

World Music & Jazz Roots Concert to Benefit School Music Program

On Friday, March 14, at 8:00 p.m. in the Vermont Jazz Center performance space at the Cotton Mill Hill complex, Friends of Music at Guilford presents a “World Music & Jazz Roots” concert benefiting its annual Music Enrichment Program at Guilford Central School.

The Friday concert features two ensembles drawing on jazz and classical foundations as well as traditional instrumental and vocal music from around the world. They blend those roots and rhythms into World Music and jazz forms, often original and sometimes skillfully improvised, but always a masterful, creative fusion carrying their audience along on a joyful, soulful journey.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 3/10/14

BCTV Ch.8 schedule for the week of 3-10-14

                   Monday March 10            

12:00 am      Madison’s Hell- Exploring Madisonian Constitutionalism

1:15 am       TED Talks: Christopher Soghoian: Government surveillance –  Just The Beginning

1:25 am       That Was the Week That Was: AARP Driver Safety Program

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Madison’s Hell- Exploring Madisonian Constitutionalism

The Future Collective Rocks Brattleboro

Sometime last year, it broke into my consciousness that there was a new arts group in town called the Future Collective and they were doing interesting things. But it wasn’t until this year, when suddenly they held a fundraiser and rented a space on Elliott Street, that I finally got around to figuring out who they were. What they are is very cool – a loosely affiliated group of artists, musicians, visionaries, and creative types who want to create a supportive scene around a free interpretation of the arts. I’m making that up. I have no idea what their actual mission is but it seems related to joy, freedom, beauty, and awesomeness for all. Mission aside, they’ve already given me one thing I’d been missing for a while – loud, live rock and roll music.

150 Years Ago (1864 3/9)

Another night has passed, and such a night of storm. It commenced raining about 7 o’clock and rained very hard and snowed all night. This morning it is snowing very fast and thawing. The whole face of the ground is covered with snow and water. No drilling today. It is the best weather to make the sap run I ever saw. Well, I dated my letter wrong, should have been Sunday 6th. It is now Wednesday 9th. I have got in debt to you now two letters certain, one Saturday night, and I was made glad again tonight by another which has reminded me that I must hurry up this. I do not think that I shall hardly get it finished, as I have to go on guard tomorrow and I must get this off by half past 8 o’clock. I go on guard at nine tomorrow morning and come off at nine Friday morning.

Brattleboro Farmers’ Market New Member Meeting this Wednesday!

The Brattleboro Area Farmers’ Market is now accepting applications for new members to vend their products at the Saturday and/or Wednesday Markets. The Farmers’ Market is the region’s largest and oldest open-air Market and supports local agriculture, prepared foods and crafts. The Market features over 50 diverse vendors from the local area and attracts thousands of visitors annually.

The Brattleboro Area Farmers’ Market is a not-for-profit, membership organization and welcomes applications from those who grow and/or create their own high-quality products, especially those working with local ingredients/materials to bring variety to the Market’s offerings.

Sanders, Other Senators to Speak All Night in Wake-Up Call to Congress on Global Warming

BURLINGTON, Vt., March 9 – In a dramatic gesture to urge action on climate change, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and other members of the Senate Climate Action Task Force will pull an all-nighter speaking on the Senate floor from Monday night through Tuesday morning.

“When I go home to Vermont, people ask me what world the United States Congress is living in,” said Sanders. “They understand that the overwhelming majority of scientists agree that climate change is real, it is caused by human activity and it is causing devastating damage all over the world. They want us to act and take bold measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

Crack This Word Puzzler and Get a $20 Gift Certificate at Mocha Joe’s

Crack this word puzzler, and get $20 Gift Certificate for Mocha Joe’s. Below is a word puzzler for your fun.Crack it, and you will see a brief and grammatical correct message. Whoever solves it first, should email me for the prize at rolf . ParkerHoughton at gmail .com

If you can’t crack this word puzzle, but still would like to get $20 worth of coffee for only $15, you can
donate to the campaign to help farmers in Cameroon obtain organic certification.

Art Reception Today, 2 to 4 pm: Landscapes by Nancy Calicchio at All Souls Church

Nancy Calicchio Shows Vermont Landscapes Through April

During March and April, Westminster West painter Nancy Calicchio is showing “Landscape Trilogy” in the foyer and other gallery spaces at All Souls Church in West Brattleboro. This exhibition features groups of three paintings of the same subject, each canvas a further interpretation of the landscape. In the larger (36”x36”) works, Nancy explores the balance between earth and sky. She invites the viewer to feel the long view of overlapping hills and the mysterious ambiguity of the far horizon as she searches to create the illusion of depth on a flat surface. Additional paintings round out her study of the earth-sky relationship.

