

I-91 Brattleboro Bridge Replacement Project Update – Week of October 20, 2013


Single lane closure of the passing lanes on I-91 Northbound and Southbound will continue for the week of October 20. The lanes will remain closed over the weekend.

Route 30

The speed limit on Route 30 near the work zone has been reduced to 40 mph. This reduction will remain in effect through August 2016. Truck activity on Route 30 will continue for the week of October 20. Route 30 will be reduced to a single lane intermittently. Flaggers will regulate traffic flow.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – PACE Slows, Liquidated Damages Likely For Waste Water Treatment Project

A trio of Brattleboro Selectboard members kept town business flowing while simultaneously monitoring the scores of a Red Sox game Tuesday night.

The board heard that liquidated damages might be considered for the Waste Water Treatment Plant project delays, the proposed PACE program guidelines have lingering legal and accounting questions, and signs of climate change might be showing up during public participation.

This plus the latest scores and more, below.

What’s For Lunch?

I had seen a 10 minute play which starts with a character complaining that when he tried to purchase a bottle of aspirin at a drug store, the clerk told him: “We don’t have that.”

It reminded me of a strange experience I had on Staten Island more than 30 years ago.

We were in Stapleton, a few miles from our home in St. George. It looked like an ordinary luncheonette — big CocaCola sign — soda fountain counter with a row of round stools that you can spin on, and booths along the wall.

The place was empty, but it was not lunch hour. Carol and I sat down with Grace and Eve at one of the booths.

Works for Guitar & Soprano: Richard Ullman with Kristen Carmichael-Bowers

On Sunday, October 20 at 3 pm, the Brattleboro Music Center presents a recital with faculty members Richard Ullman, guitar, and guest Kristen Carmichael-Bowers, voice, at Centre Congregational Church in Brattleboro, VT.

For this recital, Ullman revisits some of his favorite pieces from Spanish composer Andrés Segovia’s repertoire.  Segovia is considered the father of modern classical guitar and, although his works have fallen out of fashion in recent decades, is credited with popularizing classical guitar music. Segovia was a catalytic figure in granting respectability to the guitar as a serious concert instrument capable of evocativeness and depth of interpretation.

Wednesday Farmers’ Market Still Open!

The local farmers are bringing great fall produce to the Wednesday Farmers’ Market–open through the end of October– downtown by the Brattleboro Food Coop from 10-2. Apples and cider, pears, winter squash, garlic and onions, greens and tomatoes, peppers and potatoes, maple syrup and preserves, flower bouquets, humanely-raised pork, and lots more is all downtown on Wednesdays, fresh from our dedicated local growers.

Don’t forget Anon’s Thai Cuisine for lunch and that the market accepts EBT and debit cards! 802-254-8885. See you at the market! Spread the word!

Film Screening: World Circus

Vermont Premiere of “World Circus” Film 
Saturday, November 2nd @ 7:30pm 

NECCA – New England Center for Circus Arts, 74 Cotton Mill Hill, Brattleboro, VT 
63min Documentary – Suggested donation @ door 

The “World Circus” feature documentary follows five top circus acts from around the world to the Monte Carlo Circus Festival, and with interviews from the founder of the Big Apple Circus, owner of Ringling Bros., and artistic director at Cirque du Soleil, it reveals the behind the scenes life, history, and culture of circus on an international scale. 

Smart Zone Tools Will Provide Public with Real Time Information re Travel Conditions for 1-91 Bridge Replacement in Brattleboro

MONTPELIER, Vt.—October 14, 2013–

The PCL+FIGG Team that is working under contract to the Vermont Agency of Transportation to reconstruct I-91 bridges in Brattleboro is using a full array of “Smart Zone” tools, including Portable Changeable Message Signs (PCMS), Wavetronics radar traffic sensors, and video cameras that will broadcast live data to a public website devoted to the project. The site’s traffic sensors will continuously monitor traffic volumes in the work zone. This information will be used to automatically post messages on project signs regarding potential delays and expected travel times.

Free Scrabble Mentor

Club and Tournament Scrabble is more than just a pastime.  Like chess and bridge, it is played as a competitive sport all over the English-speaking world.  Brattleboro is fast becoming a hotbed of Scrabble players, with a weekly club session and a developing group of friends who take the game seriously (while alllowing room for laughter and orientation of newbies.  

Like any competitive game, there are fundamentals and preparation involved with becoming a top player.  I am committed to promoting the game and to helping folks who wish to dive more deeply into the fascinating world of club and tournament play to improve their skills and become a part of this vibrant community. 

150 Years Ago (1863 10/14)

Camp Austine, Oct. 14th, 1863

Dear wife –

I now seat myself to write you. Since Saturday I have been hard at work. I had a gun to clean and more brass to fix up than I wish to see again. Sunday was cold and unpleasant. I got a pass and went over to see Susan. Found them all well. Mary Ann commences her school next Monday. She teaches 13 weeks at $3. per week and boards herself. She is going to board with Susan. I enjoyed the visit much. We had a grand good dinner of boiled victuals, and Susan filled my haversack with apples. The battery M boys have left Monday. There were a lot of prisoners sent off yesterday, the Captain of Company A, a corporal and four men with them as guard. There are a few left in the guard house.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – October 15 and 18, 2013

The Brattleboro Selectboard will have another discussion about the PACE program with at their next regular Tuesday meeting. This discussion will focus on adopting the program guidelines.

The board will continue their discussions about negotiations with the Waste Water Treatment Plant contractor, PC, over unapproved change orders, and will hear about the results of the environmental review of the plans for the Black Mountain gravity sewer.

A number of grants will be approved and/or accepted and spent, including a Windham and Windsor Housing Trust grant, and funds for fixing the retaining wall on Washington Street. The Police would also like to apply for a last-minute grant to help prevent terrorism – by getting new radio and dispatch equipment. There will also be second readings of ordinance changes to parking on Elliot and Linden Streets.

You can attend in person or watch on BCTV. If you go, you can speak to any issue, and bring up other topics not on the agenda during public participation. Full coverage here, too, the very next day.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 10/14/13

BCTV Ch.8 Schedule for the week of 10/14/13

                   Monday October 14                  

12:00 am      For the Animals: Ep. 126

12:30 am      The Outfitting of Revolutionary Armies in the Champlain Valley

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Spotlight On Vermont Issues: Ep. 5 – John Odum

4:30 am       Montpelier Movement Collective at the Phantom Theater 7/12/13

5:40 am       Library Lecture: Goodnight Irene – Craig Brandon

Senator Sanders Very Disappointed by Senate Vote on Debt Ceiling – “Dangerous Territory”

WASHINGTON, Oct. 12 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement today after Senate Republicans on a party-line vote blocked consideration of a measure to raise the federal debt ceiling:

“I find it incredible that every Republican voted against a motion to even let the Senate consider legislation to pay our bills and prevent a default. We are entering very dangerous territory.

Weekend Concert Series: B-52’s in Atlanta 1978

This weekend’s concert takes us to Atlanta, Georgia in May of 1978 for a club show with a new band you might like called the B-52’s.

This is a grainy black and white video that captures the weirdness and wonderfulness of an early B-52’s performance. I started listening to them around 1980 or so, and was able to see them at a show in Tampa for their Mesopotamia tour.

The show was at a Jai Alai facility, which was a bit weird, but we had traveled almost 3 hours to get there and didn’t care. I was in high school and got to hear Ring My Bell by Anita Ward played loudly over the sound system before the show – a formative experience for a rock lover in learning to like funk.

Brattleboro Town Manager Citizen Search Committee Meeting and Agenda

The Brattleboro Town Manager Citizen Search Committee will meet on Friday, October 18, 2013 at 4:00pm in the Selectboard meeting room at the Municipal Center. It is anticipated that the Committee will enter into executive session at 4:00pm to discuss a personnel matter.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100

Interstate Lanes Associated with I-91 Bridge Reconstruction to be Reopened for Columbus Day Weekend

MONTPELIER, Vt.—October 11, 2013–The Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) will remove the temporary lane closures on Interstate 91 in Brattleboro over Columbus Day weekend to accommodate holiday traffic. The temporary closures are associated with construction to replace the interstate bridges between exits 2 and 3.

The northbound passing lane that is currently closed will be opened for the weekend starting at approximately 1:00 PM Friday, and the southbound passing lane will be opened at approximately 5:00 PM Friday. The northbound lane closures will go back in effect on Monday morning and the southbound lane closures will be re-established Tuesday morning.