

African Adventure Tales by Crabgrass Theater

Sandglass Theater presents African Adventure Tales by Crabgrass Puppet Theater in Winter Sunshine Series

PUTNEY VT- On March 28th at 1 and 3pm two funny folktales from Africa come to life with vibrant puppets, spectacular scenery, and an infectious musical score. “Koi and the Kola Nuts” is a tale from Liberia in which the young son of a chief sets out on a wonderful journey in search of fortune, carrying only a sack of kola nuts. His kindness to the creatures he meets is rewarded when their help saves his life! And in “Anansi and the Talking Melon,” we meet one of the most hilarious trickster characters in world folklore.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 3/23/15

BCTV Ch 8 Schedule for the week of 3/23/15

Monday, March 23, 2015

12:00 am Heartbeat: Israeli-Palestinian Youth Musicians Concert at Goddard College

2:00 am At Landmark: Dorothea Brauer, ‘Queering Education’ 3/2/15

3:30 am VT Council on Rural Development: Climate Change Summit 2/18/15 Pt 2

5:00 am Tiokasin Ghost Horse at Guilford Community Church

Today In Local History

The daily local history sidebar is one of the most interesting features on ibrattleboro, and seems to be seldom commented on. Those abbreviated items often leave me wondering about the details.

Today we read: 

1878: The 90-cent dollars have put in an appearance as pocket pieces.

What could that be about? 

About a month ago, this item ran:

1887: Samuel Simkoveze, the well known Jew peddler, is about to open a clothing store in the basement of Vinton’s block.

Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of March 22

Brattleboro Time Trade: 

Exchanging services, creating connections, strengthening communities, one hour at a time.

See below for more exciting Upcoming Events and learn what Time Trade can do for you!

How Time Trade Works: You do something for someone and earn time credits for your “bank,” which you can then put towards someone else doing something for you! It’s that simple – and amazing!

This week’s fabulous listings, brought to you from a sunny evening:

OFFERS (i.e. things people could do for you):

Baby Avocado Tree
Proofreader/Editor At Your Service
Pressure Treated 2 x 4s Available

Vermont State School Board Declares Independence From Federal Education Testing Policy

Normally, one doesn’t expect a state board of education to oppose federal education policy.  As we’ve long been told, unless states comply with federal standards, the feds will cut off the money.  But last week, the Vermont State Board of Education issued a resolution suspending the use of the new Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) standardized tests as a means of evaluating schools and students.  The resolution went further, calling on Congress and the Obama Administration to make substantial changes to No Child Left Behind, the Bush-era legislation that has been the chief driver behind today’s testing regime.

Bringing Back The Montreal Train

The Vermont Rail Action Network reported in their newsletter Thursday that there’s been some movement in the effort to bring back the train from Vermont to Montreal.  According to Christopher Parker, executive director of VRAN, Vermont was granted a “pre-clearance customs agreement” that, if approved, will help to ensure that customs delays don’t happen at the border.  Given that there is currently no train, this recent development might seem to be putting the cart before the horse, but perhaps it’s just a sign of things to come.

According to Parker, Senator Leahy was instrumental in making this happen, as he serves on both the Judiciary Committee (which has jurisdiction over Customs & Border Patrol) and the Homeland Security Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee. Obtaining this pre-clearance agreement required that the Secretary of Homeland Security as well as the Canadian Minister of Public Safety meet in Washington to sign it.  It’s not a done deal though — both the US Congress and the Canadian Parliament have to approve it before it comes into effect.

Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting 2015

Welcome. It’s a lovely March 21st, 2015. It’s grey, cold, and snowing. Town Meeting Representatives have made their way to the south end of town for the annual Representative Town Meeting.

We’ll be doing ongoing updates throughout the day. As they begin, Moderator Lawrin Crispe is going through rules and some announcements, including a moment of silence for Dick Guthrie and Jesse Corum.

Schools goes first. We’ll have more for you soon.

(Apologies in advance for typing errors and spelling mistakes.)

Windham County Health Needs Survey

The Windham County Community Health Needs Assessment  Steering Committee is seeking to hear directly from community members, and is conducting an assessment through a survey that is open throughout the month of March.

The survey gives an opportunity to hear from a larger portion of the community (from as many who wish to participate).

The .

