

Cabin Fever – Two More Performances!

The Snack Theatre’s production of Cabin Fever, a benefit for Strolling of the Heifers, continues on Friday and Saturday nights at 8 p.m. at the River Garden. The one-act play, dubbed a “comedy of menace” features (from left to right) Bill Hickok, Beth Kiendl and William Stearns discussing what cabin fever is really all about.

Admission is $15, more if you are so inclined, and includes yummy home-baked goodies. For reservations, phone the Stroll office at 802-246-0982.

Skatepark Site Selection Committee Minutes Draft – March 13, 2014

Meeting called to order: at 5:20 PM

Members present: Joe Bushey, Marty Fitzgerald, Betsy Gentile, Elizabeth McLouglin, Jacob Roberts, Andrea Watkins. Others present: Jeff Clark, Francine Vallario, Howard Weiss-­‐Tisman, Linda Whelihan, Patty Fitzgerald


  • Public Participation

    Jeff Clark, the chair of BASIC informed the SSSC members that there might be vacancies coming up on their committee. He thought some members from SSSC might be interested in seeing the skate park project through to completion (possibly a new design, fund raising and building) and would be welcome to serve on BASIC as members or consultants. Chair, Betsy Gentile, replied that it would be a very good idea and a logical step for members to consider when their work on the site selection committee was completed.

  • Missing Dog Islay (“eye-la”) in West B.

    PLEASE HELP FIND ISLAY!!! (eye-la) Our dog ran off in West Brattleboro, from the home of Michael Gigante, PhD, (31 frog hill) toward Hilltop Montessori. She had no collar on, and was running away from a chocolate lab.

    Please help her to get home, which is 1469 Windmill Hill Rd South in Putney.

    She left their home around 11 am yesterday, March 17th. She is very shy and probably won’t come if called. If you see her, please call Heather Taylor at 802-451-6340 or John Todd at 802-380-3455.

    Dummerston Community Center Spring Tag Sale!

    The much-anticipated Spring Tag Sale happens this Saturday, March 22nd from 9:00 AM until noon at the Dummerston Community Center, in scenic West Dummerston village. Items for sale include books, toys, games, kitchenware, clothing, footwear, and miscellaneous treasures. The sale will benefit the Center’s operating and maintenance costs. The Center is handicapped accessible. For information call 254-9212 or 254-2415.

    150 Years Ago (1864 3/16-18)

    Brattleboro, Mar. 16, 1864

    Dearest wife,

    I seat myself this pleasant morning to write. Shall I say that I am homesick? The weather has been of the
    finest kind for several days. It is just the weather to make a man that has been accustomed to out door life feel a little gloomy. We are not shut up, but the barracks and camp generally look gloomy enough, you can imagine how much so as well as I can write.

    Townshend Death Cafe

    Are you curious about Death Café’s but haven’t been able to attend? Your next opportunity has arrived—once again we’ll be hosting a Café, this time in Townshend! We’ll gather on Tuesday, April 1st, 6 – 7:30pm @ the Townshend Dam Diner, 5929 Route 30, W. Townshend, 2 miles north of Townshend Dam. Event and munchies are free and everyone is welcome, but RSVP’s are a must!

    Brattleboro Area Prevention Coalition Community Survey: Price Chopper/Rite Aid

    During the month of March, Brattleboro Area Prevention Coalition (BAPC)  is doing a community survey to determine if people are bothered by second-hand smoke in front of Price Chopper and/or Rite Aid on Canal Street.

    BAPCwill be hosting a community Facebook chat in early April to discuss the results and determine the next step. Please complete the survey, pass it along, and join us for the Facebook chat on April 8th from 7-8 PM. 

    Items to Cost More if 1% Local Option Tax Passes

    From the for the 1% local option tax. 


    • Belt buckles sold separately
    • Costume masks sold separately
    • Patches and emblems sold separately
    • Sewing equipment and supplies including knitting needles, patterns, pins, scissors, sewing machines, sewing needles, tape measures and thimbles.
    • Sewing materials such as buttons, fabric, lace, thread, yarn, and zippers
    • Briefcases

    BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 3/17/14

    BCTV CH.8 Schedule for the week of 3/17/14

                       Monday March 17            

    12:10 am      The VT Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing – O

    1:00 am       The Shires of Vermont Byway: VT Rt.7 and Historic Rt.7A

    2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

    4:00 am       For the Animals: Amy Emerson

    4:30 am       VIT Presents: Public Service Board Hearing on Telecommunication

    Linking In To Metadata

    Not being a mobile phone user, I haven’t felt particularly tied into the metadata flap, although I understand why that data is so useful to the powers that be.  This morning, however, I had a particularly graphic moment with the concept that gave me pause.  It all started when I received an invitation to “connect” with someone on LinkedIn.  

