

Get Great Coffee as a Reward for Helping African Farmers Get Organic Certification.

A donation for as little as $7 can make a difference, and yes, you get a cafe drink as a reward. It really is that easy.

Mocha Joe’s has helped more than 50 farmers get organic certification.(To make the program sustainable they need to certify many more.)

Mocha Joe’s is also helping to set up a fund so that the farmers can avoid taking out loans at rates that are as high as 200%. How? By funding the local credit union. Every dollar we raise, helps create that fund, and help the farmers join the credit union. 

Open Letter to President Maduro

Dear President Maduro, slanderous Western media, promoting war and violence for capital gains of the mercilessly amoral automaton functioning speculative interest banking industry, has put you in their spotlight to better target you with defamation. This is then your opportunity to be heard a bit world-wide. In telling the truth about the USA, you will be protecting all of us, Venezuela included.

SeVEDS Funding Requests on Town Meeting Warnings in Windham Region

Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) support requests will be on the Town Meeting warning in ten Southeastern Vermont towns this Tuesday March 4th. For the third year in a row SeVEDS is asking towns to support the regional effort at a $3 per person calculation.

The aging and declining population in the Windham Region has impacted the size and quality of the overall workforce, regional employers’ ability to grow, and the ability to maintain funding for quality of life priorities for residents. SeVEDS considers reversing this trend to be beyond the capacity of individual towns, and credits its regional board and regional funding with demonstrating that all towns in southeastern Vermont have a stake in growing the regional economy and workforce.

Brattleboro Selectboard Write-In Candidate – Kathryn Turnas II

This morning we learn that there is a write-in candidate for the one year Brattleboro Selectboard seat. Former candidate Kathryn Turnas II announced her candidacy in an email this morning:

“I plan on running as a write-in candidate for the one year Select Board seat.  If you decide to write me in please use Kathryn Turnas II. 

Thanks in advance and see you at the polls.”

The Classic Matinee Film Noir Series at Brooks Memorial Library

Come in from the icy cold! The Classic Matinee Film Noir Series at Brooks Memorial Library runs on Wednesday afternoons at 2 pm.

Today, Wednesday, Feb 26, at 2 PM, warm up with some intrigue and suspense in a mythical South American community involved in a war-surplus contraband racket. For title information please contact the Brooks Library. 

What is film noir? Literally it means “black film” and it is a Hollywood genre of crime movie of the 1940’s and 50’s that developed mostly out of the Great Depression crime fiction.

Strolling of the Heifers offers Spring Gardening and CSA Preview

Spring is just around the corner and the Strolling of the Heifers is gearing up to make more connections between farmers and the community with their first annual Spring Gardening and CSA Preview. 

The event will be held on Sunday, March 9, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Stroll’s new headquarters, the Robert H. Gibson River Garden in downtown Brattleboro.

CSA’s are community-supported agricultural ventures. CSA members or subscribers pay at the onset of the growing season for a share of the anticipated harvest; once harvesting begins, they receive weekly shares of vegetables, fruit, meat, cheese, eggs or other products depending on the farm.

First Area Sugar on Snow Supper This Saturday in Guilford


Broad Brook Grange’s annual Sugar on Snow Supper will be held Saturday, March 1, at the Grange hall in Guilford Center. Always the first sugar supper of the season in Windham County, the meal features ham, baked beans, deviled eggs, cole slaw, potato salad, rolls, pickles, homemade donuts, and Guilford maple sugar on snow.

This is always the first such supper of the sugaring season here in Windham County, with about one per weekend at other venues after this.  

There will be three seatings: at 5:00, 6:00 and 7:00 pm.  At each seating, a half-gallon of Guilford maple syrup will be raffled. Phone in your reservation soon!

Brattleboro Police-Fire Facilities Building Committee – Selectboard Notice

The Brattleboro Police-Fire Facilities Building Committee will meet on Thursday, February 27, at 4:00pm in the Hanna Cosman meeting room at the Municipal Center.

It is anticipated that the Committee will recess at approximately 5:30pm to attend the public viewing of the design plans for three buildings in the Selectboard meeting room, and then reconvene at approximately 6:00pm to take public comment on the plans.

Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast – Selectboard Candidates’ Forum Notes

Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast

February 21, 2014. Gibson-Aiken Center – Brattleboro VT

Selectboard Candidates’ Forum

One candidate for (1) three year seat

David Schoales

David reiterated three objectives he talked about last year:

  1. to move toward a more collaborative climate; move to a more problem solving approach

  2. to ensure that any new jobs created through public investment go to Brattleboro residents

Warning: Fine Print Hidden in Health Care Laws

The issue that needs to be examined is the ‘claw back’ provision of Medicaid. Unfortunately, even many legislators are unaware of this problem. This provision in the law is punitive and prejudicial. It will be imposed only on the very poor – those who qualify for Medicaid. This is a death tax that will be imposed only on the very poor. Will poor unmarried citizens be ‘penalized’ for their low income and also for not having a spouse? Those who are dirt poor will now even have their dirt taxed away from any heirs. Of course, those with accountants, lawyers, financial planners can avoid this unfair tax – but poor people do not have that kind of support system.

