

FYI: Brattleboro Freecycle.org


If , like me and several others, you lost track of freecycle once they quit sending out e mails you can go to the above page and rejoin if you still want to participate. You might have to choose a new user name and password first, as I did, but once you get to the page with the requests and offers, it seems pretty easy to use.

Always a Catch

Skill and perseverance are needed to snare a fish in moving water, even more so if it’s a native variety. Of indigenous locals, brook trout are most prevalent, and arguably the most beautiful. They’re coy and sly creatures, and having had about ten million years to perfect their camouflage only enhances superb stealth. A trout can be underfoot and you might never know it. So, a catch is a delight which brings much satisfaction.

In short, to succeed you need to be a refined stalker and trickster. The trout is the one attuned to and at home in the water, not we terrestrials. Its super-sensitivities must be matched or there’s no chance, one false move and it’s usually game over. Within this critical pursuit, selection and presentation of an artificial fly must so evoke a real morsel, the fish is willing to risk his life chomping it.

Interesting Political Analysis

From “The Pen” (People’s email network) Today at 7:15 AM (edited)

The Beltway pundits remain condescending and dismissive, which is all the more reason why we need to keep cranking up the people power, to continue to raise the visibility of Bernie Sanders, as he continues to rise in the polls.This week on Meet The Press, they trotted out the big guns, so-called “senior” campaign advisers to pre-emptively and forcefully declare that Donald Trump was NOT going to be the Republican nominee. Chuck Todd has been wrong so many times already, we suppose he needed some faux authoritative reinforcement.

Main Street Sidewalk Update 4

This is our fourth update for the Main Street Sidewalk Reconstruction Project. This week our contractor completed all the advanced warning signage installation around town.

The Public Works crew has been working closely with Green Mountain Power to get the new street lights installed as well. We currently have all of the concrete removed at the new pole locations and 11 of the light bases are installed.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 8/24/15

BCTV ch. 8 schedule for the week of 8/24/15

Monday, August 24, 2015

12:00 am Valley Homegrown: Barishi 7/20/15

1:00 am Still a Paper tiger? China’s Environmental Courts

1:56 am 1st Wed: Edward Snowden & The NSA

3:30 am Dartmouth College Talk: Making Sense of the Mad Men Era

Qigong for Healing and Living Fully – Stories from China

Thomas Garbarino license acupuncturist and partitioner of qigong and taiji quan just recently returned from an epic pilgrimage to Wu Dang mountain in China. He will be sharing his experiences and stories as well as presenting new material to deepen our understanding of healing through the practice of qigong. All are welcomed.

You are your best healer! Come learn how each and everyone of us is born with the innate gift to heal ourselves. In this half-day intensive, you will experience simple and profound ways to awaken your body’s innate healing ability while deepening your capacity to relax and enjoy your life more completely. Participants will leave with a renewed and empowered sense of health and well-being. All are welcome; no experience required.

Beginner’s Hunyuan Chen Style Taiji Quan Class in Dummerston, VT

Beginner’s Hunyuan Taiji Quan is a 14 week series that introduces the principles of alignment, balance, correct movement, qi (vital energy) cultivation. Each week participants will learn a new movement of the Hunyuan 12 movement taiji quan form. Through dedicated practice, students will complete the form by the end of the series.

Participants will also learn chan si gong (silk reeling) exercises to help open and relax the joints while simultaneously nourishing the vital qi and blood of the body. All are foundational practices to re-condition the mind/body connection, deepening one’s capacity to relax, release stress, improve balance, and build core strength.

Broadband Choices in Brattleboro?

My $39.99/month Comcast internet promo ends this month. Normal price is $67/month, so I need an alternative. I scoured the web for DSL and fiber optic availability and pricing. Unfortunately, that info is published no where, so I contacted potential companies directly and compared services.

There’s three residential broadband providers in town- 2 DSL, 1 Cable Internet. Only 1 out of 3 companies offers transparant pricing online. Ironically, it happens to be the most hated company in America, Comcast. Instead of capitalizing on that, the two relatively small, local DSL companies maintain a website circa 1995- no way to register for service, check prices, corresponding speeds, verify coverage area. Basically useless, secretive, uninformative websites.

