

Weekend Concert Series: Tuba Skinny

This week we feature Tuba Skinny, a band from New Orleans. I don’t know much about them, other than my dad played me a bit of them from his iPhone this week.

This seems to be recorded in Australia for a live radio program.

Eating Worms

I was just listening to actor George Takei (Mr. Sulu, helmsman of the USS Enterprise) on the radio, as he related some stories of his childhood in which his family was interned in a California concentration camp.

He explained: “We (his family) were Americans. My mother was from Sacramento. My father was a San Franciscan. I and my brothers were born in Los Angeles. But because we looked like the people that bombed Pearl Harbor, they threw us into jail.”

Brattleboro Rotary Club’s 48th Annual Christmas Tree Fundraiser Begins on Saturday, November 30

BRATTLEBORO, VT – The Christmas trees are coming! The Christmas trees are coming!

On Saturday, November 30, the 484th annual Brattleboro Rotary Club Christmas Tree Fundraiser officially begins.

Since 1965, the Brattleboro Rotary Club has sold Christmas trees as a fundraiser for local student scholarships, and this year is no different!

Vermont-grown trees of all shapes and sizes will be sold daily in front of Brattleboro Bowl on Putney Road from 11am to 6pm. Sales will begin the Saturday after Thanksgiving and continue until the trees are gone.

The Brattleboro Rotary Club, founded in 1950, is an active community service club of 80+ members who engage in community and human service projects both locally and internationally.

150 Years Ago (1863 11/17)

Brattleboro, Nov. 17th, 1863.

Dear wife –

It rains and has rained all night, no drill and not on guard, so have a good time to write. I did not go over to Hinsdale Sunday. It rained all night Saturday and all day Sunday. Monday it was warm and pleasant, but commenced raining when we were on dress parade, and has rained ever since I commenced this morning, but there has been so much card playing around my bunk that I had to give up writing. After dinner they took their places again with a new reinforcement. I told them to leave, or I would send their cards into the stove and a pack of fools after them, took it in good and evacuated. I have a pretty good place to write. My bunk is by a window, and the boys thought that the had got a fine place for Euchre, but they must keep clear, or I shall send them kiteing. The boys are a pretty good set, but the everlasting Euchre, I am so sick of it that I wish that I had every card in the world, that they would find the fire pretty quick.

150 Years Ago (1863 10/29)

Brattleboro, Oct. 29th, 1863

Dear Abiah, –

I wrote to you last Saturday, and promised in that to write you Monday but I did not keep my promise. I could not get a chance to write. I wrote to Mr. Cole, but I had to write with a pencil, but today I have a chance and mean to improve it. I went to Hinsdale Sunday found Mary Ann better but Susan’s little girl very sick. Poor little thing she suffered very much. She died Sunday night about 6 o’clock. Mr. Ballard came over Monday and told me yesterday. I got a pass and went to the funeral. It was at the house at 10 o’clock. I got leave to stop until after dress parade. I staid until evening. Fred came and brought me over to the Camp. I like him very much. He is a quiet, social intelligent man. he is heartily sick of farming. Is determined to sell his farm. He now thinks of getting some business near home where he can go home Saturday nights.

Brattleboro Committee Meetings Scheduled

The Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Human Services Review Committee will meet on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 at 6:30pm at 175 South Main Street.

The Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Finance Committee will meet on Thursday, December 5, 2013 at 4:30pm in the Selectboard meeting room at the Municipal Center.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100

I-91 Brattleboro Bridge Replacement Project Update – Week of December 1, 2013


Northbound I-91 traffic has been relocated onto the southbound bridge. Traffic will remain reduced to one lane in each direction on I-91 until completion of the new bridge in the Fall of 2015.

Night work will resume on Monday, December 2nd, and will continue Sunday through Thursday, and occasionally Friday, nights for the next several months, until demolition is complete.

Proposed Statewide Policy on Use of Conducted Electrical Weapons (Tasers): Public Comment Deadline 12/4/2013

Law Enforcement Advisory Board (LEAB) Proposed Statewide Policy on Use of Conducted Electrical Weapons (CEWs: aka Stun Guns aka Tasers; documents available online via Google Drive; no sign in required; 15 pages, including background information page), .