WBA Plans March 26th Meeting with Brattleboro Police on Home Break-In Issue

On Thursday, March 26th, the West Brattleboro Association (WBA) is hosting a discussion with the Brattleboro Police Department about recent property break-ins. It will be held at 7:00 PM, in the Hayes Court Community Room on Garfield Drive.

All residents are invited to pose questions to the police and get pointers on how best to avoid future break-ins. This will also be an opportunity for neighbors to suggest ideas to other neighbors and/or to ask questions of or get clarifications from the Police Department. It is important to understand that the police in attendance will not be able to report on any ongoing investigations other than in very general terms.

Weekend Comedy Series – Robin Williams

In 1986 Robin Williams star had risen and he taped the following performance at the Met in NYC.

It seems to be an accurate representation of what people most enjoyed about him to that point – a manic genius. Part of that may have been some the cocaine he was known to be doing, but it was mostly a real talent for laser-quick improv, free-association, and ability to mimic and caricature.

Roots Music Low Lily Recording Fundraiser

The Fiddler for roots music band Low Lily is from Brattleboro. Her name is Lissa Schneckenburger, and she lives on my street. More importantly, she plays fiddle, really, really, really, really well. I had her on my radio show when I was doing the Colonel Brattle’s Music Hall, and I have seen her at play here in Brattleboro.

Now, Low Lily is raising money for their CD.

If you donate $15, you will get a copy of their CD which will have 4-7 tracks on it. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/low-lily-s-new-ep#home

Doubly cool, after they meet their goal, which will allow them to create this recording, they will donate 50% of all funds to the Drop In center. http://www.feedthethousands.org/brattleboro-area-drop-center.

Here is the text of their indiegogo campaign.

Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Warning and Expected Budget Motion

In preparation for Brattleboro’s Representative Town Meeting, here is the officially warned agenda for said meeting. The amounts in Article 23 has been changing, and the text of the currently expected motion is also included below.

Each year the schedule alternates, and this year the schools will have the first items up for discussion and vote.

You can watch on BCTV. As per the poll results, you can also tune in here for a live blog of the day’s events. The meeting starts at 8:30 a.m. We’ll get going here shortly thereafter, once the opening ceremonies and reminder of rules is out of the way.

I-91 Exit 3 Closed Sunday

This Sunday, the project team will close both the northbound and southbound Exit 3 on-ramps to reduce congestion on I-91 Southbound caused by merging traffic. Because of highway logistics, we need to close both northbound and southbound on-ramps. Local southbound traffic will be rerouted to Route 5 south to Exit 2 or 1, and local northbound traffic will be rerouted to Route 5 north to Exit 4. Sheriff officers will assist in directing traffic. The on-ramps at Exit 3 will be closed from approximately noon to 7:00 pm.

Registration Open! 3rd Annual Tulip Trot 5k Run/Walk, May 2, 2015

Come out rain, mud and/or shine and support Green Street School enrichment programs while you walk or run down neighborhood streets and the scenic Retreat trails behind Brattleboro’s famous ski jump. This family-friendly local 5k is in its third year and gaining great momentum, please join us!

The Saturday, May 2 race starts and finishes at Green Street School, 164 Green Street, Brattleboro. There is also a 1/2 mile Sprout Run for younger children before the 5K.

Brattleboro Area Hospice to Host 6th Death Cafe in Wilmington

Brattleboro Area Hospice will host it’s 6th Death Café in Wilmington. This free event will be held on Wednesday, March 25, 2-4 pm at Dot’s Restaurant at 3 West Main St.

Part of an international movement that started in Europe (www.deathcafe.com), the Death Cafe is dedicated to taking death out of the closet in order to discuss it publicly.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Monday, March 23, 2015 at 5:15pm in the Selectboard meeting room at the Municipal Center.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100

New Dates for Medicare Boot Camp

At this free class, Senior Solutions staff will provide unbiased information about the Medicare system. Medicare has strict enrollment periods, and this session will help  participants make timely decisions about drug plans and supplemental plans as well as many other issues.

This class is appropriate for those who are currently enrolled in Medicare, as well as anyone who will be signing up in the near future. Family members who help elders may also find this class useful. Space is limited, so please call ahead to register. There is no fee, but donations are appreciated.

To register or get more information, call the Senior HelpLine at 1-800-642-5119.