

Act 46 Study Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Representing the Brattleboro Town School District, Dummerston Town School District, Guilford Town School District, Putney Town School District and the Vernon Town School District http://www.wssu.k12.vt.us


The Act 46 Study Committee will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at the Guilford Central School.


I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:00 p.m. – Alice Laughlin, Committee Chair


Writing Thank-You Letters at Brooks Library

Writing Thank-You Letters at Brooks Memorial Library. Start the New Year with Gratitude. Join us at Brooks Memorial Library on Thursday 19 January 2017, 3 pm – 5 pm and Monday 23 January 2017, 6 pm – 8 pm for writing thank you letters. More info at Brooks Library events calendar http://brookslibraryvt.org/upcoming-events/icalrepeat.detail/2017/01/19/2896/-/start-the-new-year-with-gratitude

Trump Inauguration Thoughts

Rumor has it a new president is being sworn in. I believe his name is Donald Trump.

Here’s some space for you to opine, praise, vent, or otherwise comment on this solemn tradition of our great nation.

I-91 Brattleboro Bridge Replacement Project Update: Week of January 23rd


Northbound I-91 traffic has been relocated onto the southbound bridge. Traffic will remain reduced to one lane in each direction on I-91 until completion of the new bridge. The new bridge will be 104’ wide and is designed to carry all four lanes of traffic –two northbound and two southbound.

To reduce congestion on I-91, both Exit 3 on ramps will be closed on Sunday, January 22nd from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM (I-91 will remain open). Traffic conditions on both I-91 and through the town will be monitored closely throughout the day. Should traffic congestion become an issue, the ramps may be re-opened until traffic conditions improve. This will be managed actively throughout the day until peak traffic volumes have passed.

For your planning purposes, ramp closures are also scheduled for January 29th and February 5th, 12th, 20th, and 26th.

Brattleboro Snow Removal Wednesday Night

The Town of Brattleboro would like to remind everyone that the snow emergency ban is in effect.

Snow and ice will be removed from the parking lots in the downtown area this evening.

Parked vehicles in the downtown parking lots must be removed by 10:30pm or they will be towed at the owner’s expense.

“If You Can’t Get On A Bus, Come And Stand With Us!”

From noon to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 21, there will be a SIster Vigil at Pliny Park, at Main and High Streets in Brattleboro, to stand in solildarity with marchers in Washington, D.C. — and all over the world (https://www.womensmarch.com/sisters).

There may be many people in the area who would like to join the Women’s March but will be staying here for whatever reason.  This vigil is for them — for us.

Selectboard Meeting Notes: FY18 Budget Approved, IT Plan To Understand Earthlink Accounts Before Ending Them

Brattleboro’s FY18 budget was approved by the Brattleboro Selectboard for presentation to Representative Town Meeting in March, ending a nine week process of review and adjustment. Your municipal taxes will increase 3.5 cents if approved by representatives.

A new IT plan will streamline Town networks and allow staff to use 2017 technology. Commonwealth Dairy and Hermit Thrush Brewery were assisted with land and loans, a new Mexican restaurant will open soon, Town audits show a clean bill of financial health, and mobile homes will be protected from future flooding.


What’s the difference between a climate advocate and a climate denier?

Not much.

Most “liberals”, “progressives” and Democrats are climate advocates.

Most “conservatives”, “libertarians” and Republicans are climate deniers.

If climate advocates believe that fossil fuels contribute to dangerous CO2 levels and hence climate catastrophe, why do they fly around in planes for the slightest reason? Why do they hold conferences that require colossal amounts of carbon emissions? It is understandable that their work may require flying but flying for vacations?

BCTV Schedules For Week of 1/16/17

BCTV channel 8 schedule for the week of 1/16/17

Monday, January 16, 2017

12:00 am Emergency Forum Legislative on VT Civil Rights 12/12/16

1:40 am MGFA presents: Artist Talk – Jon Gregg

3:00 am Amahl and the Night Visitor

4:00 am Vote for VT: Bringing Water to Kenya

4:30 am Windham County Sheriff Office Grant Check Presentation 12/8/16

Winterpills and Antje Duvekot at Next Stage on Saturday, January 21

Next Stage Arts Project and Twilight Music present indie/folk/chamber-pop quintet Winterpills, plus contemporary folk singer/songwriter Antje Duvekot, at Next Stage on Saturday, January 21 at 7:30 pm.

One of the most exciting bands to emerge from Northampton, MA in recent years, Winterpills plays haunting, delicate, dynamic music with shimmering melodies and aching lyrics. Critically praised as a mirror of sorrows and a beacon of hope, the music of Winterpills – true to the band’s name – is medicine for weary hearts.