Public Comment DeadlineWednesday, December 4, 2013

The iBrattleboro Thanksgiving Hotline

Once again, we will be monitoring this thread to help you should you need a hand or a remedy in your holiday cooking adventures. iBratt is full of foodies, and at least one of us will be here throughout the morning and early afternoon. So don’t be shy, we’re here to help.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Brattleboro Thanksgiving Closings

In observance of the Thanksgiving holiday, all Brattleboro Town offices will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 28 and 29, 2013, with the exception of emergency services.

Brooks Memorial Library will close at 6:00pm on Wednesday, November 27, and will be closed on Thursday, November 28. It will be open for regular hours on Friday and Saturday, November 29 and 30.

Parking is free at all metered spaces and in the pay-and-display lots on Thursday and Friday, November 28 and 29. Parking will resume regular enforcement hours on Saturday, November 30.

All other violations, including extended parking, will be enforced.

Friends of Brooks Library Holiday Book Sale

The Friends of Brooks Memorial Library Holiday Book Sale

Friday, December 6 – 10AM to 6PM and

Saturday, December 7 – 10AM to 2PM

 All books are gift quality including fiction, children’s books and non-fiction titles ranging from history, art, cooking, gardening and many more subjects. A collection of 400 music CDs, mainly jazz, will also be on sale.

Brattleboro Energy Committee Recognized With Award

The Brattleboro Energy Committee has received an award for its successful efforts to advance and implement clean energy measures around town.

The committee received the award from the Vermont Energy and Climate Action Network.

Specifically, the Brattleboro Energy Committee has helped advance energy efficiency goals by helping the Town convert streetlights to LED fixtures, working to establish a PACE district for residential energy financing, promoting weatherization of Town buildings and participating in the Vermont Home Energy Challenge.

Russian Duo to Play in Grafton

GRAFTON, VT—The critically acclaimed Russian Duo will play at the White Church in Grafton on Sunday, December 1 at 3 p.m.

Featuring vocals and Russian percussion, the Duo will perform Russian folk music, romances, dances, classical music, gypsy melodies, and interpretations of favorites from around the world. Oleg Kruglyakov is a balalaika virtuoso originally from Siberia; Terry Boyarsky is an American concert pianist. The balalaika, with its three strings and a triangular body, is the instrument of choice for traditional Russian folk melodies.

Joule Thieves

I recently read an article about the wasted energy resulting from charging electrical and electronic devices beyond the point where they have fully charged. The article used a play on words to call attention to this waste.

In this age of modern technology, more and more devices rely on electricity to function. Gadgets like cell phones, laptops, MP3 players, tablets and lately, cars, are plugged every day to have their batteries recharged. Most of the time, we allot recharging time whenever we sleep so we can make sure that these batteries are fully charged. But what we don’t always realize is by doing this, we consume much more energy than needed.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 11/25/13

BCTV CH.8 Schedule for the week of 11/25/13

                   Monday November 25              

12:00 am      Vermont Arts Summit – Getting To Market

1:18 am       That Was the Week That Was- Malayaka House Uganda

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Green Mountain Vets For Peace – Ep. 126

5:00 am       Dartmouth CMS: Protection from Melanoma

5:15 am       Dartmouth CMS: Protection from Melanoma Pt. 2

Who Needs Decriminalization and Medical Marijuana?

Let’s skip the medical marijuana dispensary syndrome and simply legalize marijuana for adult use in Vermont. The Vermont legislature, like other states have outdated themselves with the implementation of marijuana dispensaries. They are not sensible solutions to set guidelines to dispense marijuana to people as patients.Moreover, it sets the terrible precedent that marijuana is best prescribed. The guidelines enacted by the legislature border on the ridiculous. Setting limits on the number of “patients” allowed to receive a license, and setting limits on the list of ailments that physicians can prescribe for their patients literally defeats the purpose of using marijuana as a medicine for a broad spectrum of people.