

TELL Vermont Results Vary for Brattleboro Schools

 is an anonymous statewide survey of licensed school-based educators. This includes full and part-time teachers, administrators, media coordinators, counselors, classroom assistants, and clerical support staff. Sponsored by the Vermont Agency of Education and Vermont NEA, the goal is to assess teaching conditions at the school, district and state level.

The 2013 survey was taken in March and April. A VEA representative in each school was to receive instructions to work with administrators to set up a faculty meeting to distribute letters with anonymous survey access codes. Teachers were allowed to switch letters in the same school to further randomize their response codes. Anyone not in attendance was to have been met with personally to explain the process.

Kurn Hattin Homes for Children to Host 22nd Annual Mental Health Conference

On Friday, October 25th, Kurn Hattin Homes for Children will hold its 22nd Annual Mental Health Conference, Treating Trauma and Attachment Issues in Children and Families. This full-day workshop offers support, practical training, and continuing education credits for counselors and therapists, social workers, educators, medical and legal professionals, caregivers, therapeutic parents, and anyone involved in the field of child welfare or family services.

Vermont Jazz Center’s Howard Brofsky

The Vermont Jazz Center is deeply saddened to announce that our beloved president emeritus, Howard Brofsky passed away on Thursday, October 17th, 2013 at 8:08 PM. He led a life filled with passion for music of all kinds, and always made time for the people he cared for. We at the Vermont Jazz Center are grateful for his enduring support and mentorship. He has been the pillar of our legacy, gracefully upholding the tradition of our founder, Attila Zoller while providing his own insight, unerring swing and sophistication. Dr. Bebop died as he lived, with grace and humor and warmth, surrounded by people he loved. He will be dearly missed.

Brattleboro Ford Test Drive Event to Benefit BMH Emergency Department Campaign

announced it is sponsoring a “Drive 4 UR Community” event to benefit the Brattleboro Memorial Hospital Emergency Department renovation and expansion project on Sunday, October 27.

From 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM this Sunday, anyone with a valid driver’s license can test drive any Ford vehicle on a track set up in the BMH parking lot, located at 17 Belmont Avenue in Brattleboro, and Ford Motor Company will donate $20 to “The Doorway to Exceptional Care” capital campaign. Free coffee and donuts will be provided in the morning and complimentary hot dogs and hamburgers will be served from 12:00noon to 2:00 PM. An inflatable bouncy house and face-painters will also be on the premises to entertain children during the entire event.

Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Human Services Review Committee is Accepting Applications

The Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Human Services Review Committee is accepting applications for FY15 Human Services Funding. The Application, as well as Instructions and Guidelines, are on the Brattleboro website – www.brattleboro.org. The Human Services Review Committee Informational Meeting is scheduled on Wednesday, October 30, 2013 at 6:00pm in the Hanna Cosman meeting room at the Municipal Center. The deadline to submit applications to the Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office is Monday, November 18, 2013 at 4:00pm. For information regarding the application process, contact Jan Anderson in the Brattleboro Town Manager’s at 802-251-8151

More Than A Few West River Beaver Killed

This is a response to the letter in the Oct, 12th Reformer in regards to the demise of the wild beaver in the West River next to the corn field. Mr. Hamilton refers to killing a “few” beaver when in actuality a whole community was annihilated . Mr. Hamilton refers to killing scavengers such as coyotes, and vermin such as rats, Beaver are neither.

Upcoming Windham Regional Plan Public Forums: We’ve Got Questions

The Windham Regional Commission (WRC) is approximately halfway through the two-year update process for the 2014 Windham Regional Plan. The Plan reflects shared values and concerns of the people who live in the 27-towns and discusses current and future issues facing the Region. The Windham Region consists of the 23 towns of Windham County, Readsboro, Searsburg and Winhall in Bennington County, and Weston in Windsor County. The Windham Regional Plan is updated on an eight year cycle during which the information and statistics presented in the Plan, the Plan text which describes both historical and developing trends and values, and the resulting Plan policies will be reviewed and updated based on current information and conditions.

Dispose of Expired/Unwanted Medications During National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day This Saturday 10/26/13

Dispose of expired and excess medications at Prescription Drug Take Back Day
Saturday, October 26, 2013  10am – 2pm

Safely dispose of unwanted and expired prescription medications during National Prescription Drug Take Back Day on Saturday, October 26th from 10am-2pm at one of five locations in Windham County, Vermont. All types of medications will be collected including sharps, liquids, pills and patches. Safe disposal of medications during Take Back Day prevents contamination of waterways and reduces the opportunity for medications to be misused by others. 

