

Sanders Says Senate Must Not Give in on House-Planned Cuts for Seniors, Children

BURLINGTON, Vt., Sept. 15 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said today that the Senate must call the bluff of House Republicans demanding deeper cuts in Head Start, Meals on Wheels and other programs for working families.

A proposal set for a House vote this week includes the deeper spending cuts in a continuing resolution to keep the government from shutting down after the new fiscal year begins Oct. 1. The proposal would lock in across-the-board cuts known as sequestration but carve out an exception for the Pentagon, which would get a $20-billion boost.

Building a Better Brattleboro Annual Meeting Warning

Building a Better Brattleboro will hold its annual meeting on Thursday, September 26, 2013 at
5:30 p.m. at the Robert H. Gibson River Garden. The BaBB Board of Directors is seeking public input into the organization’s Fiscal Year 2015 work plan and budget. The public is encouraged to attend.

Kate O’Connor
Building a Better Brattleboro Board of Directors
(802) 490-2073

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 9/16/13

BCTV Ch.8 Schedule for the week of 9/16/13

                   Monday September 16

12:20 am      TED Talks: Sleepy Man Banjo Boys: Bluegrass virtuosity from … New Jersey?

12:30 am      Health Exchange Info Session- 8/21/13 at BMH

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Instant Coffeehouse: Music Aboard the Ticonderoga

4:30 am       Danger Men Cooking Ep. 001

5:00 am       50 Years after the March on Washington: How Are We Doing?

150 Years Ago (1863 09/13)

Camp on Long Island, Boston Harbor

Sept. 13th, 1863

 Dearest wife,

I commenced a letter to you yesterday. I believe that I dated it the 11th by mistake for the
days have all been so mixed up since I left home that I can hardly tell whether September or October. I had just commenced writing, when there was a call for Co. to fall in, every man to bring his blanket, where we were standing sometime and then dismissed. The trouble was a careless fellow had lost his blanket, then calling out
every man with his blanket left a good chance to search the tents, it was found. The same this morning, some fellow lost his cap, but there was not time enough left to write.

5:45 Live: 9/13/13

5:45 Live delivers a Friday-the-13th edition that includes Thursday’s flash floods on Flat St, the new Park & Ride in Putney, BaBB’s Downtown Action Team forums, Windham Central’s school board redistricting, and plenty more.

Kurn Hattin’s Bianconi Makes List of Top 25 Semifinalists for Grammy Music Educator Award

Lisa Bianconi, Music Director at Kurn Hattin Homes for Children, has been chosen as one of 25 semifinalists from across the U.S. for the first-ever Music Educator Award presented by the Grammy Foundation® and the Recording Academy®. The 25 semifinalists, music teachers from 24 cities across 15 states were officially announced on September 11. In total, more than 30,000 initial nominations were submitted from all 50 states. Bianconi is the only nominee from New England to make it to the semifinals.

Open Music Collective Added Class Times and Enrollment News

Added Class times and Enrollment news!

Monday Jazz Vocal Class almost full – 1 slot left! Still Will consider a Tuesday evening class if there is enough interest

Added Ensemble Classes for Saturday – at 11:45am – Bop Ensemble! Compositions to be chosen from the Sonny Rollins, Clifford Brown, Charlie Parker and Similar Book!

Added Ensemble Class – Saturday 1:30pm – Beyond Ensemble – Limited Space – Piano, Drums and other considered

Sign up for these and other classes:

Wednesday Jazz Ensemble – 5 pm – drums, piano and other instruments still needed

Thursday Vocal Technique – 5 pm – Sign up now! With Ken and Julie Olsson – Group Vocal Lesson

Guitar Ensemble – email for details!

Stand Up For A Child! at Windham County Family Court

Right now, there are children involved in the Windham County Family Court who need your help. They don’t need your money – just your time and attention. In some cases, these children have been abused, neglected or caught in the middle of a custody dispute – but they all have the same need: to have a judge-appointed advocate who will look out for their best interest. To be a Guardian ad Litem, you needn’t have any specialized experience – just a willingness to volunteer your free time, strong interpersonal and communication skills, a passion for helping vulnerable children and the ability to think critically, be assertive, work with others effectively, and use sound judgment. Training is provided, and the personal reward is immeasurable.

Found in Brattleboro: Two Roosters

This morning tow lovely roosters found their way to our hen house. They are pretty birds but do not belong to us.

Since we live in town we are unable to have Roosters. If you are missing your roosters please let me know. If you would like two free roosters please let me know. Free to a good home. 

Weekend Concert Series: Black Sabbath, Live in Paris 1970

Black Sabbath are the pioneers and progenitors of Heavy Metal. Along with Deep Purple, Zeppelin and Judas Priest they created an entire genre of music.

