

Brattleboro Weather Advisory: Potential River Flooding, High Winds and Power Outages Expected

Town staff is monitoring a weather event that is expected to begin later in the day on Dec. 17. Weather forecasts indicate an expected rainfall of 1-3 inches starting this evening and extending possibly through tomorrow and into Tuesday.

This precipitation may result in river flooding due to a combination of rain and snowmelt in higher elevations. Currently, there is no concern for flash flooding. There is also potential for high winds and wind gusts. Residents should be prepared for potential power outages.

Are You Prepared?

According to a report recently released by the Windham Aging group 14,015 people or 31% of the Windham County area is over the age of 60 and that number is projected to increase while the numbers for lower age groups is projected to decrease. The numbers are similar for the state as well as the rest of the country. The bottom line is that the average age of our population is growing and there will be a lot of older people in the years to come.

Our society currently doesn’t have the capacity to deal with the elderly population that we have. There are not enough home care providers and nursing homes and it is almost impossible for someone to stay at home as they age and become infirm unless they have an unlimited amount of financial resources.

We have never had a national discussion about how our government should support the aging population. Most other developed countries around the world provide more support for the elderly but the United States has left matters to be solved by chance. If you have enough money you may be able to age gracefully, but most of us do not have those kind of resources. It is rare for people to make concrete plans for life after 60.

Construction Update Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge – December 14, 2023

The Pier 1 cofferdam has been installed. The construction of the temporary shoring tower between Piers 1 and 2 will continue over the course of next week. The de-watering and water treatment system is up and running, however, the volume of water has exceeded the capacity of the system. Additional measures to excavate and then place a concrete tremie seal in the cofferdam are being completed – hopefully by tomorrow – which should allow the successful de-watering of the cofferdam to begin next week. If de-watering can be accomplished by next week, crews will begin to work on cutting the piles to elevation and placing rebar cages in anticipation of concrete.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – December 19, 2023

The Brattleboro Selectboard will take up reviewing the revised FY25 budgets at the final regular meeting of the year. They will be examining the general fund, the capital fund, and the ARPA budgets – the only agenda item they plan to discuss in detail.

The consent agenda, however, has some interesting items. Notice the small grant to add EV charging stations to town properties, the grand list errors, and 47 lost land record binders, among other things.

You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Committee Meeting Warnings

The Brattleboro Traffic Safety Committee will meet on Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 8:00am in the Selectboard Meeting Room (230 Main Street, room 212) and over Zoom.

The Brattleboro Charter Review Commission will meet on Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 6:15pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room (230 Main Street, room 212) and over Zoom.

Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) Policy and Amendment Committee Meeting Minutes Dec 5

• The following policy was presented for a first reading on 11/28/23 and will go for a second reading on 12/12/23:
o F32 Student Distribution of Literature
• The following policy went for a second reading on 11/28/23 and will be presented for adoption on 12/12/23:
o D1 (Personnel Recruitment, Selection, Appointment and Background Checks)

Harris Hill To Add Stairs, Adjustable Take-Off in 1922

When Brattleboro’s  ski jump was first built, there were no stairs! Ski jumpers and anyone else hoping to reach the top had to climb the hill.

This Vermont Phoenix article from Dec 15, 1922 explains the many improvements being made at the hill shortly after it was built. In addition to the stairs, the committee was planning to build a small building at the top of the hill for ski jumpers to sit and await their turn, plus add a really neat mechanical innovation to allow and encourage others to start their ski jumping careers with ease. The take-off of the jump was to be made adjustable, so beginners could simply slide down the hill before raising it a bit and trying to jump.

Interesting, too, to note that they had scheduled two events (January and February) for jumping, and that they were considering building a skating rink in town.

Windham Southeast Supervisory Union School Board Meeting Minutes – Dec 6, 2023

Tate introduced the team who discussed their areas of focus for improvement and the work they continue to do to meet the Continuous Improvement Plan goals. Brandy discussed the pre-school area and the new classroom being added at the Canal Street facility. Whitney spoke of her elementary groups focus on literacy and how changes in the law allow special educators to spend more time on teaching reading. According to a recent survey, the new case management model is working very well. Kevin also discussed how the case management model is working at BAMS and their desire to expand it to BUHS. They will use a vacancy to add a case manager, without adding to the budget, to build more capacity to keep kids in classrooms and work toward the CIP goal of 80% of students spending 80% of their time in core classes.

