

BMH Presents Lower Back Pain Workshop

As part of its commitment to community wellness, Brattleboro Memorial Hospital will present a workshop examining different perspectives on treating lower back pain. of and Brett Hynninen, MD of Pioneer Spine and Sports Physicians, West Springfield, MA will be the co-presenters of “We’ve Got Your Back” on Monday, October 26, 2015 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the Brew Barry Conference Center. The workshop is free and open to the public, refreshments will be provided.

Wayne Temmen, PA-C and Brett Hynninen, MD

Heat Pump Workshop Offered in Brattleboro Nov. 9

Do cold climate heat pumps make sense for you? Cold climate heat pumps have rapidly emerged as a promising technology for Vermont. Come to a workshop to learn about heat pump options for both hot water and space heating to see if they make sense for your home, business, or rental property.

These devices provide heat and domestic hot water using 25-50% less energy than conventional systems. They are environmentally-friendly as well – 87% free of carbon emissions when the electricity comes from Green Mountain Power. Heat pumps can also be combined with solar electric panels to provide 100% renewable energy.

Desperately Seeking…

Well, maybe not desperately but thought I’d throw this out there. If anyone in ibrattleboro land has any used legos that their kids have outgrown and they’d like to sell, I’d be interested in them. My grandson has just gotten into them and new sets are crazy expensive. I’d like to do a combination of some new and some used. Amazon has many “used’ legos but, as I sadly discovered- they are more often than not rip offs of actual Legos and don’t even fit with the real ones. Or they are being shipped from Malaysia or Tokyo- we’d be waiting months and who knows the quality.  I’m not looking for any rare or collectible Legos – they’re for a 6 year old- just thought someone might have a bag of them hanging around – waiting for someone in bare feet to step on them. Thanks!

Usual US Criminal Insanity! Presidential Heroes of Mostly Children Genocide in Vietnam? John Kerry’s Ass

During the CNN Democratic Presidential Debate, yesterday millions of simple-minded Americans listen to the now time worn touting of various candidates as heroes, for having “fought for their country in Vietnam.” 
Here is what former Democratic candidate for President and present Secretary of State John Kerry testified about the American war in Vietnam before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1971.

Zine Workshop @ Brooks Memorial for Teens Read Week

This year to celebrate Teens Read Week, we will be offering a !

The fall zine workshop will be held on Tuesday, October 20th from 4:45-6:45 at Brooks Memorial Library and will be led by local artist and cool creator Hannah Cummins. The zine workshop will be a great opportunity to create an awesome mini maga(ZINE) about something you care about. Share your artwork, thoughts, comics, favorite bands, favorite movies, or games in a mini maga(ZINE) at this
workshop. Celebrate this Teens Read Week, by creating something awesome at your library. Email or call (802)-254-5290 x110 to register.

The 34th Annual Design-A-Plate @ Brooks Memorial Library

Don’t miss the 34th annual Design-a-Plate workshop on Saturday October 17. Stop in any time between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to make a 10-inch melamine plate or 20-ounce melamine bowl.  Each item costs $6.00. Cash and checks made out to Brooks Memorial Library are accepted. Plates and bowls will be ready for pickup in December, just in time for holiday gift giving. Design-a-Plate is great for children of all ages and a fun measure of your child’s changes through the years. The workshop will be held in the Meeting Room. For more information, please call the Children’s Room at 802-254-5290 x110.

New VA Program Helps Disabled Veterans

Program Shown to Reduce Hospital Stays, Improve Quality of Life for Veterans Comes to Vermont and New Hampshire:

A national Veterans Administration program that keeps disabled veterans out of the hospital and improves their quality of life is coming to Vermont and New Hampshire.

The Medical Foster Home program, based at the regional VA headquarters in White River Junction, is aimed at veterans who are no longer able to live independently, placing them in homecare settings with a qualified single adult or a family. Sponsored by 113 VA’s around the country, the program has served over 3,100 veterans since it was created in 2000.

Career Social Gathering, Oct. 22 5:30 at Backroom Bar of Duo Restaurant

The Windham Workforce Investment Board (WIB) and Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) are pleased to announce the Career Social, Thursday, Oct. 22, 5:30-7 pm, at the backroom bar of Duo Restaurant in downtown Brattleboro. Aspiring entrepreneurs, makers, and creators are encouraged to attend. The Career Social will provide a casual, fun atmosphere to mingle and meet with a panel of eight local entrepreneurs, as they share how they have managed to follow their passions while living in Southeastern Vermont. Event goers will gather insights and inspiration for pursuing their own enterprises.

The panel includes
Avery Schwenk, Hermit Thrush Brewery
Natalie Blake, Natalie Blake Studios and Fulcrum Arts
Jesse Kayan, Wild Carrot Farm

Annual Harris Hill Ski Jump To Be Held February 20 & 21, 2016, In Brattleboro, Vermont

The Two Day Event Will Include the USASJ U.S. Cup Finals

Brattleboro, Vt. – The Harris Hill Ski Jump, the only Olympic-sized, 90-meter ski jumping hill in New England, will host its annual two-day ski jumping event February 20 and 21, 2016. The event will feature the Brattleboro-specific Fred Harris Memorial Tournament and the Pepsi Challenge, and the weekend will also serve as the U.S. Cup Finals of the United States American Ski Jumping (USASJ) series.

