

Public Outreach For Comprehensive Revisions to Brattleboro’s Land Use Regulations

The Brattleboro Planning Commission will be hosting a series of events in January and February to introduce its comprehensive revision of the town’s land use regulations.

“The Planning Department has been working with the Planning Commission and Brandy Saxton of PlaceSense to design an outreach and public comment process that offers people many opportunities to comment and better understand the intent and purpose of these proposed regulations,” Brattleboro Planning Director Rod Francis said.

Let’s Get Brattleboro Heard! Use WikiMap To Identify Bicycle Routes and Bicycle Infrastructure Concerns

The Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) is currently involved in a project with multiple large planning/engineering companies to gather public input regarding existing infrastructure concerns as they relate to bicycling. The state has limited funds to make improvements so they want to focus what they do have available in the locations that people use the most. In order to prioritize specific routes they are using WikiMapping to allow people to go onto a map of Vermont and put comments on particularly tricky sections of road OR entire routes.

There is not a guarantee of funding or projects at this time. It is simply a means for VTrans to gather information on where the biggest problems are and prioritize them. Let’s get Brattleboro heard!!!

Brattleboro Martin Luther King Jr. Day Schedules

In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, all Brattleboro Town offices will be closed on Monday, January 19, 2015, with the exception of emergency services.

Parking is free at all metered spaces and in the pay-and-display lots on Monday, January 19. All other violations, including extended parking, will be enforced.

Brooks Memorial Library will be closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Monday, January 19.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 1/12/15

BCTV Ch.8 schedule for the week of 1/12/15

Monday, January 12, 2015

12:00 am Efficiency Vermont Forum on its 3 Year Plan

1:24 am Community Acupuncture at Morningside Shelter

1:30 am UVM Comm Med School: Knee and Hip Replacement

3:10 am Freedom & Unity Film Planning Workshop: 12/3/14

4:00 am Burlington Free University- US / Cuba Relations

Book Report! If The Gods Had Meant Us To Vote…


This is a good book because it explains the problems with WTO and NAFTA.

Book Title: “If the Gods had meant us to vote, they would have given us candidates” Author: Jim Hightower

Brattleboro Time Trade – Week of January 11

Brattleboro Time Trade:

Exchanging services, creating connections, strengthening communities, one hour at a time.

See below for exciting Upcoming Events and learn what Time Trade is all about!

This week’s fabulous listings, brought to you from scratchy throat land:


Suki Nourishing Day Cream
Help Learning New Software
Wall Repairs Lessons
Color Consultation and Design
Move Items in Truck
Accepting Donations of Credits

Qigong Exercise & Meditation Half Day Workshop in Brattleboro

Qigong – “Quietness as Medicine”

Qigong is one of the best practices to help relax the physical body and calm the overactive mind. The simple movements induce a calm, meditative state that relaxes the mind, improves one’s health, and raises the spirit. It is also an excellent form of preventative healthcare while treating major illnesses and minor ailments.

During this half-day workshop participants will explore the profound benefits and insights of diving deeper into “Quietness as Medicine”. Be prepared to be guided into an experience of profound relaxation, while opening up to the truth of who you really are.


At a surf break, when the line-up is crowded, and competition becomes heated for precious few waves, scenes of hostility are not uncommon. Violence and threat are the ugliest manifestations, but they do happen surprisingly often for something so chill and harmonious as surfing. Localism is the term for brutish behavior stemming from protective ownership of a spot.

I’ve been wondering lately about this in light of discussion of RTM, and questions of involvement vs. ownership.

I Had A Dream…

I had a dream last night and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders was in my dream.  I swear I have NEVER dreamed about him before.  So, this is what happened in the dream:  he agreed (there were other people there in the dream) that the F-35 Strike Fighter Jets should be based in South Eastern Vermont (where there is no huge airport right now, but this was a dream), rather than in South Burlington, Vermont adjacent to the Burlington International Airport.

So, my political question is this:  Would the people of south eastern Vermont want the F-35 Strike Fighter Jets based there, or would they be just as deeply opposed to these horrific killing machines as the people in Chittenden County?

Weekend Comedy Series: Rodney Dangerfield

Is it the bugged-out look on his face? His nervous energy? The self-deprecation? Maybe we just don’t get the respect we deserve, and Rodney speaks for us.

