

Public Discussion Will Explore Ideas to Help Mark America’s 250th Birthday in 2026 – Brattleboro Style!

Brattleboro, Vermont, 6 January 2025: Events are being planned all across the nation to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States in 2026. This ‘semiquincentennial’ calls for more than just a bigger fireworks display; it offers an opportunity to creatively engage and express ideas about our country’s past and future and what it means to be an American in the world today.

How Vermont and specifically the Brattleboro-area ‘shows up’ and shares these ideas with the rest of the nation during this 250th anniversary will be the subject of a public meeting to be held on January 16, 2025 at the American Legion Hall, 32 Linden Street (just next to the Municipal Center), in Brattleboro, Vermont, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm with light refreshments served. Representatives from various town organizations, including Brooks Memorial Library, Vermont Independent Media (VIM), Windham World Affairs Council (WWAC) and Brattleboro Union High School will share details on what’s happening so far statewide and nationally, and elicit public input. The forum will be taped and subsequently made available on BCTV.

Jim Giddings on “Here We Are”

JIM GIDDINGS talks about early days of the local art scene, co-creating a world-class gallery, dealing with fire and flooding. He also talks about discovering art and how painting connects him to mystery…..And, a magical experience in Notre Dame.… AND this Saturday January 11th at 5pm, help Jim & Petey celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Mitchell-Giddings Fine Arts !

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting – Agenda and Notes January 7, 2025

The Brattleboro Selectboard will be taking another look at the FY26 budget at the first regular meeting of 2025. They made some cuts to services at their last meeting and will review the impact of their decisions thus far. Will they do more?

The board will hold a second reading of changes to the ordinance governing the Downtown Improvement District. If everyone likes it, it will be approved as well.  You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Construction Update Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge – January 3, 2025

Daily shoulder closures on the new bridge deck for westbound New Hampshire/Vermont Route 119 are scheduled to continue next week as weather allows.

Local traffic accessing Mountain Road and/or Norm’s Marina in New Hampshire may experience short delays next week. Both locations will be open to traffic at all times, however, travelers should be aware of possible lane shifts around work zones.

Brattleboro Committee Meeting Agendas

The Brattleboro RTM Finance Committee will meet on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 6:15pm in the Brooks Memorial Library, Mezzanine Room.

The Tree Advisory Committee will meet on Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 4:15pm in the Hanna Cosman Meeting Room.

The Charter Revision Commission will meet on Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 6:15pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room and over Zoom.

New Music for the New Year – OH NO

OH NO cover

Greetings! I thought I’d share a new local musical project with you – my new solo EP called “OH NO” is now available.

It’s not for all ears, of course, but if you like quirky, funky, dance-y music, protest funk, and satirical commentary on the present times this just might be what you are looking for to lift your day.  Or 18 minutes of it, at least. 

Finance Committee Resolution

The Finance Committee of Representative Town Meeting approved the following resolution at its 18 December meeting:

The Finance Committee is concerned that the Selectboard was unwilling to consider staff cuts during its December 17 discussion for reducing the FY26 budget, relying instead on cuts to services and deferrals to FY27. The Finance Committee calls upon the Selectboard to instruct the Town Manager to present to the Selectboard a list of potential staff cuts to consider for FY26 at its next meeting. We recognize that the concept of staff cuts is painful, but we believe that considering it is an essential part of the responsible management of the Town.

No Hope For Homeless Support

Advocates and social service agencies that support homeless people are preparing for funding battles over the next four years that they know they are very likely to lose. With Republicans in control of the federal government, we can expect to see cuts to programs and a general stigmatization of homeless people as mentally ill substance abusers who should be herded into programs that should help them.

It is a false construct. Most people have come to realize that when Republicans say that homeless people need to seek out mental health support first, that the power brokers really don’t care what happens to them. The power brokers know that there are never enough people or programs to support homeless people with mental health and substance abuse issues.

Can President-to-Be Donald Trump Get Away With Maintaining Blind Eye To Genocide In Gaza? 

We’ve had Holocaust Denial. Now we have the phenomenon of Genocide Denial in spite of the plethora of photographs and videos of the obliterated cites of the Gaza Strip, of the deliberate demolition of neighbourhoods, cultural sites, and essential facilities” in violation of international law. 

President-elect Donald Trump has been impressive in his statements and comments since his overwhelming election. He speaks with authority and determination in his voice promising to resolve the nations problems and take the high road morally on all issues.

All the more perplexing is Trump’s maintaining silence at best, and at worse contradicting reality regarding the genocide in Gaza by saying the judges of the International Court of Justice must be sanctioned for issuing an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and his minister of defense.