Formed by Tony Iommi, Ozzy Osbourne, Geezer Butler and Bill Ward in 1968, Black Sabbath were light years ahead of their time. Their first album was written in 1969 and is a timeless masterpiece. The opening track “Black Sabbath” still sounds heavy, ominous, and ahead of its time in present-day. 

Black Sabbath tackled heavier and darker subjects than their counterparts at the time. In an era when people were singing “Are you going to San Francisco with flowers in your hair?” Black Sabbath were writing songs like: Children Of The Grave, War Pigs, and Hand Of Doom. 

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – September 17, 2013

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hear the year end financial report for FY13 at their next Tuesday meeting at the Municipal Center oin Main Street. You are welcome to attend in person or watch on BCTV.

If you do, you’ll hear an update on work at the Waste Water Treatment Plant and pump stations, learn of new fees for mobile food carts, get a departmental report from the Department of Public Works, watch as grants and bids are approved, hear an update on the search for a new Town Manager, and more. You can bring up other issues that aren’t on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Storm Statement 2

A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in effect for the Brattleboro area until 7:00pm. Rain is expected to continue throughout the overnight hours. Rainfall is expected to be heavy at times. We ask that you continue to monitor the National Weather Service for the latest weather information.

Damage from this afternoon’s storms has been identified at:

Elm Street, Between Canal and Flat – This section of Elm Street will remain closed until further notice. A significant washout occurred near to the corner of Canal and Elm, which may take several days to complete the repair.

Minor scarring and washouts have occurred on Bridge Street, Maple Street near Canal, and on Canal Street near Maple.

Town of Brattleboro Storm Alert

The Brattleboro area continues to be in line for a series of very strong thunderstorms, and we continue to be under a severe thunderstorm watch from the National Weather Service. Several areas of minor to moderate damage have occurred across town. Elm Street between Flat and Canal is closed, with a significant washout near the intersection of Canal Street. A section of Guilford Street near Frog Hill Road is covered with water due to plugged culverts. A small wash out has occurred near Bridge Street, the area is blocked off with barrels and the road is not closed at this time.

We ask that you pay close attention to the weather and monitor WTSA and the National Weather Service for future statements. Please report any significant damages to Brattleboro Central Dispatch at 257-7946.

Plight of the West River Beaver Community

For well over a decade now I’ve enjoyed regular strolls along the West River Trail just past the Marina. The trail is written up in the Audubon Society due to the wide variety of wild birds. In the spring, and early Summer the path is often crossed by turtles off to lay their eggs, until recently a very common sight. Unfortunately I only saw two turtles this year, and both had been run over by the utility trucks working on the I-91 bridge. Over the last few years (probably for a number of reasons) there seems to be a lot less animal , and insect life. Hurricane Irene ,while not entirely, certainly had a hand in the lower numbers of wild life.

Weatherization Skillshop in Brattleboro Sept. 21

Learn to Weatherize. Are you a do-it-yourselfer? Would you like to reduce your energy costs by making significant energy improvements? And be eligible for up to $2,600 from Efficiency Vermont?

Each Skillshop will cover:

Air-Sealing. This is the key to increasing comfort and reducing fuel use—though potentially dangerous if not accompanied by proper ventilation. We’ll show you how to manage air flow in a building and how to tighten things up safely.

Insulation. There are ways to waste money on the wrong insulation and application. We will show you how to choose and install insulation correctly for your building, whether it is an historic Victorian house or a modern mobile home.

Leahy Against Missile Interceptor Site in Vermont

September 12, 2013

“I’ve always felt that the multiple billions spent on missile defense are a monumental waste of money, on technologically challenged systems, and I am emphatically against putting one of these sites in Vermont.”

# # # # #

[Text of letter to Senator Leahy, below:]

Brattleboro Union High School Board Meeting Agenda


53 Green Street
Brattleboro, VT 05301


The BAMS Committee will meet at 7:45 a.m. on Monday, September 16 in the BAMS Conference Room.

The BUHS Teacher Curriculum Committee will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, September 16 in the Cusick Conference Room.

The BUHS #6 Finance Committee will meet at 7:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 25, 2013 in the WSESU Central Office Conference Room, 53 Green Street.

No Vengeance No Prosecution of Deadlier CIA 9/11 Attack on Chile 1973

No calls for vengeance or justice for Chileans murdered on the 9/11 arranged, funded, and facilitated in 1973 by the Nixon-Kissinger, administration to benefit and protect vast US corporate investments in that country. No attempts through courts for compensation for wrongful death, injury and suffering. More than 2 million innocent Muslims lives taken and hailed as payback for 9/11/2001. Prosecutable crime against humanity!