Rodney Dangerfield is old-school, but hip nonetheless. Here we find him performing in 1995, reeling off nearly an hour of non-stop one-liners. Jokes about being ugly, the wife, sex, drugs, being old, and of course, getting no respect. Jokes like “My father wouldn’t take me to the zoo. He told me, “If they want you, they’ll come and get you.”

Very Enjoyable

Chris and Lise,

For quite awhile I’ve been meaning to tell you both how much I enjoy the ” This Day in History” column. It’s fascinating to see that while many, many changes have occurred -both historically and in the make up of the town; It’s also quite interesting (and amusing) to see that some dissatisfactions remain the same: For instance:

“1892: Muttered curses, not low, but deep, are daily heard in reference to Brattleboro’s railway service”

Inaugural Address Governor Peter Shumlin January 8, 2015

Here is Governor Shumlin’s address, 2015:


Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, members of the General Assembly, distinguished guests, and fellow Vermonters:
Thank you for the tremendous honor and opportunity to serve again as Governor. As a Vermonter who grew up, raised my daughters, and built two businesses here, it is the greatest privilege of my life to give back to the state that has given me so much. I love serving as Governor because I love Vermont.

Road Map to Efficiency: A Regional Energy Roundtable

Come to “Road Map to Efficiency”, a regional energy roundtable Wednesday, January 20, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in Windham & Windsor Housing Trust’s community room located at 68 Birge Street, Brattleboro

The roundtable will offer tools, resources, and support to homeowners, energy committees, and interested community members.

Roundtable topics include community grant opportunities, programs for schools, cold-climate heat pumps, residential solar options, on-bill repayment for residential efficiency projects, NeighborWorks H.E.A.T. Squad program updates, advice for starting an energy committee and how to spur action in communities.

Announcement: Any Office Peter Runs for in 2016, I’m Running Against Him!

With  Peter re-elected, how much more over-taxation  suffering can people take before they pack up and move away?

I will run for U.S. Senator or  Representative to Congress, and Governor of Vermont; at least one state and one federal office in 2016.

I will fight for our right to have peace and quiet, and that means telling the U.S. Air Force to base the  F-35 strike fighter jets somewhere else!  Can you imagine having to edit out the “peace and quiet” statement in most of the tourist brochures for Vermont?

Putney Family Healthcare Expanding Facility and Service

Putney Family Healthcare, a BMH Physician Group member, is undergoing renovations to expand its 79 Main Street facility. Practice officials state that this expansion is in response to a growing demand for medical care in the service area, which includes Putney, Dummerston, Westminster and Saxtons River.

GPI Construction began work on the expansion in November, which will create four additional exam rooms as well as increase office space for administrative staff. BMH Director of Plant Services Rob Prohaska is working with Joe Fortier of GPI to manage the project, which is expected to be completed March 1, 2015.

Kerry, Murderer of a Vietnamese Patriot, Comments on Terror in Co-Terrorist France

Historical ID of now US Secretary of State John Kerry, who today quite rightly condemned the terror attack on the offices of a Paris newspaper plus a history of French colonial and neocolonial terror.

What first comes to mind is US Secretary of State John Kerry’s prestige for his heroic Swift Boat killing of a Vietnamese in his own beloved country during the holocaust the US committed in Vietnam.  A wounded Vietnamese freedom fighter, who had been aiming a rocket launcher at the Swift Boat Kerry commanded, was shot by Kerry as he was running away. Kerry by daringly running his boat right at the danger was decorated for having saved the boat and its crew. [“KERRY leaped ashore, pursued the man behind a hootch and killed him”  from official Silver Star Citation “For the President, E.R. Zumwalt, Vice Admiral, Commander of US Forces in Vietnam”]

Sanders Welcomes Relief for New Homebuyers

WASHINGTON, Jan. 7 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) welcomed President Barack Obama’s announcement today that the Federal Housing Administration will cut mortgage-insurance premiums as part of an effort to expand opportunities for first-time homebuyers.

Annual fees the agency charges to guarantee mortgages will be cut by 0.5 percentage points from the current rate of 1.35 percent.

Sanders and 17 other senators had signed a letter asking the Obama administration to take the action that the White House announced.