Twilight on the Tavern Lawn Presents Slippery Sneakers on Sunday, August 23

Twilight Music concludes its 13th annual Twilight On The Tavern Lawn series of folk, world beat, rock, jazz, zydeco, Celtic, swing, blues and bluegrass summer concerts on Sunday, August 23 with Cajun/Creole roots music sextet Slippery Sneakers. The seventh and final concert of the 2015 series begins at 6:00 pm in downtown Putney on the Putney Tavern lawn (bring a lawn chair or blanket) or at The Putney Community Center at 10 Christian Square in case of rain.

5:45 Live: 8/21/15

Get the latest on Panda North’s Tea sign drama at the DRB, the SB’s NEA Grant Finalists, I-91 Bridge blasting detour updates, and much more on this edition of BCTV’s weekly media round-up. .

Body Farms: What Really Happens When We Die

All planetary life forms anywhere throughout the universe have an expiration date.

On Earth, the mass production of humans with their built-in obsolescence is no exception, which, akin to our manmade consumer products, the people have a shelf-life of their own. It’s a good thing too. The human population cupboard is full, and, in fact, bursting at the seams.

As a society, the human collective can expect two expiration dates. One is on the daily road of sustainability where individual humans become extinct (aka death). The other is when humans taken as a whole are no longer sustainable on this planet causing the extinction of the species.

Loons Near Brattleboro?

I know this is a loaded question but where can I find some loons near Bratt?  Has anyone heard their calls in Windham County?  I returned last week from camping in the N.E.K. and fell in love with their haunting calls. Just curious if anyone knows or not.

What Should Happen When Your Child Reports School-Based Aggression

Brattleboro. Vermont Partnership for Fairness and Diversity has released What Should Happen When Your Child Reports School-Based Aggression in time for the upcoming school year. “What Should Happen is the latest in a series of easy to read brochures for parents, guardians and community members on what they should expect when a child they know reports being a victim of school-based aggression,” according to Curtiss Reed, Jr., Vermont Partnership’s executive director.

Brattleboro Area Hospice To Hold a 7 Week Bereavement Volunteer Training

Brattleboro, VT. Beginning on Thursday, October 8, 2015 Brattleboro Area Hospice will offer a Bereavement Volunteer Training at its home office at 191 Canal Street in Brattleboro. This 21 hour volunteer training will run on Thursdays from 6:00 – 9:00 PM. The final session will take place on November 19th.

Bereavement Volunteers provide emotional support and companionship to individuals grieving the death loss of a loved one. Applications for the training will be accepted until September 4th, or until the training group has filled. Trained volunteers are asked to commit to one hour per week spent with a bereaved individual.

Windham County for Bernie

It’s a safe bet that Bernie Sanders will carry Vermont in our presidential primary. For folks itching to help the national campaign, “Windham County for Bernie” is organizing to help our neighbors in New Hampshire ensure that Bernie Sanders wins the all-important NH primary in February.

We will hold our first public organizing meeting of “Windham County for Bernie” on August 27. NH campaign staff from Concord & Keene will attend to update us on the NH campaign. Sign up for phone banking, canvassing, helping out at NH Bernie events, writing letters to editors, bird-dogging other candidates’ and more.

Dim Sum For Elephants, Sunday Sept. 13

Dim Sum for Elephants

You’re invited to Dim Sum for Elephants at 4:00pm, Sunday, September 13, at Cai’s Dim Sum Teahouse, 814 Western Avenue, West Brattleboro, Vermont, a dim sum buffet, with wine and desert. During the evening there will be a silent auction and an informative talk about the current status of African elephants and what is being done. The price to attend the event is $35.

One hundred percent of the proceeds after costs will go to benefit Wild Aid, an organization working to stem the unprecedented spike in illegal poaching of African elephants for ivory. Wild Aids’ campaign to reduce demand for elephant ivory in Asia is the single largest step that can be taken to save African Elephants from the threat of extinction. To find out more about them go to wildaid.org/elephants.