

Weekend Concert Series: Beyoncé

The Brits know how to hold an outdoor music festival. Glastonbury is a big, multi-day music fest, with big names sharing the stage with smaller, more indie acts. 170,000 people attended this concert on a muddy farm in Somerset.

This week we turn the clock back just a bit to 2011 to attend the festival’s closing main stage act, a performance by Beyoncé .

Why Bey? That’s a fair question. I’m not particulary a fan, nor do I know much about her. I figure that a front row seat at this show might be a way to find out a bit about pop culture in the second decade of this century. What’s popular? Have things changed much?

Brattleboro OB/GYN Welcomes New Midwife

is pleased to welcome new nurse-midwife Meredith Merritt, CNM, to the practice.

Merritt received her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from the University of Vermont in Burlington and her Master of Science degree in Nursing from Frontier Nursing University in Hyden, Kentucky. She resides in Brattleboro with her husband Peter, their five-month-old daughter Zora, and their dog Gary who came to them through rescue two years ago. Merritt’s hobbies include hiking, running, yoga, traveling, and time spent with her family outside.

Brattleboro Tax Schedule 2014

Notice to Taxpayers

The taxpayers of the Town of Brattleboro are hereby notified and warned that Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes assessed upon the Grand List of 2014 are now due and payable to the Town Treasurer at the Treasurer’s Office in the Brattleboro Municipal Center, 230 Main Street, Suite 111, Brattleboro, Vermont, in four equal installments as follows:

1st Installment due August 15, 2014
2nd Installment due November 17, 2014
3rd Installment due February 17, 2015
4th Installment due May 15, 2015

You are further notified that Real Estate and Personal Property tax will be charged interest at the rate of 1% per month on any overdue payment of tax installment, together with any other charged provided by law.

Bush Found Guilty Of War Crimes

In what is the first ever conviction of its kind anywhere in the world, the former US President and seven key members of his administration were today (Friday) found guilty of war crimes.

Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their legal advisers Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee and John Yoo were tried in absentia in Malaysia.

Primary Election 2014

The primary election is upon us. According to the Vermont Secretary of State website “Your town clerk will receive ballots for the Primary election by Friday July 11, 2014 and early voting may begin. You can vote at the town clerk’s office during normal business hours or request that an absentee ballot be sent to you. If voting absentee, ballots must be returned to the clerk before the close of the polls on election day August 26th.”

With Early Voting in the town clerk’s office or on Primary Election Day you must select a voting ballot envelope from one of three political parties: Progressive, Democrat, or Republican. In the 2012 election we had 76, 263 voters who Voted Early, not on Election Day itself.

Make a Remembrance Flag

Community members are invited to come to Brattleboro Area Hospice, 191 Canal St. in Brattleboro on Thursday July 24th from 4-6 p.m. to make a remembrance flag in honor of a loved one who has died. All materials will be provided. Everyone is welcome. These flags are fun and easy to make–no special artistic talent needed! All flags will hang at the Hospice Memorial Garden on Guilford Street during the coming year.

Judy Van Wageningen and Connie Baxter will be your hosts. Refreshments will be on hand to fuel your creativity. Drop-ins are welcomed, but we would appreciate an RSVP call to Joyce at 257-0775 x105 so we can be sure to have enough materials. There is no charge for this event.

Robots In Our (Not So Distant) Future

As Brattleboro’s Future’s Committee begins to form, it might be good to look at a few things predicted for the near future. One of them is robots.

The current path with robotics is to replace a majority of human workers wherever and whenever possible with robots. Very soon, they will be cheaper and better skilled than humans in a wide variety of tasks, from farming to surgery. Foxconn, maker of iPhones and such, has announced already plans to buy 10,000 robots to assist in production at a cost of about $25,000 each.

Sanders Statement on Meeting with VA Nominee McDonald

WASHINGTON, July 9 – Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement today after meeting on Tuesday with Robert McDonald, President Barack Obama’s nominee to be secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs:

“I enjoyed the opportunity to meet with Mr. McDonald and was impressed by what he brings to the table. I believe that his years of military service will make him a very strong advocate for veterans, and that his corporate leadership gives him the experience to bring about the management changes – in terms of accountability and transparency – that the VA needs.

