

Stu Copans’ Peace-Themed Art Opening on Sept. 11

West Brattleboro – On Sunday, September 11, from 2 to 4 p.m., the public is invited to an artist’s reception for Stu Copans’ exhibit “Peace, Gratitude & Stones from the River,” gracing gallery spaces at All Souls Church Unitarian Universalist through the end of October.

A continuation of Copans’ long-term paper-cutting project using the Hebrew Arabic, and English words for “Peace,” this year’s exhibit includes black, painted, and multilayered papercuts, as well as a number of word paintings exploring the importance of Gratitude as a way of being incompatible with Hatred and War. It also explores flow, the passage of time, and the interaction of water and rocks through an exhibit of stones from a 50-year collection of local and regional river rocks.

I-91 Brattleboro Bridge Replacement Project Update: Week of September 12th


Northbound I-91 traffic has been relocated onto the southbound bridge. Traffic will remain reduced to one lane in each direction on I-91 until completion of the new bridge. The new bridge will be 104’ wide and is designed to carry all four lanes of traffic –two northbound and two southbound.

Route 30

The speed limit on Route 30 near the work zone has been reduced to 40 mph. Project-related truck activity on Route 30 will continue. Route 30 may be reduced to a single lane intermittently, with flaggers regulating traffic within the work zone.

Cai Xi Retrospective 1980-2015 September 10 – November 6, 2016 at Currier Center, Putney

The Michael S. Currier Center, Putney, VT September 10 – November 6, 2016, open daily to the public on the campus of The Putney School. This survey of Cai’s work includes her portraits and landscapes of the 1980s, ‘Edge’ series of the ’90s, ‘WuJi (Infinity Within)’ series of the past decade and recent monumental portraits. For further information: (802) 257-7898 or caixiart [at] gmail [dot] com. 

You are cordially invited to the Artist Reception, Saturday September 24, 4:30 – 6:00 pm., at the Currier Center Galleryon the campus of The Putney School, 418 Houghton Park Road, Putney, VT. Inquiries: (802) 257-7898 or caixiart [at] gmail [dot] com.

Town Denies Hackers’ Ransom (GMMT News)


With the town of Brattleboro days from completing an overhaul of their IT network’s cyber protections, hackers managed to infiltrate the Brattleboro Fire Dept system and encrypt a collection of files, demanding over $4,000 in bitcoin as ransom to decode the files. Join Bratt Town Manager Peter Elwell as he details the hack and reports on the town’s decision not to pay the ransom, but rather to recreate the lost files while also finishing the security upgrades needed to better protect town data.

Business Start-Up Presentation: A Blend of Technology, Ecology & Culinary

Super Extra Fresh from the Field and Forest: Solving the “Small-Scale Farming” Equation

Is the key to supporting local agriculture simple arithmetic? A group of local technologists and agriculturalists think so. Join the Brattleboro Area Technologists [BAT] and local permaculturists on Thurs., Sept. 15 from 6-7:30 to find out.

On one side of the equation is high-end food service providers who take pride in, and get a marketing edge for, using unique, fresh ingredients. The discerning customer is willing to pay a premium for the experience of something that is rare, has a particular nutritive value, superlative taste, or comes from a place with a particular character (such as Vermont). Such products can sell for hundreds of dollars per pound if delivered fresh.

Ear Piercing in Brattleboro?

Does anyone know of any place in town that does ear piercing? The new-ish store on Main Street – Void- was planning on offering piercing options but apparently ran into some resistance from the town and state. ‘Welcome to Brattleboro- where smal business dreams come to die.’  Anyway, if anybody knows of a place I’d appreciate the information. Thanks!

Selectboard Meeting Notes: Fire Department Computer Ransom Demand Ignored, Police Plans Approved

Brattleboro Fire Department computers were unintentionally encrypted and virtually “held hostage” by nefarious no-gooders, somewhere, demanding a ransom to unlock the impacted systems. The town did not give in to their demands, and the locked files are instead being re-created by staff.

Plans for the new police station were presented and approved, the Black Mountain sewer settlement began to be settled, public hearings lacked public participation, and more.

Dead Even

Shinto is a pantheistic belief, its underlying principle being ‘All life is animated’. And as a consequence of this idea, “Nature can never be evil.”

Phenomenology is the concept that of an infinite number of channels, we choose which ones we focus on, to the exclusion of all others.

Roger Ailes and Lee Atwater were Ronald Reagan’s hatchet men back in the day. I don’t know the ins and outs of their cabal which included North, McFarlane, Haig, Bush et. al., but of the first two…one went on to found the ‘news division’ of Fox, creating a media megaphone for an unprecedented manifestation of Orwellian doublespeak, exemplified by the motto, ‘Fair and Balanced’. The other is long deceased, but his protege was Karl Rove, aka Bush’s Brain.

Brattleboro Conservation Commission Seeks Members

Are you a Brattleboro resident interested in the natural environment? Do you have special natural resource knowledge that you are interested in sharing? Are you concerned that invasive species are threatening the health of our environment? If so, the Brattleboro Conservation Commission needs you!

