

Crystal Balls and Petroleum

There are many good reasons to cut back on oil consumption, and moving to self sufficiency, especially in terms of food, is wise, prudent and good. Global warming is one good reason, and preventing oil spills another. 

But knowing when a commodity such as oil is going to run out, is not hard, its impossible Here is an article on the current oil glut, which it predicted. More interestingly, it also explains why all models are weak predictors of this resource. 

Gov Shumlin, Now IS The Time; We All Deserve “Cadillac” Health Care

The purpose of writing this is to express my grievance over Governor Shumlin’s recent dismissal of Act 48, the Vermont Law, passed in 2011 by Mr. Shumlin himself –who rode into office on the wave of public support for this law in the first place! This law states that all residents of Vermont have the right to receive the best, high quality and publicly financed medical care– in other words, Universal, or Single-Payer Health Care. He has now abandoned us, having already missed several deadlines for putting various parts of it into affect so that it would be fully implemented by 2017. In his own words, on Dec 17, 2014, Governor Shumlin claimed that “…Now is not the time…”

On Exhibit at Brooks Library

On Exhibit at Brooks Library:

MAIN FLOOR:  Local artist Matt Saliman curates an exhibit of works by other local artists in various media, about issues of mental illness.

2ND FLOOR CHILDREN: Original hand-painted relief etchings by Brian D. Cohen from his recent alphabet book, “The Bird Book,” with rhyming couplets about each bird by Holiday Eames

Sanders to Introduce Legislation to Rebuild America’s Crumbling Infrastructure

BURLINGTON, Vt., Jan. 3 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said today he will introduce legislation when the new session of Congress convenes this month to authorize a $1 trillion, multi-year program to rebuild crumbling roads and bridges and invest in other infrastructure modernization projects.

The investment not only would begin to address a growing backlog of badly-needed repairs, it also would put 13 million Americans to work at decent-paying jobs, according to Sanders, who will take over this month as the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee.

Weekend Comedy Series: George Carlin, in NYC 1992

Let’s try something different in the New year, shall we? Instead of weekend concerts, we’ll do weekend comedians and see how that goes. Everyone needs a laugh, right? Plus, there are many, many funny people out there.

To kick things off, we’ll attend a show in NYC featuring George Carlin. This one has Italian subtitles, adding to the already-ample humor.

Carlin, to me, is best known for his love of language and observation of details. Some of his funniest pieces are about the way we use words, and things we do out of habit.

Vermont Reads: Haroun and the Sea of Stories – 3 Events at Brooks LIbrary

Vermont Reads: Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie. Three events at Brooks Library. A film, a book discussion & a live streaming with Salmon Rushdie. All events are free and open to the public. Save the dates! January 3rd, 8th & 14th, please join us! Details below.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 3 PM FILM: THE PRINCESS BRIDE (1987) 98 minutes–A classic fairy tale, with swordplay, giants, an evil prince, a beautiful princess. The film will be discussed on Thursday, January 8, in relation to Haroun and the Sea Stories. Director: Rob Reiner. William Goldman (book), William Goldman (screenplay) Stars: Cary Elwes, Mandy Patinkin, Robin Wright

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – January 6, 2015

The Brattleboro Selectboard will discuss tax increases resulting from revised FY16 budget number at their first regular meeting of 2015. The increases come from the board’s recent decision to again try to get taxpayers to pay for the full Police-Fire facilities project. Money discussions will also include tapping the unassigned fund balance, necessary improvements required at the Municipal Center, and trying once again to pass a 1% local options sales tax.

The Wastewater Treatment Plant project might be completed in 2015. The board will receive an update on the project, learn more about the Windham Solid Waste Management District FY16 budget, and discuss charter change amendments that shift some deadlines, allow early ballots to be counted mechanically, and create a Futures Committee for Representative Town Meeting members.

You can participate, and bring up other items not already on the agenda during Public Participation if you so choose. Watch on BCTV, and read about it here after the meeting.