    Retirement Planning for Civilization Collapse

    I’m turning 50 this year, which means I have 15-20 years to retirement age — if all goes well.

    Let’s look at the news and see if things are going well. Lost airplane, Crimea, oh wait, what’s this?  That might impact my retirement. You have my attention.

    The article says collapses are a normal part of the cycle of civilization. Rome, for example. OK, we knew that. Nothing new there.

    The Land Where the Blues Began: Images and Music of the Mississippi Delta with Scott Ainslie

    Join blues guitarist & historian Scott Ainslie on Friday March 21, 2014, 7:30 pm, in Library’s Main Room for a visually and musically entertaining exploration of the region that was ground zero for the development of the Blues. Tickets are $20.00/ $15.00 for Friends of Library members, and may be purchased at Brattleboro Tix or at the library’s circulation desks, and at the door. To benefit the Friends of BML.

    Brooks Library New Book Alerts

    Be the first to know what new titles are coming into the Brooks Library collection. It’s easy and it’s free. Click here for the current online edition of Brooks Memorial Library New Book Alerts. Click here to sign up for New Book Alerts. Happy reading! For more information contact the Brooks Memorial Library at brookslibraryvt.org

    A Pet Peeve

    Isn’t it odd that the breasts, the amazingly life-sustaining part of the human body, are referred to as “boobs”, the definitions of which are 1. “a foolish or stupid person”, and 2. “an embarrassing mistake.”

    Brattleboro Time Trade — Week of March 15th

    This week’s listings, arranged non-randomly:

    Help with Solarize Putney Event, Sat. March 15th, 5-10 PM
    Help Me Make Kindling?
    Need a Creative Carpentry Solution
    Need a Trapeze!
    Child Care While I’m at the Gym
    March 28th 6-8 PM Event Support: Rich Earth Institute
    Popover Pans

    Irish Music & Fresh Green Spinach Saturday at the Winter Farmers’ Market!

    Wild Carrot Farm will be making a special appearance at the market Saturday 3/15 to bring you fresh spinach and add some fresh green to the sounds of the Green from Inisheer! Jesse & Caitlin from Wild Carrot Farm will have some locally grown dried beans and popcorn too! So stop by the Winter Farmers’ Market at the beautiful River Garden between 10-2. Let the sounds of Inisheer put some advanced St. Patrick’s Green in your spirit . They’ll even have a stage! And we’ll have open space for an Irish jig or two!

    Weekend Concert Series – The Beatles, Rooftop Concert

    A handful of concerts are “legendary” shows, and the Beatles playing their last live performance on the roof of Apple in London is certainly near the top of the list.

    I’ve always liked this footage from Let It Be. The rooftop is an interesting and unusual space to play, and the shots of people in the streets realizing what’s going on are classic. The band seems to be having a lot of fun. A little bit of rule-breaking reminds Londoners they are alive, at least for a short while, until the police shut things down. Imagine if they had let it go for even a few more minutes.

    Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – March 18, 2014

    Will Brattleboro recognize Martin Luther King Day as a holiday by 2015? The Brattleboro Selectboard will debate the issue at their next regular Tuesday meeting at the Municipal Center. You are welcome and encouraged to attend.

    There will also be discussions of farm tax stabilization, a loan for the new Duo restauarnt, a public hearing on Utility rate changes (speak now or forever pay your increases), sidewalk plowing for some of Cedar Street, and more. You can also bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

    Watch on BCTV, and read about it hear the day after.

    Thank You to Retailers and Restaurants who participated in the Responsible Beverage Service Trainings

    To the Brattleboro Business Community,

    The Brattleboro Area Prevention Coalition (BAPC) would like
    to thank the businesses that participated in the Responsible Beverage Service Trainings held in March co-sponsored by the Department of Liquor Control.

    BAPC recognizes the important role that local retailers and restaurants play in preventing underage drinking. Thank you to the following businesses for participating in the training: