

Things For The Village Meeting To Take In Hand, 1885

From the Vermont Phoenix, May 1, 1885, an article discussing matters that should be discussed at the upcoming annual village meeting.

Things For The Village Meeting To Take In Hand, 1885

A matter of the first importance, which should receive attention at the annual village meeting next Tuesday evening, is the sanitary condition of the village. With a cholera invasion threatened, and all the great cities of the country fearing an attack of the scourge, more importance will attach to sanitary matters in every community the coming season than ever before.

While Brattleboro as a rule is in clean, wholesome condition, and enjoys a remarkable degree of freedom from epidemic disease, there are plague spots in the village which are too obvious to need pointing out.

Special Budget Meeting Will Be At BAMS Multi Purpose Room

There have been a few locations mentioned for the Special Budget Meeting scheduled for tonight at 6:30 PM.  I called the Town Manager’s Office this morning, and Executive Secretary Jan Anderson tells me that the meeting will take place in the BAMS (Middle School) Multi Purpose Room.  

People who go to the BAMS Gymnasium (as listed in the official meeting warning) or the BUHS Multi Purpose Room (as listed in the Brooks Library notice yesterday) will be directed to the proper location at BAMS Multi Purpose Room.

Just wanted to clear that up as I was feeling confused myself.  And as Jan says, there will be signs so it should be easy to find once you get to there.

Just So Pediatrics Hosts an Open House

On May 13, from 4:00 – 6:00 PM, is hosting an open house to celebrate its new location in the Medical Office Building at 19 Belmont Avenue, Suite G102 on the ground floor, at Brattleboro Memorial Hospital. 

Situated just across the street from their old location and conveniently located on the hospital grounds the new office provides larger space and updated facilities.

“The new location is bright, beautiful, and fully functional,” says Dr. Valerie Rooney.”We’ve added an additional exam room and are accepting new patients to our new facility.”

Public Work Session to Examine Bicycling and Walking Alternatives in West Brattleboro

Brattleboro is continuing its study of making it easier to walk and bicycle in West Brattleboro along Western Avenue. A grant award from the Vermont Agency of Transportation is funding the study. The Town will hold the second of three public work sessions associated with this project on May 13, 2014 at 6:00 PM, in the Selectboard Meeting Room in the Municipal Center at 230 Main Street.

RSG and Broadreach Planning & Design, hired by the Town to assist with the study, will present a variety of alternatives for creating better bicycling and walking conditions on Western Avenue. The consultants hope to reach consensus among the meeting attendees on which alternative or alternatives are most appropriate.

Brattleboro FY15 Budget Pie Chart

This pie chart shows all the town’s major budget areas so people can see graphically how they compare. The budget is largely driven by personnel costs – salaries, insurance, retirement, etc. – for the people providing us with services.

A lot of people seem to be writing and talking about the police-fire project as if the $9 million bond would be a major factor in the town budget. While it is certainly nothing to sneeze at and it may have been the straw the broke the camel’s back with respect to passing the budget, in the scope of all the town’s expenses the project is just that – a straw. Reducing the town’s budget (and property taxes) is by no means as simple as just skipping the $9M bond.

(Edit: slide tweaked Thursday afternoon to show $9M first bond payment more exactly as $261,473, add FY13 and FY14 budgets, and show scale of impact of $9M bond on future budgets.)

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting – A Personnel Matter

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Monday, May 5, 2014 at 5:00pm in the Selectboard meeting room at the Municipal Center. It is anticipated that the Board will enter into executive session at 5:00pm to discuss a personnel matter.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100

Traffic Light Damaged at High and Main in Brattleboro

The traffic light at Main and High Streets has been placed on flash mode until further notice. The traffic light pole was struck on Tuesday by a truck navigating Main Street, causing considerable damage. Parts are on order and until they are received and repairs completed, the light will remain on flash.

-Department of Public Works

211 Fairground Road, Brattleboro, Vermont 05301
Tel: 802-254-4255 • Fax: 802-257-2316 • E-mail: brattdpw@sover.net

Annual “Taste of the Town” Feeds the Winston L. Prouty Center

The Winston L. Prouty Center for Child Development is pleased to announce that its 25th Taste of the Town fundraiser, will take place May 10th, 6:30-10:30pm at the International Center on the World Learning Campus (One Kipling Road) in Brattleboro.

The $50 ticket to The Taste of the Town gives one a delectable sampling of culinary delights donated from the best chefs and caterers in the area. Once again, the sought after bouquets and arrangements donated by area florists and nurseries that help transform the International Center to the idyllic setting of a spring garden will be given away as door prizes. The silent and live auction will offer great services from area merchants and businesses. There will be musical entertainment provided by the Butterfly Swing Band as well.

Author Tracey Allyson on “Dying & Living in the Arms of Love” and Her Pilgrimage to Tibet

Join clinical psychologist Tracey Allysson in a talk about her book, Dying & Living in the Arms of Love; One Woman’s Journey around Mount Kailash, at Brooks Memorial Library on Wednesday, April 30, 7 PM in the meeting room on the 2nd floor. Alysson circumambulates Mt. Kailash through prostrations and records her life-altering sojourn at the center of the spiritual universe. Tracey Alysson has a  Ph.D.  and is a clinical psychologist with a passion for the spiritual in human experience and the human in spiritual experience, records her pilgrimage to Tibet in her book.

