

Safety Tip of the Week – Driving

Driving – It’s a privlege, not a right.

When parking, don’t block sidewalks. Pedestrians and those in wheelchairs need to get through, so when you park a car, pay attention to keeping the sidewalk (or crosswalk) free.

5th Annual Brattleboro Rotary Club “International Film & Food Festival” Set for March 2nd

The Brattleboro Rotary Club is raising money to help upgrade the radio station KILI, a non-profit radio station broadcasting to the Lakota people on the Pine Ridge, Cheyenne River, and Rosebud Indian Reservations, part of the Great Sioux Nation in South Dakota.

On Sunday, March 2, 2014, from 4-8PM at the New England Youth Theatre, the Brattleboro Rotary Club will be sponsoring the fifth annual “International Film & Food Festival,” with proceeds benefiting KILI which serves 30,000 people on the three reservations and seeks to preserve Native American culture and instill pride in the peoples’ unique heritage.

Lucy Terry Prince & “The Black Man in Song” includes Local History

Guilford, Vt. – On Saturday, February 22, at 3:00 p.m., Friends of Music at Guilford presents “Lucy Terry Prince & The Black Man in Song” at Guilford Community Church (snow date: Feb. 23). Co-sponsored by Guilford Historical Society, this Black History Month event includes a talk by Linda Hecker on early Guilford resident Lucy Terry Prince (1730-1821) and a concert of works by ten African-American composers featuring tenor Irwin Reese and pianist Julia Bady.

African-born Lucy Terry grew up as a slave in the Ebenezer Wells household of Deerfield, Massachusetts. Considered the earliest African-American literary figure, she authored a poem about a 1746 Indian attack on Deerfield that was handed down orally for many years before its first publication. She married Abijah Prince, a free Black man from nearby Northfield, and raised a large family on land they bought in Guilford, Vermont. Lucy’s skills as an orator were legendary.

Poet Federico Garcia Lorca in Vermont

Because of snow (again!) the Garcia Lorca program scheduled for Wednesday evening has been postponed to Saturday, Feb. 22, at 3:00 p.m. in the meeting room. See you then!

Please join independent scholar, Patricia Billingsley for a richly illustrated slide talk with vintage photos, maps, and other related images about the friendship between Spanish poet Federico García Lorca and Vermont poet Philip Cummings in the Library’s meeting room.

Deconstruction Works Growing; Tag Sale This Saturday 9-12

Deconstruction Works, a local deconstruction services provider, has been performing partial- and whole-house deconstruction for several months now.  In an exciting development, 4 founding member-owners have agreed to formally incorporate the firm as a member-owned cooperative. 

The team includes Tom Shea (formerly with ReSource, a Burlington based non-profit deconstruction services provider), Randy Bright (of ForNora Energy Solutions, which will continue to exist and grow), Erich Kruger (formerly with  ReNew Salvage & Ithaca-based  Finger Lakes ReUse) and Michael Weitzner (of Thistle Stone Works). Projects are currently underway in Dummerston, Newfane, and Brattleboro.  In the spring they will be dismantling a 4000 sq ft house in Tinmouth, Vermont.

Selectboard Meeting Notes: Utility Rates, Bus Changes, and Turnaround Tension

Should we cut lose the library or recreation department? Find a new management model? The Brattleboro Selectboard’s discussion of a municipal hiring pause led to talk of rethinking town government and services on a grand scale, at least for a short while Tuesday evening.

Utility rates have been calculated and announced, Connecticut River Transit encourages public comment on proposed changes to their routes and schedules, a new turnaround in the location of the old turnaround on New England Drive raised concerns by a property owner, and many grants were on the agenda, leading to a varied and busy evening for the board.

Train Your Brain!

Where are my keys?  What is that person’s name?  Why did I come into this room?

Sound familiar?  Want to do something about it?

The latest brain research has reached such popular publications as National Geographic and AARP Magazine.  It has scientifically revealed that our mind-body connections can have a positive influence on our memory.  The faculty at Brattleboro-based NEPNI (the Northeast Psycho-Neuro-Immunology Institute) has extensively explored much of this evidence-based brain research and wants to share it with you.

150 Years Ago (1864 2/18)

U.S. Barracks, Brattleboro, Feb. 18,

Dearest Abiah,

Well, here I am in the old spot all well and sound. Went on guard yesterday morning, it was horrible. The wind blew so that the old guard house cracked. It kept growing colder all day. I slept until half past two, then took charge of the guards until 8, but it was quite different from standing on post. I feel much better doing something than in staying in the office, but I have a nice chance to think sitting up alone. How much I thought of home you may guess. That is a place that is ever present with me. How the heart will yearn to embrace you and the children. I feel great anxiety for you all. I am afraid that your health will suffer taking so close care of the children.