Weekend Concert Series – Joe Jackson (and Prince)

It’s 1982 and Joe Jackson was just releasing ‘Night and Day,’ with the soon-to-be-hits ‘Steppin’ Out’ and ‘Breaking Us In Two.’ He also had a minor hit with ‘Real Men.’

This is “the new Joe Jackson band” according to the host. The old band, responsible for ‘Look Sharp!,’ ‘I’m The Man,’ and ‘Beat Crazy’ had broken up, and Jackson had taken a break by putting out his ‘Jumpin’ Jive’ album before returning to pop hits.


Hey, I have heard rumors of a program starting up in Brattleboro called solarize.  The rumors say it is about bringing the cost way down for home solar electric systems.  Does anyone have information?  I can find nothing on the town website or on iBrattleboro.

Brattleboro ADA Advisory Committee Meeting

The Brattleboro ADA Advisory Committee will meet on Friday, March 14, 2014 at 10:00am at Marlboro College Graduate Center in the VCIL conference room.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100

Monday Afternoon: Music Appreciation Gathering

Think book club for music lovers!

On Monday, the Brattleboro Music Center’s new monthly gatherings for music and discussion begin. Monday’s session will be led by accomplished pianist and Windham Orchestra director Hugh Keelan.  The Music Appreciation gathers will be held from 1:30 to 3 pm at the BMC, 38 Walnut Street in Brattleboro.  All are invited to attend, no previoius knowledge or experience needed to enjoy.  $5 suggested fee.

150 Years Ago (1864 3/7)

Brattleboro, March 7, 1864.

Dearest Abiah,

I received your most welcome letter last night. I was in luck for I got a letter from Catherine at the same time. I was glad to hear that you were well, except for that headache. Hope that is no more than a head ache. You cannot know how anxious I am when I get a letter and how quickly I glance over its contents to see that you are all well. I am afraid that you work too hard how does the money hold out If you are like to run short, perhaps I can borrow it and not wait for pay day.

I did intend to have gone to Hinsdale today, but the mud was too deep. There is but little snow here, but plenty of mud and the road to Hinsdale looks long and besides, I wished to fill this sheet of paper with something. Yesterday morning the robins were singing, and it appeared like the right time to tap the sugar place and it was. I hear that most of the sugar places were tapped yesterday and day before and the sap has run very fast and is running now. We had a little rain last night. I felt pretty homesick yesterday morning. I expect to have many such mornings this spring, but you will not pity me I suppose. Well, I do not deserve any, but I am sick of Brattleboro.

A House Divided – Medical Marijuana Muddles Marijuana Legalization

For years I have been warning marijuana advocates not to take the easy way out by using medical marijuana as a wedge to “soften up” public sentiment. Regrettably, many marijuana patients had this “we need our medicine now” mentality. Too many medical marijuana people were self-interested only in their needs. Some even stated to me it was more important to legalize marijuana for medical needs than it was to legalize it for all adults. The fact that millions of Americans were and are trapped in the criminal justice gulag did not matter to them, just as long as they got their meds.

As I feared, medical marijuana only muddles marijuana legalization. In the long run, the advent of pundits pushing the medical angle did so at the expense of the larger marijuana consumer population.

“Free to Good Home” Pets

Before releasing your pets via a “Free to good home” ad, please do some research on this problem and arrange a follow up plan so you can see that your beloved pets DO recieve the care and love they deserve.  You can begin by typing “Free to good home” in Google and see the extent of risk of doing this.  Pet-abuse.com has some great articles on this.

Brattleboro District Caucus, Pre-Town Meeting Informational Meeting

Brattleboro Town Selectboard will hold a pre-town meeting information forum on Wednesday, March 12 at Academy School beginning at 7:00 PM. Prior to the forum, each district will caucus begin at 6:30 PM. Town meeting members of each district will be available to meet with constituents to offer residents an opportunity to discuss articles to be voted on at the annual meeting.

Also, at that time, districts will be accepting nominations to fill town meeting member vacancies. Appointments are for one year. District 1 has 12 vacancies, District 2 has 13 vacancies and District 3 has 1 vacancy. Anyone interested in being considered for these positions should be present at Wednesday’s 6:30PM caucus. Classroom locations at Academy School for each caucus will be posted in the school lobby that evening.