Celebrate Life: Viva La Vida – New Book
Celebrate Life: Viva La Vida is finished. It is now available onKindle and Amazon.com At the end of this note, are several poems and photos from this book and because it is father’s day i have included sample of poems that you can share with your favorite “dad/man” in your life.
Brattleboro Gets Rain
Just noting for the record the rather spectacular rainfall we just experienced in Brattleboro. This was some of the hardest rain I’ve seen in quite a while. “Buckets!” as they like to say.
BCTV Schedules Week of 6/19/17
BCTV channel 8 schedule for the week of 6/19/17
US Jet Shoots Down Syrian Plane
ISiS doesn’t have planes.
VFW Lunch Specials June 19th – June 23rd
The Brattleboro VFW at 40 Black Mountain Road is open to the public for lunch. Lunch is served Mon – Fri from 11:30-1:30 pm. Specials listed below are only $6 a plate. Hand made burgers, fries, onion rings, chicken wings, soups and sandwiches are also available. Take out available by calling 257-0438.
Brattleboro Senior Meals Lunch Menu June 19 thru June 23
Brattleboro Senior Meals Menu June 19 thru June 23
Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – June 20, 2017
The Brattleboro Selectboard will continue working on diversity issues at their next regular meeting at the Municipal Center. They’ll also start discussing the possibilities of plastic bag ban options for the town.
Make It Stop
Amazon is reported to be buying Whole Foods. This will be good for….?
Brattleboro Committee Meeting Warnings
The Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Finance Committee will meet on Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at 5:30pm in the Hanna Cosman Meeting Room at the Municipal Center.
I-91 Brattleboro Bridge Replacement Project Update: Week of June 19th
Brattleboro Bridge Replacement Project Update: Week of June 19th
Act 46 Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Representing the Brattleboro Town School District, Dummerston Town School District, Guilford Town School District, Putney Town School District and the Vernon Town School District http://www.wssu.k12.vt.us
There is much to talk about. How come we’re not talking about this? The fact that nobody’s talking about it, doesn’t that make you go hmm? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=–wogQ9-Cuc&t=14s
Arthur Lemon-Butter
One of my sisters just crossed the 50 year mark. To celebrate, I made her a short animation.
Summer Programming at Brooks Memorial Library
For libraries, summer time means summer reading. This year’s theme is “Build A Better World,” and the Children’s Room will be busy providing new programs and continuing with previous popular summer programs.
Part 9 Federal Marijuana Laws – Where’s The Roadside Drug Test?
Town of Brattleboro Job Opening E-Mail List
The Town of Brattleboro is asking for help from anyone and everyone who is interested in promoting increased diversity on the Town staff. In addition to proactively distributing all future job opening notices more widely than in the past, the Town will send those notices to any individual or group who wishes to receive them.
Death of Bruce Hesselbach, Local Citizen and Writer
The following notice was posted on the St Michael’s Episcopal Church’s website.
Part 8 Federal Marijuana Laws: Focus On The Money!
PART 8 FEDERAL MARIJUANA LAWS: ( I’m not familiar with where you apply for grants for schools to keep the children off drugs, but you could try http://www.grants.gov Home | GRANTS.GOV https://www.grants.gov/ Apply for a Grant Online Now. Apply for grants by creating a workspace. Workspace enables you and your colleagues to edit online forms and apply together. (ps. and you might get more money if your school is not consolidated with some other schools; I can’t be sure, check it out! ) Title 20 USC, Education & Marijuana
Free Writing Contest for Southern Vermont and Nearby Counties in New Hampshire and Mass
WRITE ACTION is pleased to announce its 15th Annual Poetry and Prose Writing Contest for adults and teens. Entries will be judged anonymously. Each category will be judged by an esteemed writer from the tri-state area. Judge for both prose and poetry in the youth category is retired head of the BUHS English Department, Nancy Olson. Judge for poetry is James Kates; prose judge is Joe Mazur.