

Leahy Introduces Historic Bill To Ban NSA’s Dragnet Collection Of Americans’ Electronic Communications

WASHINGTON (TUESDAY, July 29, 2014) — Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) on Tuesday introduced legislation that would restore Americans’ privacy rights by ending the government’s dragnet collection of phone records and requiring greater oversight, transparency, and accountability with respect to domestic surveillance authorities.

The updated version of the USA FREEDOM Act released today builds on legislation passed in the House in May, as well as the original legislation Leahy introduced with Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) last October. The legislation bans bulk collection under Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act and other surveillance authorities, requires the government to narrow the scope of a search to a clearly defined “specific selection term,” adds needed transparency and reporting requirements, and provides key reforms to the FISA Court. In an editorial on Monday, the New York Times wrote “the bill represents a breakthrough in the struggle against the growth of government surveillance power.”

Corren Campaign Seeking Interns

Dean Corren for Lt. Governor is seeking campaign interns. Turn your free time into a valuable and exciting experience or connect with your school to receive credit for your work. We are looking for individuals to help with:

  • Volunteer Managment
  • Lawnsign Distribution
  • Issue Research

Meteoric Body Seen Passing Through The Heavens Over This Village

In the iBrattleboro’s column “Today In Local History” of July 28, 2014 the leading entry from 1860 reported:

“A meteoric body was seen passing through the heavens over this village at apparently no very great height on Friday evening of last week. The time was about ten o’clock and not more than a minute was occupied in the passage of the brilliant object. It lighted up the heavens with great brilliancy, and with its long and illuminating train it was momentarily thought to be an enormous piece of fireworks.”

On Oct 20, 2012 Halley’s Comet Orionid Shower visited the Northern Hemisphere and on that night standing in the center of Prospect Graveyard on South Main Street three Brattleboro residents had agreed to meet at 10pm. This is my email newsletter sent the next day:

Vermont Launches Windham County Economic Development Program

Applications Due September 23, 2014 

MONTPELIER, Vt. – The Windham County Economic Development Program is up and running and looking for applications with creative ideas that will help Windham County grow jobs and bolster the region’s economy. 

On July 28, the Agency of Commerce and Community Development released a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and the application for the first round ($2 million) of the funding made available by an agreement between the State of Vermont and Entergy. 

Carlos Morales on WVEW

Its time for yet another experience that you won’t soon forget..this time we go down the rabbit hole of Child Protective Services with Carlos Morales. Carlos Morales is a writer and podcaster at Truth Over Comfort. He’s a child rights advocate who’s spoken at Liberty Forum, Liberty Fest, and on a host of shows regarding his former work as a Child Protective Services Investigator and how to protect children from the state.

tune in this tuesday , July 29th from 6pm-8pm on Brattleboro Community Radio 107.7fm and streaming on www.wvew.org

Is Quick Cash Possible in the Digital Age?

With everything digital, what do the kids sell when they need some quick cash nowadays?

In the olden days of, say, the 1990s, we had physical CD’s, albums, books and such that cold be sold relatively easily for cash. The quick cash would often help us young folk survive a few more days until payday.

Increasingly, everything is on hard drives. What do young people do now when they need a few dollars to smooth their cash flow issues?

150 Years Ago (1864 7/28)

Near Frederick City, July 28, 1864.

Dearest Wife,

Here I am out in orchard, a little west of the battle ground of Monocacy, pronounced Mo-nox-y. I received a letter from you yesterday and sent one. Had to send it by a citizen I met in the road. The last three letters I have sent to be mailed just as I could. One of them I am glad to hear you have received. We left Tenallytown day before yesterday a little afternoon. Came just through the town of Rockville; stopped over night, the country very fine. Yesterday came through Nielville, Clarksville to Hyattville to this place. The country yesterday was poorer and quite broken.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 7/28/14

BCTV Ch.8 schedule for the week of 7-28-14

                   Monday July 28
12:00 am      Crown Point Road 250th Anniversary End to End Hike: Pt1
2:00 am       FSTV Overnight
4:00 am       Green Mtn. Vets for Peace: Drone Warfare Pt.2
5:00 am       Morris Dancers in Brattleboro – May 24, 2014
7:00 am       Spotlight on Issues: Efficiency in Vermont’s Energy Future
7:40 am       TED Talks: Nicholas Negroponte: A 30-year history of the future

“Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em”

At 5:30 on the morning of October 28, 2011 our Brattleboro Fire Department responded to a fire alarm in the Elliot Apartments complex on Elliot Street. A 76 year old cigarette smoker had ignited a fire that killed her, injured and hospitalized two others, temporarily displaced 55 tenants for the day, caused extensive burn damage in one apartment, created serious water damage in apartments below and caused costly and time-consuming repair damage.

All of that just because of one careless cigarette smoker…

An estimated 7,600 smoking-related fires in residential buildings occur each year in the United States. Each and every year cigarette smoking-related fires are a leading cause of residential fire deaths.

150 Years Ago (1864 7/26)

Tuesday morning July 26th.
Here we are yet. Things packed ready to move. Teams nor cattle not turned over, so it appears we are not going to Petersburgh again, just yet. Don’t fear up there in Vermont. Richmond has got to fall. Grant is working easy but sure. The rebels are as averse to charging as are our men. There is no use in it on our side now. The main thing is to bring the pressure on them and if there is any charging let the Rebs do it. Zopher went to see Jacob yesterday. Have not been up to the third division. I told him to tell Jacob to write for me, as it was so wet that I could not write. Night before last was a rainy one, and it rained all the forenoon. In the afternoon it cleared off and I got out my paper and commenced, and am now near the close. Is there anything doing up there in the way of recruiting? I tell you, if the men are forthcoming and of the right stamp, this rebellion must go up.

Twilight on the Tavern Lawn Presents Planet Zydeco on Sunday, July 27

Twilight Music continues its 12th annual Twilight On The Tavern Lawn series of folk, world beat, rock, jazz, zydeco, Celtic, swing, blues and bluegrass summer concerts on Sunday, July 27 with an evening of high energy accordion/guitar driven dance music of Louisiana by Planet Zydeco. The seven concert series continues every other Sunday through August 24. All concerts begin at 6:00 pm in downtown Putney on the Putney Tavern lawn (bring a lawn chair or blanket) or at Next Stage at 15 Kimball Hill in case of rain. The series is sponsored by the Town of Putney, Soundview Paper Company, Next Stage Arts Project, The Stockwell Brothers and many other Putney businesses and organizations. The concerts are free to the public (donations are accepted) and food will be available.

Use of GPS Attached to Dashboard or Windshield

I just bought a GPS unit. Since I recently learned that ornaments hanging from the windshield mirror are illegal, as they obstruct the driver’s vision, I am wondering if there are any restrictions to the use of a GPS monitor and how it is mounted. I need to be able to read it, but I don’t need a ticket.


Weekend Concert Series: Live Aid 1985, Wembley Stadium

Remember Live Aid? The dual-continent benefit concert to change the world?

Here, some kind person has assembled a rather complete playlist of the full show in England at Wembley Stadium. Get ready for bands and artists such as The Style Council, Boomtown Rats, Adam Ant, Ultravox, Elvis Costello, Sade, Sting, Phil Collins, Howard Jones, Brian Ferry, U2, Dire Straits, David Bowie, the Who, Elton John, and others. The set by Queen is regarded as one of the all time great live performances.

150 Years Ago (1864 7/25)

Tennallytown, D.C. Monday July 25, 1864.

Dearest Abiah,

Came in Saturday night. Yesterday signed the pay roll. Were inspected, paid off, washed up, etc. etc., received this first mail that we have received since we left Washington. Received two letters from you. Saw Jacob. Mr. Baxter came down to see us, sent thirty dollars to father for you by Mr. Baxter. I have not yet all the pay. The next time we are paid shall square up for the year. I wrote you at Poolsville, again up in Snicker’s Gap. A few minutes I wrote here yet on the envelope of the last letter were ordered to cross the Shenandoah, did so and went about 1 ½ miles. Staid a short time and were ordered to start immediately for the Gap and to wait until the troops came up, then to start for Chain Bridge, so back across the river we went.

Western Avenue Paving Info

July 25, 2014


Paving work on a section of Western Avenue is tentatively scheduled for the third week of August. A contract with The Lane Construction Corp was approved by the Selectboard last Tuesday. The State has agreed to reimburse the Town for work on this class 1 road up to $150,000.

The area we are working on begins near Brattle Street, west to Edward Heights. Only the traveled portion of Western Avenue from white fog line to white fog line is being resurfaced. First a milling machine will remove ¾ inch of existing asphalt along each fog line, tapering to 0 at six feet in. Then this area is resurfaced at an average depth of ¾ inch, raising the center line depth and matching flush at the fog lines.

Sanders Tells Letter Carriers USPS ‘Not Going Broke’

PHILADELPHIA, July 25 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today addressed the annual convention of the National Association of Letter Carriers and drew standing ovations for opposing cuts in sevices and jobs at the U.S. Postal Service at a time of rising revenue.

Sanders is the chief sponsor of legislation to modernize the U.S. Postal Service, save Saturday mail and prevent other unnecessary cuts in services provided by one of the most popular and important institutions in America.

Pertussis in the Community

By Dr. Kathleen McGraw, CMO

Summer is here in full force, and with that comes more outdoor activities, scraped knees, and the occasional summer cold. However this past month we also had a more unwelcome guest in our community – Pertussis. The Vermont Department of Public Health has reported 11 cases of Pertussis in Windham County during the month of June, most of which were children ages 3-17. While none of these cases have been seen in at Brattleboro Memorial Hospital, we do see the need to do all that we can to prevent its further spread.