

Brattleboro in the Vietnam War Era: A BHS Oral History Project

The Brattleboro Historical Society is putting together an ORAL HISTORY of the Vietnam War Era and is seeking Brattleboro area people – veterans to anti-war activists – to come forward to share experiences.  If you have an interest in participating contact Bill Holiday at –


Sanders: Let Vermont Protect Consumers from Dangerous Chemicals

WASHINGTON, March 18 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today backed stronger curbs on the use of dangerous chemicals in consumer products but criticized a bill in Congress that would take away from Vermont and other states the power to protect consumers with new state regulations.

Under the current federal law, tens of thousands of potentially harmful chemicals have continued to be used in products without proper testing and without disclosure by the companies that use them. The law, enacted in 1976, is so weak that it kept the Environmental Protection Agency from even banning asbestos, which causes cancer.

Brattleboro Locals Playing at SXSW

Bill Holiday passed along the following “heads-up!”

“A local teen band, featuring 2 BUHS students, Dharma Ramirez (3rd from L) and Mavis Eaton (far R), will perform next week in Austin, Texas as part of the Southwest Music Festival.  Incredible that they are a part of this popular, major, national event.  Look at what is being said about them…”

… and WVEW Is Back On The Air

A circut (or some kind of wiring) that delivers WVEW’s signal to the transmitter boogied to our music a little too hard and got completely fried. It’s all fixed and our over the air broadcasts are back.

Today (as with most days) our all volunteer community radio station has a very full schedule of programming for you to enjoy. If you live within the range of our (over the air) broadcasts, you can get a show on the station too. Check out our website for more information – www.wvew.org.

Open Letter Re: Brattleboro Town Finances

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Dear fellow Town Representatives:

I have been meaning to write an open letter reporting out my concerns and observations about this year’s Representative Town Meeting, items on the agenda, the budget, etc. I have left this until the last minute in hopes that others of you might finally step forward to join me in drafting a brief report as your Town Finance Committee.

This is the

The site has not been updated in a year. I can’t do the work of the committee by myself, so please regard this as merely a personal letter.

The Uneven Power Dynamic Between Officers and Community Members

Our nation’s police department’s primary objectives have to be enforcement of existing law as enacted by the various state and federal legislatures.

The latitude exercised by each department is affected by a dizzying array of various police departmental and community circumstances. There is no template except that which falls back upon established law.In a real sense, the Executive Summary and therefore the full report of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) to the White House Task Force on Community-Police Relations (January 2015) is putting the cart before the horse.

Selectboard Meeting Notes: Retaining Green Street

How best to repair the Green Street retaining wall was a big topic for the Brattleboro Selectboard at their regular Tuesday meeting. Some intriguing options led to strong opinions before consensus was reached.

The board also did some planning to learn about planning, resulting in scheduling a series of meetings to highlight the changes coming to Brattleboro’s land use regulations. Some new energy efficiency efforts are now underway, departmental staffing level reviews have been replaced by a comprehensive staffing review, appointees were appointed, and more.

WVEW’s Over The Air Broadcast Down Tonight (March 17th)


Since early this aftternoon, WVEW-lp’s over the air broadcast has been experiencing a problem at our transmitter and antenna site. We hope to have it resolved sometime tomorrow morning (Weds. March 18th).

In the meantime, the webstream of our broadcasts has not bee affected. It may be accessed at our website, wvew.org, or by clicking on the following link: 

Thank You.

Bereavement Support Group for Adults

A new Six-Week Bereavement Support Group for adults begins on Thursday April 9th and will meet each Thursday from 4:30-6:00 pm, ending May 14th.

The group is free of charge and open to anyone in the community grieving the death loss of a loved one, no matter when or where the loss occurred. Bereavement Support Groups offer a safe, mutually supportive environment for sharing experiences through discussion, readings, simple activities, and suggestions for moving through grief.

This group is sponsored by Brattleboro Area Hospice and will meet at the hospice office at 191 Canal St. in Brattleboro. No prior connection with hospice is required in order to participate. Connie Baxter, Bereavement Care Coordinator will be the facilitator. The group size is limited to 8 people.

Nowrooz Festival of Poetry and Persian Music at Mahalo Art Center, Sat. 3/21 4:30pm

Asian Cultural Center of Vermont (ACCVT) presents Nowrooz, A Persian New Year Celebration, Saturday, March 21 at 4:30 PM featuring traditional classical Persian music as well as original compositions presented by Eshagh Shaoul, violin with Jon Liechty on piano and Jack Shaoul on drum. The celebration is also a sharing of Persian, Bahá’í, and Sufi poetry. Following the music and poetry there will be a potluck (bring a dish to share). There will also be a hands-on henna decoration activity. The music and poetry will begin promptly at 4:30pm. Plan to arrive 10 to 20 minutes in advance to find parking along Western Avenue and walk up the driveway (about 100 yards) to Mahalo Art Center.