The Conservation Commission responsibilities include raising public awareness about the Town’s natural resources, guiding development in sensitive areas, and encouraging community participation and stewardship regarding town conservation issues.

ACT 46 Meeting Agenda and Minutes


Representing the Brattleboro Town School District, Dummerston Town School District,
Guilford Town School District, Putney Town School District and the Vernon Town School District


The Act 46 Study Committee will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 8, 2016 in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room


I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:00 p.m. – Alice Laughlin, Committee Chair


BCTV Schedules For Week of 9/5/16

BCTV channel 8 schedule for the week of 9/5/16

Monday, September 5, 2016

12:00 am The Dual Deception: 9/11 and the War on Terror

3:25 am Opera North: A Musical Celebration of National Parks

5:00 am GMMT: Friday News Show

5:30 am Authors at the Aldrich: John and Jennifer Sherman

Brooks Memorial Library Wants To Hear From You

This year is a big one for Brooks Memorial Library. We hired a new Library Director, Starr LaTronica; we are using some of the recent generous Ronald Read bequest for internal upgrades and renovations. In addition, this is the year we have the opportunity to revise and rewrite our five year Strategic Plan.

Brooks Memorial Library is well-loved and well used by its customers and continues to be. But the world of libraries is changing. Libraries are expanding beyond their collections of books and media by providing new kinds of programs, services and opportunities. Some libraries offer classes, some loan out tools and gear, some connect patrons with community resources and some provide space for business incubators, conversation salons or makerspaces. At BML, we can do many of these things, and in fact, already do some of them. Now, we need to know what our patrons and cardholders want and need?

Brattleboro Taxes Due September 15, 2016

The first installment of the 2016 Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes will be due on September 15th, 2016. Payments made after September 15th, 2016 will have an additional 1% interest added to the unpaid balance.

Payments can be mailed to the Town of Brattleboro, 230 Main Street, Suite 111, Brattleboro VT 05301. An official postmark of September 15th, 2016 will be considered as an on time payment. Please include the quarterly payment stub to ensure your payment is applied properly. Electronic Bank Checks must be received in the office by the due date. Electronic Bank Checks dated for the due date, but received after the due date will not be considered an on time payment.

Ukulele for Beginners Classes – New Sessions to Start Soon!

Learn to play the ukulele in this new round of Ukulele-for-Beginners classes, starting mid-September, taught by Lisa McCormick. Location: New England Youth Theater, 100 Flat St., Brattleboro, with off-street parking and wheelchair accessibility. Daytime and evening options are available. Classes run for 6 weeks. For more info, visit bit.ly/UkeClass

Sioux Pipeline Blockade

As many folks may know, or not know due to the ridiculous media blackout, there are hundreds of Indigenous tribes gathering in North Dakota to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Hau we are the Inyan wakankagapi otip-Sacred Stone Camp from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. We have partnership with the Oectc Sakowin- Seven Council Fires, Indians and Cowboys and anyone who is willing to stand with us against the Dakota Access Pipeline. This pipeline will cross the Missouri River and Cannon Ball River which is the life line to many tribes and non native, when this pipeline leaks it will destroy the water and land. Water is life ! So this pipeline is along the Missouri River and the KL pipeline was along the Ogall aquifer; both are important to save.

Movie Monday

September Showings


 Sept.12th – 10 am

German: Story of two nomadic shephard boys to reconcile a camel with her rejected newborn calf.

 Sept. 19th – 9:30 am

British: Story of a young girl who steals books to teach herself to read as a refuge from Nazi Germany.

 Sept. 26th – 10:00 am

Brattleboro Senior Meals Breakfast Menu


September 2nd– Breakfast Sandwich w/Egg, Cheese & Sausage, Home Fries, Fruit, Yogurt, Juice, Coffee.

September 6th – Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Home Fries, Muffin, Fruit, Yogurt, Juice, Coffee

September 9th – No Breakfast

Now for Some Trash Talk

Recently in Brattleboro some “Townie” came up with the idea that trash pick ups will be done bi-weekly rather than weekly (this program, mind you began in the hottest month, July)  But that’s another story…

I think it’s a good idea but why stop there?  Why not cease all trash pick ups?  Forever!  Yes I am serious. 

We have major problems with trash – it pollutes and gathers in gyres in the oceans, now as big as Texas and getting bigger. It breaks down into small pieces and gets ingested by fish which then gets ingested by humans (ha ha – karma)  The population is growing yet we have done barely a thing to address the accumulating build up of trash. Indeed, we have only gotten more wanton.

More Treasure in Brattleboro

Hetre si a lyncei revdac postenosa rettul ni het perup tarp fo eth lohitsne nofanitu.
Fi oyu tawn ti, ti si royus, tub leapse tup ni a lamsl eretarus ni het mesa pots, os oyu nodt emoceb eth yonl eno hwo tegs ot dinf eabtyu heter.

S. P.
Enoemos esle tup ni esome shifdlog ni eth rewol tarp fo het nofanitu.