Free Films: Screwball Comedies at Brooks Memorial Library

Beginning Wednesday, July 9th and continuing through November 12th, the Brattleboro Film Festival and Brooks Memorial Library will present free afternoon screenings of nine Hollywood classic screwball comedies from Tinseltown’s Golden Era.

A film by renowned Director Preston Sturges whose comedies mix the sensibilities of “a lowbrow aristocrat” with a that of a “melancholy wiseguy” will kick-off the five month-long series on July 9th at 2 p.m. in the library’s Meeting Room on the 2nd Floor. Brattleboro Film Festival Advisory Board member Tim Metcalfe and journalist Tom Bedell will host post-screening discussions in the library’s Meeting Room covering a wide range of topics related to the screwball comedy era, filmmaking and Hollywood trivia in general.

150 Years Ago (1864 7/8)

Near the Railroad, July 8th, 1864.

Dear Wife, 

Here I am on picket again. Came on yesterday morning, pretty well round towards that rail road. I should write with clean hands if there was any water near, but it is half a mile to the spring, and we can only spare a man occasionally to get enough to cook with and drink when it is fresh. It is as good water as I ever saw. It is at that house I wrote to you about where I was on, the first time I was on picket. The women and children are all at home and are not molested in the least. People may talk about the women of the south being she-devils and all that. I have not seen many, but such as I have seen say, when they hear firing they only think of the killed and wounded, without reference to which side they belong. There are some that are decidedly Union. They show it pretty plainly.

EBT Customers: Double Your Money With Harvest Health Coupons at the Farmers Market!

The Brattleboro Farmers’ Market announces the arrival of Harvest Health Coupons for EBT customers! Use your EBT card at the manager’s booth at market and get free matching value in coupons- up to $10, per visit.

The Brattleboro Farmers’ Market will have Harvest Health Coupons while supplies last, at both Saturday and Wednesday locations. Use these coupons to stretch your EBT dollars, which can buy fresh berries and vegetables of all kinds, maple syrup, jams, and honey, eggs and meat, fresh breads and granola to take home (EBT and Harvest Health CANNOT purchase hot lunches).

Appreciating the Right to Disorder – Our Evolving Fourth of July

The way we celebrate the 4th of July has changed.

I read the news from long ago each day, scanning old copies of the Phoenix, and for the last few days (many decades ago), the papers were filled with reports of Fourth of July celebrations. It appears that our earlier celebrations of independence involved more mayhem and being quite independent for the day. It almost seemed a bit more like Halloween, with noise, pranks, costumes, and silliness.

I-91 Brattleboro Bridge Replacement Project Update: Week of July 13


Northbound I-91 traffic has been relocated onto the southbound bridge. Traffic will remain reduced to one lane in each direction on I-91 until completion of the new bridge.

Route 30

The speed limit on Route 30 near the work zone has been reduced to 40 mph. This reduction will remain in effect through the Spring of 2016. Project-related truck activity on Route 30 will continue. Route 30 will be reduced to a single lane intermittently both day and night, with flaggers regulating traffic within the work zone.

Night work on the new bridge will continue at the columns on Route 30. Night work will be conducted Monday night, July 13th thru Friday night July 18th.

Putney Sits Atop CRVBL As Season Enters Final Month

After a break over the Independence Day weekend, six of the seven town teams in the Connecticut River Valley Baseball League return to action next Sunday, each of them hoping to gain ground on the undefeated Putney Fossils. The Fossils enjoy another week off after running off nine straight victories to start the season. Regular season play will end in early August with two weeks of playoffs to determine the winner of the 2014 CRVBL Cup.

WKVT “Green Mountain Mornings” Available as Podcasts

Fans of WKVT’s “Live and Local” show probably know that due to some scheduling/programming changes, L&L is no more, but that host Chris Lenois is now on “Green Mountain Mornings” on WKVT (100.3 FM or 1490 AM) from 6:00 – 9:00 a.m. with a similar approach to topics of local interest.

If, for whatever reason, you can’t listen to the show live on-air, podcasts from “Green Mountain Mornings” can be heard online or on your iPod/MP3 player any time.

No Palm Trees in Brattleboro

The ice at the poles are the highest since measurements, but the warming models predict otherwise! Oh well, it’s good to be wrong unless you ‘re a palm tree salesmen !

Global warming latest:.