WSESD Communications Council Meeting Minutes – Dec 8, 2023

The committee discussed the best way to utilize the shared drive that was created for board members. Beyond the use for creating a resource of publications to subscribe to, which was voted on at the 11/14 WSESD meeting, the drive could be used to house orientation and meeting documents for board members to read.

DiTrani Brothers and Jason Scaggs at Next Stage

PUTNEY – Next Stage Arts Project and Twilight Music present roots, ragtime, and jazz quartet DiTrani Brothers plus Jatoba’s multi-instrumentalist /singer Jason Scaggs at Next Stage on Saturday, January 6 at 7:30 pm. 

DiTrani Brothers, by way of bent melodies and driving rhythms, play perilous tunes for the hopeful, with elements of Balkan music and early American jazz/swing. They deliver both wistful and raucous performances at venues ranging from The House of Blues in New Orleans to DIY backyard stages. Originally from North Bend, WA, brothers Bobby and Walker DiTrani began writing songs together while traveling across the country, playing music on the streets. Since then, they’ve recorded two albums and toured throughout the US with drummer Eddie Gaudet. Now a quartet with acoustic bassist Benjamin Richards, they just released their third album “Dust Harvest.” 

Greg Worden on “Here We Are”

Greg Worden is a mainstay of downtown Brattleboro, bringing beauty and ingenuity through art and crafts at Vermont Artisan Designs. A tireless advocate for Brattleboro, Greg serves the community with heart, insight and experience.

The Fragility of Our Mortality

There are times when we are reminded of how fragile and precious life is. We need these reminders to provide us with a perspective on our lives and our place in the overall scheme of things. You don’t have to be religious to realize that humans pass through the universe in the blinking of an eye. Most of us hope that short time makes a difference somewhere.

I was reminded of all of these things with the passing of my friend Rich Moore. I knew Rich for over 30 years and we worked and played together in Brattleboro and tried to make life better for those around us while we tried to enjoy the gift of life that we were given.

Rich was one of those people who could talk to anyone and instantly make them feel that they were the most important person in the world. When you talked to him you knew that he really cared about you and that he wanted to not only hear your story but also be a part of it if he could. That is a rare quality and Rich Moore embodied that spirit.

Brattleboro and VT COVID-19 Regional Dashboard Summary – December 2023

Here’s the December 2023 dashboard summary. We continue semi-regular COVID-19 dashboard numbers from the Vermont Department of Health, and MA and NH counties that surround Brattleboro, as long as they continue providing them. Scroll down the new comments for the latest.

VT, NH and MA seem to be doing weekly updates, near the end of the week. All three have changed their dashboards since the start, so it is now tough to easily compare how things have changed. Variant updates are every two weeks.

Does Calling For The Genocide Of Jews Violate Penn’s Code Of Conduct?

Questioned at a Congressional hearing, the President of the University of Pennsylvania will not say that calling for the genocide of Jews violates the University’s anti-bullying or harassment Code of Conduct. She says it is “context-dependent,” and only violates University’s rules “if the speech turns into conduct.”

The presidents of Harvard and MIT gave similar testimony.

WSESD Board Meeting Agenda

I. Call to Order [6:00 to 6:05]
II. Student Issues [6:05 to 6:15]
III. Administrative Report [6:15 to 6:50]
– Social Emotional Learning [35 Minutes]
IV. Education Tax Rate – Budget Impacts & Legislative Action [6:50 to 7:35]

Construction Update Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge Dec 7, 2023

Pipe pile clean out has been completed and the crew is mobilizing the equipment for that operation offsite. The construction of the temporary shoring tower between Piers 1 and 2 will continue over the course of next week. Work on the Pier 1 cofferdam sheets began earlier this week and should be completed in the next few working days. De-watering and excavation to subgrade are both operations that are scheduled into next week.