Brattleboro Zoning Rewrite

The draft Zoning District Map and Section 2 of the zoning bylaw have been published for review. The Zoning Districts and Standards sections contain specific rules for what property owners can do within each district. These are substantial changes, with a highly prescriptive approach to land use control and very detailed requirements for changes to your property. Property owners are advised to take part in these discussions.

Section 3 and Section 5 have yet to be published and will contain general standards and presumably the Subdivision Regulations

Petitions for Brattleboro Town and Town School District Officers and Town Meeting Members Now Available

Petitions for Brattleboro Town and Town School District Officers and Town Meeting Members are now available at the Town Clerk’s office.  Town elections will be Tuesday, March 3, in  the Selectboard Meeting Room of the Municipal Center and the Annual Representatives Town Meeting, Saturday, March 21, in the BAMS multi-purpose room.
Petitions for Town Officers must contain at least 30 valid signatures of registered Brattleboro voters and be filed in the clerk’s office no later than 5:00 P.M. on Monday, January 26 in order to have their name placed on the ballot.
Candidates for Town Meeting Member must file a nomination petition with at least 10 valid signatures of voters from the district where the candidate lives.  Petitions of new candidates must be filed no later than 5:00 P.M. on Monday, January 26 (same date as Town Officer petitions).  Incumbents for Town Meeting Member must return their Notice of Intent form no later than 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, January 20.

Brattleboro Union High School Board Meeting Agenda – Public Information Meeting on the Proposed FY16 Budget

53 Green Street
Brattleboro, VT 05301


The BUHS #6 Finance Committee will meet at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 8 in the WSESU James E. Kane Conference Room, 53 Green Street.


The BUHS #6 Board of Directors will hold a Public Information Meeting on the Proposed FY ’16 Budget at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, January 5, 2015 in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room. The regular board meeting will follow at approximately 7:00 p.m.

Brattleboro New Year’s Day Schedule

In observance of New Year’s Day, all Brattleboro Town offices will be closed on Thursday, January 1, 2015, with the exception of emergency services. Offices will be open regular hours on Wednesday, December 31, and Friday, January 2.

Parking is free at all metered spaces and in the pay-and-display lots on Thursday, January 1.All other violations, including extended parking, will be enforced.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 12/29/14

BCTV Ch.8 Schedule for the week of 12/29/14

Monday, December 29, 2014

12:00 am Full Duty: The Civil War Collection of Howard Coffin

1:25 am Common Good VT: Campaign for Vermont

2:00 am Green Mtn. Vets for Peace: Guest Rache Siegel – Peace and Justice Ctr

3:00 am The Music and Life of Eugenie Gorin

4:15 am Vermont Association of the Blind and Visually Impared: Volunteer Video

Protester’s Are Officially Unemployed

Well it’s official. At approximately 11:00 am today VY powered down for the last time. There may finally be peace in the area as the protesters, most from well outside the evacuation zone I might add, have officially become unemployed. They can move on to another area and chain themselves to the perimeter fence of another nuclear facility. If they don’t mind the cold and would like to enjoy the benefits of no sales tax maybe they should consider Seabrook N.H. 

Show in Memory of Jamis Lott Opens at River Gallery School January 2nd

River Gallery School will display the work of Jamis Lott, artist, puppeteer, maskmaker, and philosopher, throughout January with a public opening during Gallery Walk. Jamis, along with his father Steve, was killed recently in Townshend. He was 28.

Since early childhood, Jamis had an exceptional interest in and talent for art. Along with his friend and teacher, Margaret (Missy) Stearns, he worked on art projects exploring his vivid imagination. When he was a child, she helped him collage a giant dragon, which hung for years in his family’s kitchen. They remained close and important friends throughout Jamis’ life.

Rick Perry

Rick Perry is the governor of Texas and will be Until January 21, 2015. He was a Republican candidate for President in 2012 and has been mentioned as a possible candidate in  2016 (Sorry, Jeb).

On August 15, 2014, Perry was indicted by a grand jury on felony charges for abuse of power. He was accused threatening a Democratic District Attorney who had been convicted of drunk driving.  The indictment received some support and also wide criticism from all sides of the political spectrum, and editorial criticism from major US newspapers.  He has not been convicted to date.