Founded in 1922, the annual jumping competition held on Harris Hill attracts several thousand spectators each year not only to watch local jumpers reach great heights but also to view world renowned jumpers soar in the sport of ski jumping. Seven different countries were represented at last year’s event.

BCTV Schedules For The Week Of 10/12/15

BCTV channel 8 schedule for the week of 10/12/15

Monday, October 12, 2015

12:00 am Bookstock: Bill Gifford – How to Live Longer

12:50 am TED Talks: ShaoLan: Learn to Read Chinese with Ease! “

1:00 am Hunger Mtn Coop Workshop Series: Signs of the Times

2:30 am Beethoven, Jazz and the Road Less Travelled

SV GOOD EATS Magazine Published By Reformer’s Parent Group, Media NewsGroup

Did anyone else pick up the GOOD EATS little mag that the Reformer’s parent group put out?  

Nice little article on local foodscene stuff with a decent writeup about bakeries by Cicely Eastman.  Some tasty sounding recipes on other pages I intend to try are on other pages.

However, a small quibble – they used a European bakery photo to illustrate the local bakeries on page 4.  Notice the signs in front of the baked goods have prices listed in Euros.

BMH Offers Free WRAP Wellness Workshop Series

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital is offering a WRAP () workshop series scheduled on Oct 16th (3-8pm), 17th (9-6pm), 18th (9-5pm) in Brew Barry Conference Room 2. This free workshop, conducted in three sessions, provides participants with tools to deal with life’s complications and to plan for the inevitable bumps along the way.

WRAP was developed in 1997 by a group of people searching for ways to overcome their own mental health issues and move on to fulfilling their life dreams and goals. It is now used extensively by people in all kinds of circumstances, and by health care and mental health systems all over the world to address all kinds of physical, mental health and life issues.

“Because We Say So”

This paragraph jumped off the page while I was reading from Chomsky’s new(ish) collection of essays.

“Elections are run by the public relations industry.  It’s primary task is commercial advertising, which is designed to undermine markets by creating uninformed consumers who will make irrational choices- the exact opposite of how markets are supposed to work, but certainly familiar to anyone who has watched television. “

Published this year, by City Lights.

Old Carrot Cake Recipe Sought

I am looking for a carrot cake recipe that makes the old style cake — dark (a warm brown color), dense, moist cake,  (high carrot content, I think) and definitely NO PINEAPPLE OR COCONUT.  Raisins and walnuts definitely OKAY.  While the newer recipes are more like regular cake, they are not the carrot cakes from the 70’s that I remember and love (and are no match, either, as far as I’m concerned).  .Does anyone know a local bakery who does or would make one with these requirements?  This is for a 60th birthday, and the birthday girl really wants to relive the carrot cake experience.

Thanks for any leads or recipes.

Deaccessioned Estey Organ Museum Instruments and Parts Offered to the Public

Over the years the Estey Organ Museum in Brattleboro, VT has received a number of reed organs which are no longer needed for the museum’s permanent collection. As a way to free up storage space as well as pass some of these instruments on to those who would have a use for them, the museum is holding a Reed Organ Re-Homing Weekend on October 24 & 25, 10 AM to 4 PM, at the museum, 108 Birge Street, Brattleboro, VT.

These instruments range in condition from just dusty to requiring complete re-building or re-purposing. Also available are parts for reed organs, pipe organs, and early electronic organs.

Weekend Creativity Series: Donald Fagan

We’re going to spend some time with this series looking at how other people create things. Last week we watched an animator work out a scene. This week we’ll look at how a musician thinks about a pop song.

Here, Donald Fagan of Steely Dan discusses and demonstrates aspects of his song “Peg” with Warren Bernhardt. He explains why the song is the way it is, and where he got ideas for creating it.

Music theory is one of those mystical subjects to me. I understand it when it is being explained, and can hear it, but the language and use of it escapes me personally. I find people who can do this sort of thing to be rather amazing, but I know it isn’t really that amazing — it’s what they do, and very possible if one applies oneself.

Elayne Clift Reads From Award-Winning Story Collection

Vermont author and journalist Elayne Clift will read from her latest book, Children of the Chalet: New and Selected Stories, Grand Prize Winner for Fiction in the Greyden Press 2014 Book Competition, on Saturday, October 10th at Brooks Memorial Library at 2.30 p.m. in the library’s meeting room on the 2nd floor. Clift will also read excerpts from her novel Hester’s Daughters (based on The Scarlet Letter) and will invite the audience to join in a discussion about the challenges of fiction writing and getting published in a 21st century literary world.

Clift’s latest short story collection has two parts. The first, Children of the Chalet, from which the title is drawn, is a set of connected stories based on a year she spent in the 1960s as a residential counselor in a halfway house for troubled teens. The second part shares a number of short stories not published until now.“I had ruminated for years about the girls I worked with and what brought them to residential living and care,” Clift says. “Their stories, which I’ve fictionalized, were compelling and I often wondered what had become of them as adults.