

Green River Covered Bridge Closed

The Green River Covered Bridge, Guilford, Vermont, will remain closed to ALL traffic through October 22, 2014 for construction. For more information and updates, please refer to the Town of Guilford’s website:

Any questions or comments should be directed to Guilford Town Administrator Katie Buckley guilfordta@yahoo.com.

The Vermont Primary Election Is Coming Up On August 26th – Vote Dean Corren for Lt. Governor

During four terms in the Legislature in the 1990’s Dean co-authored the single payer healthcare bill, and introduced the first bills for marriage equality and death with dignity. All of these are now law and highlight Vermont’s national leadership.

After the Legislature, he was the Outreach Director for Bernie Sanders and since then has worked in renewable energy developing systems that generate power from tides and river currents based on a technology he patented. 

Water-Cooler Diplomacy

I liked the forced integration in the 50’s and 60’s because it had a jarring affect on American consciousness. Segregation was outlawed, and integration became the rule of the land. And, that watershed moment is a mighty and essential part of what changed our country for the better. Integration-by-law had and has a widespread effect on changing attitudes to this day.

No matter what blacks and whites thought of each other, the lawmaker’s gave them a way to violate their own bias behavior. Many American’s immediately became aware of how their thinking was changing.

What the Lincolnesque 1964 Civil Rights Act elementally did was take starkly dissimilar peoples and said, “Yes, you must be allowed to drink from the same fountain!”

Wake-up Call On Public Schools From Vermont Education Secretary

In a letter sent to the parents and “caregivers” of all Vermont schoolchildren, the state’s new Secretary of Education Rebecca Holcombe said in no uncertain terms that our public schools are not failing, despite declarations to the contrary from the federal government.  According to Holcombe, “every school whose students took the NECAP tests last year is now considered a ‘low performing’ school by the US Department of Education.”  But, she said, “The Vermont Agency of Education does not agree with this federal policy, nor do we agree that all of our schools are low performing.”

Sanders Reports President Obama Signs VA Bill

FORT BELVOIR, Va., Aug. 7 – U.S. Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement today after President Barack Obama signed legislation to reform the Department of Veterans Affairs:

“In a dysfunctional Congress, I’m glad we accomplished something significant for veterans. This legislation will go a long way toward ending unacceptably long waiting times for veterans to access health care and allow the VA the resources to hire the doctors, nurses and other medical staff it needs to address these problems over the long term.”

Reality-Check Chronology of US Speculative Investment Banking Instigated Genocide

This chronology of genocide represents an updated outline of Howard Zinn’s People History of the US. and is dedicated to Nuremberg Principles law.A 4th of July resolution appropriate to one’s own personal humanity would be to escape from the farcical but deadly and insidious false propaganda and psyop of the financial-industrial-military-complex owned mainstream media that has created egoistic and deadly indifference.

A.C.O.R.N. Nature and Music Festival 2014


Local Festival to Take Place at Guilford Fairgrounds on Sept. 27, 2014

The first ever A.C.O.R.N Nature and Music Festival (A Community of Resilient Neighbors) is now selling tickets to this exciting, family-friendly, local event taking place at the Guilford Fairgrounds on Saturday, Sept. 27, 2014. During the day, participate in a myriad of workshops focused on nature, wilderness skills, and resiliency. In the evening, listen and dance to amazing music.

150 Years Ago (1864 8/7)

 Aug. 7, 1864. Here we are back in the same old place. West of Harper’s Ferry. We had our tents nicely
fixed and some had gone to sleep and all were congratulating themselves on having a good nights sleep, when we had orders to pack up and fall in and at about 11 o’clock we did fall in and marched to the Railroad near the City where from appearances we were to take the cars. The whole column laid right down in the road and slept for 4 hours, or I did for one, except twice, when a horse or mare that had got loose ran over me, but could not afford to keep awake long. At 10 o’clock we were making our coffee on the heights West of Harper’s Ferry. At about 12 noon we came here.

Selectboard Meeting Notes: MLK in Limbo, Skatepark Acrimony, and Melrose Not A Burden

Brattleboro’s recognition of MLK, Jr. Day remains unresolved, with the Selectboard asking for more information to compare the options of adding and swapping holidays for employees. 

The board had a long conversation about the future of the Melrose property, and specifically whether it would or could become a burden on the town. The Brattleboro Housing Authority said they didn’t want it to be a burden, but the board wanted further clarification before approving the PUD for Red Clover Commons.

The Entergy Funds committee is looking at their options, the skatepark visits nearly led to fisticuffs, town finances are preliminarily good, and the Selectboard approved goals. All this and more below.

Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast Invitation – Please RSVP – “Health and Aging: a Federal Policy Update”

“Health and Aging: a Federal Policy Update”

The August “Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast” is planned for Friday, August 15,  2014 at the Gibson Aiken Center, downstairs, hosted by Senior Meals. Doors open at 7:30am.

This month we plan to hear from Sophie Kasimow Office. She is the HELP Committee Staff Director, that is Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, which includes the Subcommittee on Primary Health & Aging. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is Chairman of this subcommittee.  

150 Years Ago (1864 8/5)

Monocacy Mill, Aug. 5, 1864.

Dearest Abiah,

Another move, but a short one. We are now about seven miles from Frederick City, near a large grist mill. Came here the 3rd, and such a quantity of Griddle cakes and things of that kind as have been cooked since we came here! The flour and meal is not dear, meal 3 cents per lb. And a 3 quart pail full of flour a ½ of a dollar. I have a little frying pan, and it is in use most of the time, so is my pail. Hard tack is at a discount. I had some cheese yesterday. It is the first that I have had. Yesterday we expected to stop here some days and we had quite a time rejoicing. This morning at about 3 o’clock we were called up and ordered to pack up and move, at daylight. Got all ready. Daylight came, but we did not move.

Complain? No! Stop Israel’s Genocide! Demand Special Nuremberg Court! Netanyahu Arrest!

Working, with former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark’s support, to seed confidence that Nuremberg Principles law will soon come down on citizens of US, of NATO nations and the still contested state of Israel, which exists primarily on seized, stolen and ethnically cleansed land, are freaking sick of reading, even during ongoing genocide, excellently and professionally written, moralistic journalism of horror and helplessness  

Pay-AS-You-Throw (PAYT) Is Coming to Brattleboro!

Brattleboro’s Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) committee has met two times and continues to meet every other week on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM in the Municipal Building. Next meeting is August 13th.

You are welcome to come and listen / participate. 

You can also start asking questions and posting comments here on i-Brattleboro.

Public Invited to ‘Trail Talk’ to be held for I-91 Brattleboro Bridge Project

The PCL+FIGG Team will conduct the next on-site “trail talk” for the Public on Saturday, August 9, 2014.

These trail talks will discuss the status of the I-91 Brattleboro Bridge Project and allow the public to ask questions. The talks will originate at the West River Trail near the marina. The trail talk will be led by Caleb Linn, Project Manager for PCL (lead contractor), and Garrett Hoffman, Design Manager for FIGG (bridge designer).

Interested participants should meet the PCL+FIGG Team at the West River Trail trailhead on Saturday, August 9, 2014, at 8 a.m. and the talk will begin at 8:15 a.m. Participants will walk the trail to the I-91 bridge site, so please wear appropriate clothing and footwear.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 8/4/14

BCTV Channel 8 schedule for the week of 8/4/14

                   Monday August 4


12:00 am      BCTV Archives: Lisa McCormick in Concert 11/17/07

1:08 am       Howard Coffin: Vermonters at the Battle of Cedar Creek

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       UVM Comm Med School: Treatments and Risks of Sleep Apnea

5:30 am       Across Our Table – Ep.3

Testosteronic Freaks

As a lifelong opponent of all things patriarchal I remain steadfast against the father-centered family, father-centered society, and father-centered government. For thousands of years the Jews, Christians, Muslims and their derivative cults are the movers behind too much of what is wrongheaded with humans. They claim life is in their beliefs but in its stead they have provided for generation after generation an unrelenting “death-culture” of willfully gross proportions.

Because of their self-sameness I mainly refer to them only as “Jukrislim,” all one of a single group of people. Therefore, the infighting the Jukrislims do is nothing less than cannibalistic in my view and they are destroying themselves and the rest of us inside out.

Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of August 3

Brattleboro Time Trade:

Exchanging services, creating connections, strengthening communities, one hour at a time.

See below for exciting Upcoming Events and learn what Time Trade is all about!

This week’s fabulous listings, brought to you from the height of summer:


Reiki and Flower Essence Therapy
Sota Brand Bio-Turner
Light and Sound Meditation Mind Machines Available
Dr. Hudla Clark Frenquency Generator Available
InterPlay for Fun and [sometimes] for Performance
I’ll Be Your Walking Buddy
Shopping & Errands
Borrow My Post Hole Digger


I have always considered myself to be a zionist. It seemed fair to me that the Jews of the world ought to have a homeland and that a logical place for it would be the place described in the bible as the home of their predecessors: the Hebrews.

 I knew many Palestinians when I lived in Saudi Arabia. They were all professional people holding responsible jobs in the Kingdom and they rarely ever spoke of Palestine. Actually, most of them had earlier moved to other countries like Jordan and got their educations in Europe or the USA.  It never occurred to me that they might have been forced out. One friend, an engineer/contractor, was from Jerusalem. He revealed that his grandfather was the Grand Mufti. I had no idea what a Mufti was, but I later found out that he had the right last name. He, too, never mentioned life in Palestine.