

Brattleboro Eclipse Viewing

Today’s the day for the solar eclipse. It won’t be total here, but some eclipsing will happen early this afternoon. Here’s what the National Weather Service in Albany says says:

VFW Lunch Specials 8-21 to 8-25

The Brattleboro VFW at 40 Black Mountain Road is open to the public for lunch. Lunch is served Mon – Fri from 11:30-1:30 pm. Specials listed below are only $6 a plate. Hand made burgers, fries, onion rings, chicken wings, soups and sandwiches are also available. Take out available by calling 257-0438.

SeVWA’s 2017 E. coli Monitoring of Local Rivers Continued August 16th

The Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance (SeVWA) continued its monitoring program for the summer of 2017 on Wednesday, August 16th. Volunteers this year are collecting samples from 34 sites on nine rivers and streams every other week through the end of August. This year, we have sites on the West River, Flood Brook, North Branch Ball Mountain Brook, Rock River, Williams River (including the Middle Branch), Saxtons River, East Putney Brook, Sacketts Brook, and Whetstone Brook.

Twilight on the Tavern Lawn Presents Simba on Sunday, August 20

Twilight Music concludes its 15th annual Twilight On The Tavern Lawn series of folk-rock, world beat, rock, pop, Celtic, blues and bluegrass summer concerts on Sunday, August 20 with funk and world beat band Simba. The seventh and final concert of the 2017 series begin at 6:00 pm in downtown Putney on the Putney Tavern lawn (bring a lawn chair or blanket) or at Next Stage at 15 Kimball Hill in case of rain. The series is sponsored by the Town of Putney, Green Mountain Well, Soundview Paper Company, The Putney Food Co-op, The Stockwell Brothers and many other Putney businesses and organizations. The concerts are free to the public (donations are accepted) and food will be available. For more information, call 802-387-5772 or visit www.twilightmusic.org.

Hearing at Retreat Farm Yesterday?

I was just looking up schedule at Retreat Farm and saw notice there was a hearing there yesterday. When you look at the map on the website it shows at least one new building up in the forest, and I know the plans there when I left were to turn the main barn into an upscale shopping area and cafe, and to add a lodge, and LOTS more parking right along our beautiful road across from the Retreat Meadows. There are some great things happening there but I’m afraid some public oversight and interest is needed to make sure the character and history are better protected.

Brattleboro’s Best Festivals

The best festivals in Brattleboro, in my view, are the authentic ones. They are quirky, have substance, are tied to the community, and exist due to local passion for the event. They go beyond tourism and marketing gimmicks and tap into something genuine and local.

WRC Expands Windham Wood Heat Program in Windham County

The Windham Wood Heat Initiative (WWH) has expanded its program eligibility, timeline, and technical assistance as it fully enters the “implementation phase” of the program under the Windham Regional Commission leadership. The WWH program has added non-profit owned buildings and expanded its timeline now to conclude in December of 2018. WWH, which began in 2015, — funded through closure of Vermont Yankee via the Vermont Clean Energy Development Fund (CEDF) – assists municipal, school, and the now eligible non-profit buildings convert to heating with automated, high-efficiency wood boilers while addressing those buildings’ energy efficiency and durability needs. This program works to yield community benefits, business success, high performance buildings based on a sustainable local forest industry and help make Windham County a hub for advanced wood heat technology.

Monumental Questions

The events in (and following) Charlottesville are myriad and complex. There is a stew of issues bubbling and boiling. To name but a few: race, Neo-Nazism, history, culture, the Civil War, monuments, art, speech, accountability, Trump & Co., ancestors, and many more.