Chile Human Rights Arts Project. B4 Peace

Human Rights Arts Project in Chile by Namaya, Zoe Kopp, & B 4 Peace Team

The Vermont based artist and poet Namaya,and Zoe Kopp the Program Director for B4 Peace presented a multimedia performance art project at a Peace Park  in Santiago Chile from December 21 through the January 21, 2014t.  “MEMORIA. HABLAR.DIGNIDAD. 40,” to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the coup d’etat on September 11, 1973 that lead to eighteen years of a brutal dictatorship. 

Starry Mountain Singers at Sandglass Theater

Don’t miss this rare treat!  On Friday evening, The Starry Mountain Singers (featuring members of the beloved Sweetback Sisters) will grace the Sandglass stage with their gorgeous and intoxicating harmonies!


Friday, February 21st, 7:30 pm

Suggested Donation $10 – $15

At Sandglass Theater

17 Kimball Hill, Putney, VT

to make reservations (highly recommended!)
By Email: stefanamidon@gmail.com
or by phone: 718-916-1544

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 2/17/14

BCTV CH.8 Schedule for the week of 2-17-14

                   Monday February 17

1:30 am       Nuclear Free Future: Talking with Maggie Gunderson

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Tar Sands Exposed – Exploring the Human and Environmental Costs

6:15 am       Ray Shadis: Nuclear Decommissioning Outcomes

8:00 am       Democracy Now!: LIVE coverage

9:00 am       Agape Christian Fellowship: Mind Your Morals

Presidents Day! USA Honors 12 Commanders-in Chief Prosecutable for Wrongful Deaths in 26 Nations

Eminent historian Prof. Noam Chomsky, has said over and over again, without provoking much negative outcry, “If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged.” US Chief Prosecutor Robert Jackson at the Nuremberg trials of Germans in 1945, felt obliged to point out that “these laws are not meant only for Germans, but for the citizens of all nations.” Why do Americans not get it?

Eminent historian Prof. Noam Chomsky of M.I.T., various times voted world’s most famous intellectual in international polls, has said over and over again, without provoking much negative outcry, “If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged.”

Center for Cardiovascular Health at BMH In Conjunction With Rescue, Inc. To Offer Rapid CPR

To raise awareness among local women that heart disease is their #1 health threat, the at Brattleboro Memorial Hospital, in conjunction with Rescue, Inc. today announces free Rapid CPR training.

. representatives will be onsite in the lobby of the Richards Building at Brattleboro Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, February 19 and 26, from 12:00 – 1:00 PM.

Rapid CPR, also known as hands only CPR, skips the “mouth to mouth” breathing, relying on rapid chest compressions instead, which has been proven to be as effective as regular CPR until help arrives. Rescue, Inc. will be onsite with mannequins to provide this training free of charge. No registration is required.

Fake City

The US army has built a fake city designed to be used during combat training exercises.

The 300 acre ‘town’ includes a five story embassy, a bank, a school, an underground subway and train station, a football stadium, and a helicopter landing zone.

Located in Virginia, the realistic subway station comes complete with subway cars and the train station has real train cars.

As Propane Prices Soar, Vermont Congressional Delegation Seeks Emergency Export Curbs

BURLINGTON, Vt., Feb. 16 – With unusually cold winter weather gripping much of the nation, the Vermont congressional delegation wants the Obama administration to clamp limits on propane exports to bring down skyrocketing prices for the home heating fuel.

Calling for “urgent and decisive action,” U.S. Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and U.S. Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) asked Department of Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker to use her emergency powers to temporarily halt exports of propane. In , the lawmakers sought the export curbs at a time when domestic prices of propane nationwide are 60 percent greater this winter than one year ago.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – February 18, 2014

Tuesday’s meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard at the Municipal Center on Main Street will feature discussions of many grants. Of greater interest, however, may be the discussion and setting of the FY15 Utilities budget, rates, and plan for capital improvements, or the discussion about creating a new public turnaround at New England Drive.

Connecticut River Transit will explain rate and route changes, a bid to begin work at the Western Avenue/Union Hill intersection will be awarded, a town hiring pause discussion will continue, and you can bring up other items not mentioned in the agenda during public participation. Watch on BCTV, and read the summary here the day after.