

Last Call for Theater Campers

Thanks, as always, to ibrattleboro for welcoming Guilford announcements.  & actually in this case kids from other towns may attend this session for a modest $50 for the week.  (We think that’s a pretrty good bargain for a day camp that includes breakfast (kids can bring lunch, and there are snacks throughout the day, too;) theater games and acrtivities with two wonderful teachers, afternoon activities and time outdoors, and a pretty good-length day 9:00 am to 3:30 pm.  And any child needing transport can arrange for one of the staff, including Lbrary trustees and othger parents, to carpool.

VFW Lunch Specials July 10th – July 14th

The Brattleboro VFW at 40 Black Mountain Road is open to the public for lunch. Lunch is served Mon – Fri from 11:30-1:30 pm. Specials listed below are only $6 a plate. Hand made burgers, fries, onion rings, chicken wings, soups and sandwiches are also available. Take out available by calling 257-0438

Reception, Sat. 2-4 pm, for Lynn Martin’s Poetry & Paintings

West Brattleboro, Vt. – “The Art of Poetry,” an exhibit of paintings and poems by Lynn Martin, will grace gallery spaces at All Souls Church through the end of August. An opening reception this Saturday, July 8, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., offers visitors an opportunity to speak with Lynn about her creative process as an artist and poet, and to enjoy a table of savory and sweet refreshments.

SeVWA’s 2017 E. coli Monitoring of Local Rivers Continued July 5th

The Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance (SeVWA) continued its monitoring program for the summer of 2017 on Wednesday, July 5th. Volunteers will be collecting samples from 34 sites on nine rivers and streams every other week through the end of August. This year, we have sites on the West River, Flood Brook, North Branch Ball Mountain Brook, Rock River, Williams River (including the Middle Branch), Saxtons River, East Putney Brook, Sacketts Brook, and Whetstone Brook.