Alysson’s work is an autobiographical travel book reminiscent of Austrian mountaineer Heinrich Harrer’s bestseller “Seven Years in Tibet.”“I was not aware that circumambulating Mt. Kailash is called khora, and that a very small number of pilgrims will do khora with prostrations,” Alysson recollects.  “It was from within my heart that there arose a fierce longing and devotion to go to Kailash, to lie on the land of Tibet with my heart open wide.

The Old Country Fiddler

Historic Fiddle Program, Sunday, May 4, 2014, 2:00 PM at the Broad Brook Grange

Presenting Adam Boyce of West Windsor As Charles Ross Taggart Vermont’s Traveling Fiddler

Taggart of Topsham VT, toured the US , starting in 1894, for 40 years as a “musical humorist.” Adam Boyce portrays Taggart around the end of his career, with live fiddle playing, and telling of the traveling fiddler’s recollections and observations of life on the road in that era. Boyce himself is an accomplished fiddler and composer of over 100 fiddle tunes.

Did Citizens Awaken A Hibernating Open Town Meeting?

Something unusual seems to be happening. Through an odd combination of circumstances, what amounts to an open town meeting on the FY15 budget is breaking out.

How? A necessary number of Town Meeting representatives petitioned to have a town-wide referendum on the budget. Informational meetings prior to the vote had low turnout. The budget was voted down. 

The Selectboard then held a special meeting and proposed cuts that provoked the citizenry into turning out in great number at a second special meeting, causing one of the best attended Selectboard meetings in years. 

Revised Upper Dummerston Road Closure Schedule

REVISED SCHEDULING FOR THE UPPER DUMMERSTON CLOSURE: The closing of Upper Dummerston Road will not start until this Thursday, May 1. The road will closed from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM on May 1 and 2. The road will be reopened for the weekend, then will be closed again from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM daily Monday, May 5 through Friday, May 9. We do not anticipate any night work during the closure.

Selectboard Special Meeting Notes: Too Many Citizens, Meeting Postponed To Find Larger Meeting Space

In a wonderfully weird and short special meeting on the FY15 town budget, the number of attendees exceeded expectations causing the meeting to be delayed until a later date and bigger location. Possibly Thursday, and possibly at a school.

The large turnout for a budget discussion seemed to take the board by pleasant surprise, though there was minor disagreement over what to do about it.


Tonight I attended both the library trustee meeting regarding the proposed budget cuts and the Selectboard meeting.

Well, I tried to attend the Selectboard meeting but apparently  -even though the 2015 budget and the proposed cuts to the library and parks and recreation -not to mention the police/fire bond- have been discussed endlessly and passionately and even though ibrattleboro and the Reformer FB page have been filled with discussions and comments for 2 weeks and even though the Selectboard has received numerous letters from voters wanting to share their opinions and displeasure…even with all of that going on-the Selectboard apparently never concluded that perhaps there would be a larger than usual crowd at the meeting tonight.

An Open Letter to the Selectboard

To the Brattleboro Selectboard:

This is to express my strong concern that it would be a serious mistake to cut library or parks and recreation services from the town budget. It would be a false economy, rendering Brattleboro far less attractive to both existing and potential homeowners, at a time when we do not want to see our grand list shrinking.

Police and fire facilities and well-maintained roads are crucial town services. A library, a parks and rec department, good public education, and other “quality of life” expenditures are also crucial. These expenditures go a long way to attracting good citizensand sustaining community strength. A strong community will weather hard economic times relatively intact.

2014 Way To Go Commuter Challenge

When the eighth annual Way to Go! Commuter Challenge kicks off on May 12th, the Brattleboro Smart Commute team will be ready. Members of the Brattleboro Transportation Roundtable will participate with businesses, communities, and schools across the state to reduce commuting costs, pollution, and traffic. Roundtable members include Windham Southeast Supervisory Union, Brattleboro Retreat, Brattleboro Memorial Hospital, Vermont Department of Health, Grace Cottage Hospital, Landmark College, Omega Optical Co., World Learning, Brattleboro Food Co-op, and Marlboro College Graduate Center.

Brattleboro Union High School Board Meeting Agenda

53 Green Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301


The BAMS Committee will meet at 7:45 a.m. on Monday, May 5 in the BAMS Conference Room.

The BUHS Teacher Curriculum Committee will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, May 5 in the Cusick Conference Room.

Open Source Seed Initiative Includes Vermont’s High Mowing

Here’s something people interested in GMOs and Vermont farming might want to take note of – an open source seed intiative.

You might be familiar with free and open source software. Coders give away the program and underlying source code with the stipulation that others using it do the same. The open source seed initiative is similar. They are releasing seeds in such a way to “make sure that the genes in at least some seed can never be locked away from use by intellectual property rights.”

Skatepark Site Selection – Final on Site Visits

The Skatepark Site Selection Committee has the last on site visits TODAY Tuesday April 29 (rain or shine). Here’s the agenda; come to part or all.

1. 5:15 P.M. Site Visit – Living Memorial Park (61 Guilford St)
2. Recess
3. 6:10 P.M. Site Visit – Crowell Lot (Intersection of Western Ave & Union St/Cedar St)
4. Recess