Prescription Drug Take-Back Day Locations:  

Getting Married in Brattleboro. Recommendations for Justice of the Peace or Other Officiants?

We have recently relocated to Brattleboro and are getting married! Being new to town, we are overwelmed by the choices of JPs and other officiants in the area. We have no history or familiarity with any of them. I was unable to find much online for most of the JPs in town, although for a few I did uncover some town involvement and newspaper quotes over the years.

I’d expect we aren’t alone in wondering who to call first; Brattleboro is a destination town, and  I’d imagine people visit here to get married, and have the same questions as us.

Ashley Grievance Hearing Masks Larger Issues For Teachers

Over 30 people, many of them teachers, turned out to observe a special Town School Board meeting this week, which was held to hear a grievance from Academy School teacher Lauren Ashley. Ashley, a veteran of 27 years, filed the grievance after a disputed process involving her performance evaluations earlier this year. Usually hearings that involve personnel matters are held behind closed doors, but Ashley opted to have hers in open session.

School Board Chair Margaret Atkinson acted quickly to quell any off-topic discussion by members of the public, saying that due to open meeting law, no comment from the public would be accepted. “These are perilous times for public schools,” she said, but that the time to talk about it was not this hearing. “Please remain respectful,” she warned the audience.

Call for Submissions for PoemCity 2014

Hi Brattleboro writers! I want to thank those of you who have participated in Montpelier’s PoemCity (aka POETRY Alive!) event these past four years AND to invite you and your friends to do so once again. The submissions window is currently open until the end of the year. This is a little earlier, so we can have enough time to read your work. 

So, basically same rules as last year. If you forget, you can visit our blog here: . We’ll continue to update as we are planning the 2014 event. 

I look forward to reading your work, and seeing a few of you as you visit us in April for the full program. Thanks. -p

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 10/21/13

BCTV Ch.8 Schedule for the week of 10/21/13

                   Monday October 21

12:00 am      The Outfitting of Revolutionary Armies in the Champlain Valley

1:30 am       Words of Peace: Your True Nature

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Dr. Maura Cullen on Diversity and Inclusion

5:30 am       Green Mountain Vets For Peace – Ep.125

6:30 am       Empty Bowls: May 2008

Deceased Cat Found Without ID

 Sadly a large whiteish cat was discovered last night (around 6:30 pm) hit and killed in the road, most likely by a car in front of 64 Western Ave. He or She was a large white cat with tabby type markings. The cat has been stored in a box if you are possibly the owner and care to examine please reply, but will be turned over to the town animal control officer by early tomorrow morning.Sorry for your loss if this is you. Please respond to this post for more information if you think was your cat.

Meal Train for Elliot St. Fire Victims – Help With Food Needed, Starting Today!

From Bethany Thies:


“The meal train link benefiting the displaced families of the Elliot Street Fire is linked below. Please share, add people via e-mail on the link and also share of your time. We are still looking for donations of food for today, Saturday 10/19 and tomorrow, Sunday 10/20. Help how you can! if you can not make a
meal, we also need beverages (milk, juice and water), fresh sliced fruits and veggies and dessert items. Please give of your hands and heart.

Weekend Concert Series: Midnight Star in LA in 1983

This week’s concert takes us to Los Angeles in 1983 for a performance by Midnight Star.

This show has everything you need to get your funk on. Shiny suits, bright colors, Jheri curls, sunglasses, robot voices, and nightclub floor-fillers. If you listen to the Chocolate City show on WVEW Saturdays, these songs should sound familiar.

They got started at Kentucky State University in 1976, had a few under-the-radar albums, then broke out big with No Parking On The Dance Floor. The music video featured a classic dancing in the streets scene. with both Prince and Michael Jackson impersonators and dancing police, cowgirls, and construction workers. If they are at this LA show, however, they are watching from the audience.

Brattleboro Town Manager Citizen Search Committee Meeting and Agenda

The Brattleboro Town Manager Citizen Search Committee will meet on Thursday, October 24, 2013 at 4:00pm in the Selectboard meeting room at the Municipal Center.  It is anticipated that the Committee will enter into executive session at 4:00pm to discuss a personnel matter.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100