

What Do Singing and Seeds Have in Common?

The Brattleboro Women’s Chorus will be sending a group of singers to the Sister Singers Festival in Grand Rapids, Michigan this coming summer. They will perform on their own as well as participate with twenty other women’s choruses in a festival that embraces the ideals of social justice and the values of love and compassion for themselves and our community. This is their opportunity to share their music with a national audience and support the music and the composers from other choruses. This festival can only deepen their singing skills and revitalize their energy for the importance of singing in our community.

Red Sox Invite Brattleboro High School Students to Submit Applications for the 2018 Red Sox Service Scholarship

For the 8th consecutive year, the Boston Red Sox Foundation is seeking submissions from inspiring senior students, who are dedicated to making a positive impact in their communities, for the New England Red Sox Service Scholarship. The annual scholarship honors academically-inclined high school seniors who have demonstrated a commitment to community service. Those selected will receive a $1,000 college scholarship and recognition during a special pre-game ceremony at Fenway Park.

Brattleboro Central Fire Station Ribbon Cutting and Open House

Construction on the renovated and expanded Central Fire Station is complete. A ribbon cutting and open house had originally been scheduled for next Friday, January 19. However, due to a calendar conflict, the event has been rescheduled to be held on Friday, February 9. The Town of Brattleboro and the Fire Department personnel are proud of the new station and invite the public to tour the facilities, meet the firefighters, and attend the Ribbon Cutting ceremony, as follows:

Call To Action: WSESU Proposes To Eliminate Diversity Director Position

At a time when the Windham Southeast Supervisory Union grows more diverse in its student population and educators clamor for tools to engender relevant cultural inclusion and equity, the WSESU School Board has proposed to cut Mikeala Simm’s position as Director of Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice. The proposal to cut her position was just announced today before the upcoming board meeting tonight. Let come out in force this evening at the Windham Regional Career Center Conference room at 6:30 p.m.

Keeping Warm at the Library

In spirit with the services that public libraries provide equally to all
who come, we received an excellent
this weekend! You can read it online with your library card: