

Selectboard Meeting Notes: Emergency Planning

The Brattleboro Selectboard, what remained of them, heard all about emergency plans at their Tuesday meetng. Plans for schools, plans for employees, and plans in general for disasters, mass casualties, and other situations everyone agrreed would be best if we never faced.

Read on for the details.

Come Play At The BMC This Fall!

Brattleboro Music Center Fall Lessons & Classes

If you’ve always wanted to play an instrument, take voice lessons, or return to an instrument you put down long ago, this fall at the Brattleboro Music Center is the perfect opportunity to do so.  

The BMC’s fall semester begins the week of September 8th and offers individual lessons, as well as classes for kids, teens, and adults; instrumentalists, singers, and non-musicians; absolute beginners and accomplished musicians.  

Tony Trischka Band and Hot Mustard at Next Stage Friday, August 22

Next Stage Arts Project and Twilight Music present International Bluegrass Music Association Banjo Player of the Year Tony Trischka and his band, plus and double banjo bluegrass quartet Hot Mustard at Next Stage on Friday, August 22 at 7:30 pm. In a consistently adventurous musical career that spans nearly half a century, Tony Trischka has established himself as one of America’s foremost visionaries of the five-string banjo and perhaps the most influential banjo player in the roots music world. Widely regarded as the most innovative banjoist of his generation, Tony’s dexterity and restless creative spirit have inspired generations of fans and acoustic musicians, including Bela Fleck – one of his early students.

150 Years Ago (1864 8/19)

  Aug. 19th. Near Charlestown, Va. I have just heard that the mail was going out. I must send this unfinished, as you probably wonder why you do not hear from me. We are going towards Harper’s Ferry now. Have had a very hard march from where I commenced this letter. The rebs have got their heads rubbed pretty hard in this valley. What has been going on in the balance of the world I know not, as we have not heard one word. Have had but one mail, and no newspaper. In that I will give an account of the march when we get to a place where I can write. Came through Winchester. None of the second or third division have seen any fighting since we left Middletown. Have not seen Zopher but suppose he is all right.

Skateparks and Noise. Here Is The Data.

I gotta tell ya, as someone who graduated a recording engineering program many years ago, sound is very complicated!  I have lived next to, used, and helped build skateparks since I was a little prepube, and I have always been a huge supporter of the skatepark at Crowell or Living Memorial Park. I never thought skateparks were as loud as oppositional neighbors across the country always made it seem, however I was pretty surprised to see how similar or even quieter they are to noise levels produced by Baseball fields, basketball, playgrounds, and traffic.  Unless someone can refute this data I think it’s time that noise levels stop being used as an argument against a skatepark in mixed recreational parks near neighbors.

Sanders Statement on Sen. James Jeffords

BURLINGTON, Vt., Aug. 18 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders issued the following statement today on the death of former U.S. Sen. James Jeffords:

“Jane and I join all Vermonters in sending condolences to the family of Jim Jeffords. Jim was one of the most popular elected officials in the modern history of the state – serving at the local, state and federal levels. Vermonters admired him because of his low-key and down-to-earth qualities, and because of his obvious and strong love of the state and the Vermont way of life. He was an effective champion of education, disability rights, the environment and the arts – and millions of Americans have benefited from his efforts. In 2001, he displayed enormous courage by leaving a party that, he often said, had left him because of its dramatic move to the right. Jim was a friend and he will be sorely missed.”

Fall Into Music!


enriching lives through music

Does this cool weather have you thinking about fall?

We have many opportunities to enrich your life and help you enjoy something new this September.

Below, please take a look at our Music School offerings for all ages. Then next week, I will share news with you about the really spectacular concert season we have coming up. If you can’t wait, please visit  where you can always find the most up-to-date concert and program information as we post it.

Welch Statement on the Passing of Former United States Senator and Congressman James Jeffords

Burlington, VT. (August 18th, 2014)- Rep. Peter Welch made the following statement on the passing of former United States Senator and Congressman James Jeffords:

“I know I share the view of all Vermonters today in expressing condolences to the family of Senator Jim Jeffords on his passing, and our gratitude to him for his life of service.

While Jim would certainly wave away the notion, he was indeed a legend in Vermont and the nation. With characteristic decency, humility and civility, and a dogged persistence, he made his mark in Congress. Millions of children with disabilities are better off today because he lead the charge for their equal access to education. Americans are breathing cleaner air and drinking cleaner water because of his fierce advocacy for the environment and clean energy. And budding artists across the nation receive the boost of his encouragement every year thanks to his legacy as the founder of the annual Congressional Arts Competition.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 8/18/14

BCTV Channel 8 schedule Week of 8/18/14

                   Monday August 18              

12:00 am      Jenni Johnson and the Jazz Junketeers

1:30 am       Craft in the Southern Half – A Look at the Arts in Southern VT Ep.1

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Southern Vermont Dance Festival at Latchis – 7/17/14

5:05 am       Upstaged – Episode 2

Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of August 17

Brattleboro Time Trade:

Exchanging services, creating connections, strengthening communities, one hour at a time.

See below for exciting Upcoming Events and learn what Time Trade is all about!

This week’s fabulous listings, brought to you from thoughts of Ork:


Visit BMAC
Typing, Editing and Some Computer Help
Rides Within 20 Miles
Help Setting Up Compost/Recycling
Handyman Services
Ride Offered to Women’s Economic Opportunity Conference,
Sept. 20

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes -August 19, 2014

Emergency response capabilities for tragic events at schools will be the primary topic of discussion for the Brattleboro Selectboard at their next Tuesday meeting at the Municipal Center. The board will hear how Brattleboro’s response plan is “unlike any other in the state.”

In addition to the school response plan, the board will learn more about our general response plan for disasters and emergencies, will conduct staffing level reviews triggered by resignations of a dispatcher for the police department and an account clerk at the library, and will discuss forming a regional economic hub issue committee.

Attend in person or watch on BCTV.

Brattleboro Solidarity With Palestine Hosting Another Event Thursday August 21st, 7pm @ Marlboro

Brattleboro Solidarity with Palestine is hosting another event Thursday August 21st, 7pm @ Marlboro (28 Vernon St. Downtown Brattleboro)

Gaza is still under siege. Over 5,000 homes have been destroy and people are seeking refuge in school, shelters and others’ homes. The infrastructure in Gaza has been destroyed meaning that there is no water filtration for clean drinking water, no sewage systems, and no electricity. This then impacts the medical care that doctors are able to give. And these Israeli attacks would not have been possible without the military and financial support of the Unites States Government.

Write Action Picnic in Guilford

We hope you can join Write Action for schmoozing, good food, the open reading, and more at our annual potluck picnic. It is at noon on Sunday, Aug 17.

Write Action is southern Vermont’s non-profit that promotes and strives to inspire writers, with workshops, open readings, writing contests and more. www.writeaction.org. We hope to see some of you there.

Rand Paul: We Must Demilitarize the Police

Anyone who thinks race does not skew the application of criminal justice in this country is just not paying close enough attention, Sen. Rand Paul writes for TIME, amid violence in Ferguson, Mo. over the police shooting death of Michael Brown

The shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown is an awful tragedy that continues to send shockwaves through the community of Ferguson, Missouri and across the nation.

If I had been told to get out of the street as a teenager, there would have been a distinct possibility that I might have smarted off. But, I wouldn’t have expected to be shot.

West Brattleboro Association Offers Free Movie Night

On Thursday, August 21, the West Brattleboro Association will present its first free movie night.  “Triplets of Belleville” (appropriate for families) will be shown at dusk outdoors next to the West Brattleboro Fire Station. There will be movie shorts beginning at 7:30 followed by the main feature at 8.

At 7 pm bike-powered smoothies from the Bellows Falls Community Bike Project will be for sale.  There will be music and circus toys.  There will also be ice cream donated by the Chelsea Diner and free popcorn.

Notice of Democratic Town Caucus to Elect Nominees to Serve as Justice of the Peace

Notice is hereby given that the Democratic Town Committee of Brattleboro will hold a caucus for the purpose of electing nominees to stand for election as justice of the peace on the 2014 general election ballot.

The meeting will be held at Brattleboro Savings & Loan (in the community room around behind the building) on August 19, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.  If no one is at the door, there is a doorbell which will alert someone to let you in.  (This is especially important if you’re a couple of minutes late, or as we Democrats say, “on time.”)