Gateway to Southern Vermont a Third World Road? Route 9/Western Avenue: Pot Hole Alley

An open letter to Governor Shumlin and to our federal and state delegations:

This winter Route 9/Western Avenue off of Interstate 91 Exit 2 in Brattleboro has been in abominable shape.  Despite the best efforts of the Brattleboro Department of Public Works to keep ahead of new pot holes through patching, both new-timers and old-timers in town say this is the worst shape they have ever seen the road.

Traffic has slowed to a crawl as everyone tries to avoid flat tires or damage to their undercarriages. 
Drivers bob and weave like prize fighters, hopefully not into the fists of oncoming traffic.  (Of just the
drivers the DPW has heard from, department head Steve Barrett reports well over 20 blown tires.)  This focus on the decrepit road condition distracts drivers from watching for bicyclists and pedestrians.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 2/24/14

BCTV Ch.8 Schedule for the week of 2-24-14 

                   Monday February 24                 

12:00 am      UVM Comm Med School: Patient Choices at the End of Life

1:30 am       Nuclear Free Future: Talking with Maggie Gunderson

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Halloween Party at the Stone Church 10/31/13

6:30 am       The Folklorist – Episode 5

6:50 am       We’re All in This Together: Reefer Madness

Sheriff Richard Mack on WVEW

Join DJ Pockets for another experience that you won’t soon forget..its “buttahmilk” this Tuesday Feb.25th from 6pm-8pm on Brattleboro Community Radio. 107.7fm and streaming on www.wvew,org

Sheriff Richard Mack spent eleven years with the police department of Provo, Utah, and then moved back to Arizona to run for Graham County Sheriff in 1988. While serving as sheriff, he attended the FBI National Academy and graduated in 1992. In 1994, he was named Elected Official of the Year by the Arizona-New Mexico Coalition of Counties. He was also named the National Rifle Association Law Enforcement Officer of the Year for 1994, and was inducted into the NRA Hall of Fame.

Not In Your History Books

Interviewer [RLElkins]: “Where did you derive your historical knowledge about the origin of the sales tax in Vermont?”

Interviewee [Unidentified]: “As a college intern majoring in political science with unrestricted access to the inner workings of the Vermont Statehouse from 1968 through 1970. Unbeknownst to my legislative benefactors, a detail journal of the briefings, hearings, and confidential discussions in Montpelier, some that the press did not have access too, were dictated into a tape recorder every night and later transcribed onto Eaton Typing Paper for my college thesis.”

“What was the title of your college thesis?”

“Vermont Sales Tax – The Dazzling New Legislative Toothpaste for Budget Decay.”

“What grade did you receive?”


Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of Feb. 22nd

This week’s listings, arranged in geomorphic layers:

Food Prep for weight Loss
Need haircut
Help Install Interior 2-Way Cat Flap Door
Drip, Drip, Drip! – help dealing with a leaky ceiling and falling plaster
Baked Goods Needed For Fundraising Table at CSA/Gardening Event
Homemade Salad Dressing
Help Shopping for Health Insurance

Brattleboro Farmers Market Seeks New Members

The Brattleboro Area Farmers’ Market is now accepting applications for new members to vend their products at the Saturday and/or Wednesday Markets. The Farmers’ Market is the region’s largest and oldest open-air Market and supports local agriculture, prepared foods and crafts. The Market features over 50 diverse vendors from the local area and attracts thousands of visitors annually.

The Brattleboro Area Farmers’ Market is a not-for-profit, membership organization and welcomes applications from those who grow and/or create their own high-quality products, especially those working with local ingredients/materials to bring variety to the Market’s offerings.

Brattleboro Town Clerk Election Hours

The Brattleboro Town Clerk’s office will be open Saturday, March 1 from 9 a.m. to noon for early voting in the Annual Town and Town School District elections. The Town Clerk’s office will be closed Tuesday, March 4. Staff will be conducting elections in the B.U.H.S. gym on Fairground Road. Polling hours are 9:00 am to 7:00 pm.

Annette L. Cappy
Brattleboro Town Clerk
230 Main Street, Suite 108
Brattleboro. VT 05301

ph 802-251-8129

Uncleared Sidewalks = Broken Bones

Humans are not like penguins. We are not designed to walk on the ice. My father, who is in his 70’s, was walking in his hometown. The sidwalk was not cleared, and he slipped and fell on his side with a sickening cracking and terrible pain.This simple fall resulted in 6 broken ribs. He is in much pain, can hardly move, and even breathing is hard for him.

On my street, here in Brattleboro, I have noticed that again and again and again, some people clear their sidewalks, and some do not. South Main should be passable all the way from one end to the other.

Right now, there is slush, and tonight, the slush may well freeze, bumpy and slippery.