Eminent Domain Creates Emergency Homeless Shelters

While hotel owners reap abusive profits, Vermonters are suffering extreme tax hikes, and the housing crisis threatens to bankrupt the state, and homeless people are dying in the streets, we must take emergency measures.

Quoting Karl Grossman on Counterpunch, “The application of the state’s power of “eminent domain” to nuclear power was pioneered in New York State in the 1980s – and was how the completed Shoreham nuclear plant was stopped from opening. That ended the scheme of nuclear promoters to turn Long Island into a “nuclear park” with seven to 11 nuclear plants.

December 2024 Precipitation Report

For the month of December measured 4.25″ compared to a normal of 4.30 inches.  Most fell as rain but we did receive 8.4″ of snow compared to my average of 13.8″.  The approximate water equivalence of the snow was 0.55″,  so a very dry cold snow from western clipper systems.

I have been measuring snow since 1993.  The average December snow from 93-2010 = 16.1″ and from 2011 to current = 11.3″.  Snowfall on average continues to fall as total precipitation increases.  All this time we were well into climate change.  Wish I had data from the 1960s when I don’t remember a lot of rain storms in winter.

Firas Zreik Performs Original Compositions in the Arabic Maqam Tradition at Next Stage

Next Stage Arts presents a concert of original compositions in the Arabic Maqam tradition, featuring Kanun player Firas Zreik on Saturday, January 25 at 7:30 pm.

Kanun player and composer Firas Zreik has transformed global perception of the Kanun (Mediterranean harp). His treatment of the instrument preserves its identity as a vital part of the Maqam tradition, and stretches its potential as a cultural chameleon enhancing a range of fresh, evolving sounds. The Palestine-born New Yorker views the Maqam’s improvisation-driven legacy as a vessel for unbound creative expression across musical styles. His nuanced approach translates the Kanun’s resonant depth of emotion, with a mastery of microtonal soundscaping. In live performance, Zreik conjures a complexity of emotion that shape-shifts throughout his sets. He enters fragile places and sits inside them. This commitment to stark exploration has sent him around the world, performing at storied venues, intimate clubs and international festivals.

January 15, 2025 Brattleboro Development Review Board Agenda

Review of Cases/Public Hearings to be reviewed under the Brattleboro Land Use Regulations as warned on October 12, 2015.
2025-1                  Groundworks Collaborative; Residential Neighborhood 5400 District; request for site plan and waiver of dimensional standards approval to demolish the existing structures and construct a new community facility for an established emergency shelter use to serve up to forty (40) individuals. The two-story building will include office space, a kitchen and living area on the first floor and additional bedrooms with laundry facilities on the second floor. Site improvements include a new parking area with access drive, a patio area, and landscaping at 81 Royal Road; Tax Map Parcel #325283.000

Brattleboro Planning Commission Meeting: January 6, 2025 at 6:00 pm

6:15 – 7:10 Town Plan 2026 – Future Land Use
Interactive activity using maps and a lookbook to identify characteristics of development and uses that are desired for two areas of town.

7:10 – 7:25 Water & Sewer District and Zoning
Review and approve, if ready, proposed changes to the Land Use Regulations to bring areas with water and sewer into compliance with State statute.

7:25 – 7:40 Water & Sewer Ordinance
Review revised options for requiring sewer service area extensions/expansions to be supported by the Planning Commission, and/or the Town Plan and applicable planning bylaws. Vote on whether recommended one option to the Selectboard.

Noticed Around Brattleboro – Winter 2024-25

Here’s your seasonal spot to write up little things that might be worth a sentence.  What have you noticed recently in the Brattleboro area?

Winter has kicked off with most of the late autumn snow and ice melting away. It is Dec 30 and near 50 degrees.

The Gaslight Tinkers – Dance Party at Next Stage

Next Stage Arts and Twilight Music present a dance party with roots and world music quintet The Gaslight Tinkers at Next Stage on Friday, January 24 at 7:30 pm. Blending African, Caribbean, Funk, Reggae, and Latin grooves with traditional fiddle music, the quintet creates the genre-bending future of the music of the past.

The Gaslight Tinkers’ mix of global rhythms creates a joyous world beat sound around a core of traditional New England old time and celtic fiddle music, merging boundless positive energy with melody and song. Drawing from their extensive musical backgrounds in traditional folk, Caribbean, old time, Celtic, and rock, I-Shea, Clara, Garrett, Elie, and Peter craft a sound that brings world traditions together.