Tim Wessel Running for Selectboard Seat – One Year

Hello to all iBrattleboro readers!

As some of you may have heard, last week I announced my candidacy for the Brattleboro Selectboard.  I will be on the ticket for one of the two available one-year seats.

I feel that this is a good time to inject a little energy and positive ideas into our town, and I hope to be part of that effort.  I think I’ll be able to bring a straightforward voice to the board, balancing the desire to try some new directions and also be firmly planted in fiscal responsibility – important to all hard-working taxpayers (like myself!).

Sister Marches Go Global

Local  Sister Rallies and/or Marches are in Montpelier,  Putney  Brattleboro,  Keene,   Greenfield and Northampton..    There may still be seats on the bus leaving from Putney VT to Washington D.C. 

Brattleboro Update:    From noon to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 21, there will be a SIster Vigil at Pliny Park, at Main and High Streets in Brattleboro, to stand in solildarity with marchers in Washington, D.C

Sister Marches Press Releases
Media Contact: Tina Cassidy

Women’s Marches Planned for all 50 States and More Than 40 Other Global Cities Grassroots Efforts from Sydney to Atlanta Could Top 1 Million Participants Organizing for Freedom and Democracy for All

African Americans Who Now Betray King’s Condemnation of Wars Will One Day Lead a Nice New USA by jay janson


Sometime during the next twenty-five years, as the United States slowly begins to lose economic, political, cultural and communications hegemony over the rest of the world, a much nicer, peaceful, pleasant, prosperous, free and expressively energetic America will begin to take shape and will trend toward seeking the unity, harmony and enjoyment found in its African American communities

Brattleboro’s Stump Square – Now With More Stump!

Brattleboro’s Stump Streets, formerly Forest Square, are succeeding in ridding the neighborhood of pesky trees. Our landlord has joined the in-crowd and has taken down a 150 year old maple tree with the encouragement of a tree cutting service.

They’ve nagged her for years and she finally gave in. The tree is in pretty good shape. They are out there right now being very careful to preserve all of the nice wood they are getting paid to harvest.

The tree was planted in the middle of the 1800’s by a group of Brattleboro residents that had formed a Shade Tree Association. They wanted to make sure future generation would have lovely shaded trees for cool, summer walking.

Lunar New Year of China, Korea, and Vietnam

Asian Cultural Center of Vermont (ACCVT) presents Lunar New Year of China, Korea and Vietnam. Sunday, January 29th, 1-3 at 118 Elliot Street, downtown Brattleboro (across from the fire station). It’s the 15th annual celebration of its kind in southeastern Vermont. It’s a potluck.

VFW Lunch Specials Jan. 16th – Jan. 20th

The Brattleboro VFW at 40 Black Mountain Road is open to the public for lunch. Lunch is served from 11:30 – 1:30. Specials are only $6 a plate. Burgers, fries, onion rings, chicken wings, soups and sandwiches are also available.
Take outs available by calling 257-0438.

Mon. – Salisbury steak w/ mushroom gravy, mashed potato & veg.
Tues – baked chicken w/ potato & veg.
Wed – spaghetti w/ meat sauce & salad
Thur – pot roast w/ potato & veg
Fri – homemade crab cakes w/ onion rings

Brattleboro Town Meeting Petition

I am circulating a petition to get a positive question on the Brattleboro Town Meeting Warning for a March vote. In short, it provides a chance for Brattleboro to say we have our standards and values and we will live up to them regardless of what happens in Washington.

Please use the link below to download a copy of the petition, sign it (and maybe get a couple of signatures from folks in your household) and return in to the Brattleboro Town Clerk by Thursday, Jan. 19. Or you can stop in at Everyone’s Books on Elliot Street and sign the copy on their counter.

The End of Ringling Bros. Circus

The Ringling Bros. circus is shutting down this May after 146 years. This circus would come to Brattleboro back in the day.

Owners says it is a combination of the times (we are easily distracted by other things), the cost of hauling an enormous show from town to town, and a lack of elephants. Elephants had been a part of the show until last year and there was a major drop-off in attendance after they left.

Final shows will be in Providence, RI, and Uniondale, NY later this spring. 500 employees will be looking for work.

(Note to former-circus folk, do consider coming up to Brattleboro. Our circus schoool is being built as I type and we could use more!)

I Am Running For Selectboard

Hello! I wanted to take a moment to announce my run for Selectboard. I am excited to embark on this run and welcome any questions you might have. Feel free to email me: . I have started a Facebook page and will post questions and answers there as well.