sackler Family Accountable

The Sackler family (primarily the Machiavellian Richard Sackler) the people who owned Purdue Pharma the company that promoted and pushed Oxycontin, have evaded criminal prosecution so far. They became big time drug dealers and pimps with a stable of sales whores as they created the opioid epidemic that persists.

A 2020 New York Times article cites a study by the Economic Research Bureau noting that, “And 65 percent of the growth in overdose death rates between 1996 and 2017 could be attributed to the introduction and marketing of OxyContin.” Oxycontin was put on the market in 1996 and it was aggressively marketed by people who showered doctors and other prescribers with gifts and a lot of misinformation to persuade them to give the drug to their patients.

The Sacklers were directly involved in all of the unethical and immoral tactics that surrounded the marketing of Oxycontin. All accounts make it clear that all they cared about was making a lot of money and they cared little for the lives they were ruining in the process.

Two Private Ambulance Proposals Received by Town of Brattleboro

The Town of Brattleboro has been exploring its options for providing Fire-EMS services. In addition to considering a fully municipal Fire Department approach, the Town has received two proposals from private companies to compare. The Town is thankful to both companies for putting together thoughtful and thorough proposals.

American Medical Response of Springfield, MA proposed a turn-key approach that would not require any first response services from Brattleboro Fire Department staff. They would dedicate multiple ambulances to respond within the town to meet desired response times.

Rescue Inc. of Brattleboro, VT proposed an approach like the Town’s previous model that shared emergency response responsibilities with the Brattleboro Fire Department. They would rely on Brattleboro Fire Department paramedics and EMTs to respond to priority one calls, such as cardiac arrests and vehicle crashes, with the private company responding to all other types of emergency calls and transporting the priority one patients. Rescue Inc. would utilize multiple ambulances that are deployed across the fifteen towns that the company serves.

Brattleboro History

Just want to point out this little piece of Brattleboro history for August 30 in the right hand column in iBrattleboro so you don’t miss it.
Some things never change.

Again We Caution the people against lying reports and publications on the day of the election. Look out for them and treat them with the contempt they merit.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting – Aug 30, 2023

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 5:00pm. They will convene in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Municipal Center (230 Main Street) and are expected to enter immediately into executive session to discuss contracts. Invited into the executive session are HR Director Sally Nix, Finance Director Kimberly Frost, Town Manager John Potter and Assistant Town Manager Patrick Moreland. Once they have exited executive session, the Board is expected to immediately adjourn. No action will be taken.

WSESD Board Minutes – Aug 22, 2023

● The superintendent updated the board on the Administrative Retreat and beginning of school year plans.
● The board asked administration for more details on the results of the previous school year’s Panorama surveys.
● The board announced that it expects to have information soon about the results of the sexual abuse investigation, and heard from community members about what they hope to see from
● The board voted to include two questions regarding candidates’ experiences and framework around diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice on all applications for certified staff and administrator positions.

GunSense Vermont Celebrates First Recipient Of Its Leadership & Courage Award At The Brattleboro Museum & Art Center; Guest Speaker: U.S. Representative Becca Balint

BRATTLEBORO, VT—August 28, 2023— GunSense Vermont, the leading non-profit, non-partisan advocacy organization for common-sense gun safety measures, will host a public reception to award the inaugural “Leadership & Courage Award” to Brattleboro resident and author Ann Braden who founded GunSense Vermont following the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012. The event will take place at the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center on Wednesday, September 6 at 6:00 p.m.

Conor Casey, Executive Director, GunSense Vermont says, “Ann Braden’s dedication has been instrumental in propelling GunSense Vermont’s mission forward and advocating for the safety and well-being of our community. As founder, she has been a driving force in shaping the organization’s mission and fostering its impact on reducing gun violence. There is no one more deserving of GunSense Vermont’s inaugural “Leadership & Courage Award” than Ann.”

Brattleboro Planning Commission Meeting: September 6, 2022 at 6:00 pm

6:10 – 6:40 Bike Parking Standards
Guest: Jonathan Weber, Local Motion
Information and presentation on what Brattleboro’s Land Use Regulations currently contains with regard to bike parking, and what updates could be considered.

6:40 – 7:35 Short Term Rentals
Discussion of short term rentals and review of ways that municipalities are managing short term rentals.

BCTV Schedules – Week of Aug 28, 2023

BCTV Channel 1078 Weekly Listing for 8/28/23

Monday, August 28, 2023

6:00 am Buddhist Peace Action Vermont – Remembering Hiroshima Peace Walk 2023

7:30 am The Juxtaposition – First African Landing Day 2023

8:00 am Democracy Now! – Democracy Now! Daily Broadcast

9:00 am Energy Week with George Harvey – This Week’s Energy News

Brattleboro Notice of Water Service Interruption

Crews are working to repair damage to a fire hydrant and water main on Maple Street at Canal Street as a result of an accident. During this emergency repair work, several residences in the area were without water while the water flow was controlled. The water is now restored throughout Town. The entire water system was stirred up causing discoloration in some sections of Town. 

You may experience discolored water or air in the water lines for several hours now that the repair is complete. Running the cold water should clear the lines if this happens.  

Youth Services Hires Sullivan as Balanced & Restorative Justice Coordinator

Jacqueline (Jackie) Sullivan joined Youth Services as its Balanced and Restorative Justice (BARJ) Coordinator this past spring. The BARJ program is a supportive case management and restorative justice program for youth on probation, youth at a higher risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system, and youth ages 10 and up with low school attendance—at risk for truancy.

According to Youth Services’ Youth Programs Director, Megan Grove, the agency’s BARJ program recognizes that many young people entering the criminal justice system have underlying factors that lead to the criminal misconduct.

Green Street Closure


On Monday, August 28, the Utilities Division will be installing a manhole at the intersection of Green Street, Garden Drive and Church Street.  During this project, Church Street will be closed and Green Street will be closed from Bullock Street to High Street.  Residents will be able to access their homes and may choose to utilize Retting Place for access, also.  The work is scheduled between the hours of 6:30 am and 4:00 pm. Motorists should seek alternate routes.

New Book by Richard Davis Now Available on Amazon

The Village is a fictional account of life in a small Vermont town as told by a narrator who is a member of a family that purchased a country store that became the center of their new life after leaving New York City.

The narration paints a picture of Vermont that has all but faded into oblivion. The lives of three local characters and an encounter with tourists shopping at the store give the reader glimpses into the values and ethos of Vermont at a time when most of the inhabitants of the state were born there and stayed close to where they were born, while making a life for themselves and their families.

Construction Update Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge – Aug 24

Crews are working hard to prepare the VT 142 corridor for pavement. Frames and grates on drainage structures are being brought up to grade, roadway sand layer has been placed, and the roadway stone layer placement has begun. This placement and fine-grading will continue into next week.

Paving has been scheduled for two days next week beginning on Wednesday, August 30th with approximately 1400 tons of asphalt to be placed in two 2.5″ lifts throughout the roadway.

WSESD – Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes

CALL TO ORDER: 5:45 PM – Anne Beekman, Chair

On a motion by Kim Price, the minutes of August 9, 2023 were approved.

On a motion by Anne Beekman the committee accepted the recommendations of administration to have Isaac Freitas-Eagan for the position of Third grade teacher.

Elm Street Water Main Repair

On Thursday, August 24, the Utilities Division will be repairing a water main at the intersection of Elm Street and Lynde Place.  Elm Street between Flat Street and Elliot ST and Lynde Place will be closed during this repair.  The work is scheduled between the hours of 7:00 am and 3:00pm. Motorists should seek alternate routes.