8th Annual CSA Fair 3/28 at Final Winter Farmers’ Market of the Season

Saturday, March 28, 2015, marks the final week for the 9th season of the Winter Farmers’ Market.

It is also the 8th Annual CSA Fair hosted at Post Oil Solutions’ Winter Farmers’ Market.  We expect to have close to a dozen CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) represented along with our regular market vendor line-up, and a special guest from New Leaf CSA!

Take this opportunity to do your CSA research and pick your farmer for 2015! You will find farms with weekly CSA shares for vegetables, fruit, flowers and more.  Some offer deliveries to central pick-up locations while many invite you to visit their farms each week and get to know their operation.  Some farms even invite you into their fields to lend a hand in picking the weeks harvest.  So join a CSA.  It’s a great way to support local agriculture and the local economy!

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 3/16/15

BCTV Ch.8 schedule for the week of 3/16/15

Monday, March 16, 2015

12:00 am TAP: Putting on Our Finery 11/14/14

1:10 am TED Talks: Ilona Szabó de Carvalho: Taking a Stand Against Drugs and Gun Violence

1:30 am Vermont Music Showcase: Full Program 3/2/2015

3:00 am Heartbeat: Israeli-Palestinian Youth Musicians Concert at Goddard College

5:00 am Green Mountain Vets for Peace: Police Militarization Pt 2

Notes from the Senate – Firearms

This week the Judiciary Committee on which I serve passed out a couple bills but one was major, had a lot of emotion and controversy and misinformation, took a lot of time and in the end I believe we had a good bill. At the beginning of the session, S.31 was introduced. Rather than amend and pass it, the decision of Chair Sears was to create a committee bill that contained essential parts of the bill. There are three main components.

The Great Blizzard of 1888

On March 16, 1888, The Phoenix ran the following report on the Great Blizzard of 1888, which had happened just a few days earlier.


“Snowed Under.

Brattleboro’s Experience with a Dakota Blizzard.

40 in. of Snow in a 90-mile Gale.

Sights, Scenes and Incidents in Brattleboro on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of March 15

Brattleboro Time Trade:

Exchanging services, creating connections, strengthening communities, one hour at a time.

See below for more exciting Upcoming Events and learn what Time Trade is all about!

This week’s fabulous listings, brought to you from a new week!:

OFFERS (i.e. things people could do for you):

Child Care Offer
Swahili Lessons
Organizing, Administration, Coordinating Events

Folk Singer Eli Conley to play in Brattleboro

Eli Conley and his band will appear in concert at The Root Social Justice Center at 28 Williams St., First Floor, Brattleboro, VT on Wednesday, April 22nd at 7pm. The show is all ages. There is a $5-10 suggested donation at the door.

Eli Conley has a voice that shifts deftly from country choirboy to soulful croon at the turn of a phrase. Steeped in roots music and the singer-songwriter tradition, he crafts modern day folk songs for misfits, unafraid to push the themes and instrumentation of Americana music forward.

Soon-to-be Cantor Kate Judd Offers Recital!

The Brattleboro Area Jewish Community (BAJC) is honored to present a concert featuring Spiritual Leader Kate Judd. A candidate for cantorial ordination in June, Kate is preparing her final recital for her degree and ordination.  The recital, called “For My Teachers,” will receive its first performance here in West Brattleboro, Vermont, in the main hall of All Souls Church/ West Village Meeting House at 29 South Street on March 21st at 7:30 pm.

There is no admission charge but free-will donations will be greatly appreciated and anything beyond BAJC’s
costs will be donated to the needy.  Light refreshments will be served.

Mary Wilkins’s story, “Revolt Of Mother,” on the Write Action Radio Hour this Sunday

Sunday March 15, I will be reading aloud, ” The Revolt of Mother” by Brattleboro resident, Mary Wilkins, on WVEW, as part of the Write Action Radio Hour. This is one of her most anthologized stories, and is considered a small masterpiece. It is told with compassion, anger, attention to detail, and humor.

How her life in Brattleboro helped shape her life, is touched on . In addition to “The Revolt of the Mother” we will also hear a brief newspaper account from the Vermont Phoenix, about the Hanson Tyler, the man she fell madly in love with, but whom declined her romantic overtures. He remained the love of her life, and themes of independence, as well as frustrated love, became repeated themes of her stories. The article is from the 1880’s.