

The Barbarians

Although on some level I must have known this already, somehow I was surprised to learn (in a book on Celtic history called The Ancient Paths by Graham Robb) that the ancestors of most white Americans were the same people we remember in history as “the barbarian hordes.”

BDCC Offers Squarespace Workshop

A workshop, sponsored by the Brattleboro Development and Credit Corporation, will help small businesses and nonprofits launch their own websites. This six-hour workshop, presented by Putney-based Sustainable Digital founder Bob Lawson, will be held in Brattleboro on June 5 and 12 from 5:30 to 8:30 each evening.

Brattleboro Memorial Day Closings

 In observance of Memorial Day, all Brattleboro Town offices will be closed on 

Monday, May 28, 2018, with the exception of emergency services. 

Parking is free at all metered spaces and in the pay-and-display lots on Sunday, May 27 and Monday, May 28, 2018. All other violations will be enforced. 

BCTV Schedules – Week of 5/21/18

BCTV Channel 8 schedule for the week of 5/21/18

Monday, May 21, 2018

12:36 am Bear Pond Books Events – “Screwnomics” Book Launch
1:30 am Apollo Engineer Talk 4/11/18
3:30 am Osher Lifelong Learning Institute – Introduction to Islam
4:56 am Promos – 2nd SoVT Economic Development Summit on May 30
5:00 am Green Mtn Mornings Tonight – GMMT: Friday News Show
5:30 am Tap Into Film: ’48 Hour Student Film Slam’ 2018
7:27 am Promos – The BDCC & Six College Collaborative Internship Program

Bernie Sanders Running for Senator

Bernie Sanders has announced his intention to run for Vermont Senator.

This young, new face may be unfamiliar to Vermonters, but readers may recall that he was one of the many candidates for President in 2016.

Meeting About Medicaid

Anyone concerned about changes to Medicaid is invited to a meeting on May 22 to learn about ways that Medicaid is under attack and what we can do to preserve and expand it. The meeting will take place from 6:00-7:00 pm at the Root Social Justice Center, 28 Williams St., Brattleboro. Doors open at 5:30 for light refreshments. The Root is handicap accessible, nut free and fragrance free. The meeting is sponsored by the Vermont Worker’s Center. For more info, or to request a ride or childcare, contact windham@workerscenter.org or (802) 257-4436.

VFW $6 Lunch Specials Open to the Public 5-21 to 5-25

The Brattleboro VFW located at 40 Black Mountain Road is open to the public for lunch. Lunch is served Mon-Fri from 11:30 – 1:30. Specials listed below are only $6 a plate. Hand made burger, fries, sweet potato fries, wings, onion rings, soups and sandwiches are also available. Take outs available by calling 257-0438

May 21st – May 25th

Mon – meatloaf, mashed potato, gravy & veg
Tues – reuben w/ french fries
Wed – beef stroganoff over noodles w/ salad

Gina Haspel Appointed to Head CIA By The Numbers

Gina Cheri Haspel=135 in English ordinal. She was nominated on 5/13. 5/13 in most of the world is expressed as 13/5 or 135. Central Intelligence Agency=135 in Reverse Reduction. Nominated on the 13th, CIA=13 in English Ordinal. Haspel=61 in English Ordinal. She is 61 years old. Born on 10/1. Haspel=101 in Reverse Ordinal. From her confirmation,May 17th, as head of the CIA to her birthday is 137 days. Government=137 in Reverse Ordinal. Authority=137 in English Ordinal. May 17th is the 137th day of the year.

Santa Fe, Texas Shooting

At least one gunman opened fire at a Houston-area high school Friday, killing eight to 10 people, most of them students, authorities said. It was the nation’s deadliest such attack since the massacre in Florida that gave rise to a campaign by teens for gun control.

2018 Coworking Space in Brattleboro

We’re interested in forming a small coworking space in Brattleboro for the rest of us who live in or near Brattleboro. Coffee shops have become too loud for us and we’d like to have our own space that is quiet and dependable for working.

John Gorka at Next Stage on Sunday, May 20

Next Stage Arts Project and Twilight Music present contemporary folk singer/songwriter John Gorka at Next Stage on Sunday, May 20 at 7:30 pm.  The concert celebrates the release of John’s brand new CD “True in Time.”

John Gorka is perhaps the quintessential iconic singer/songwriter of the 1980’s folk scene.  Hailing from New Jersey, he honed his craft and persona as a shy, wry and insightful singer/songwriter in the Greenwich Village “Fast Folk”  and Boston music scenes.  Gorka got his start at Godfrey Daniels, a neighborhood coffeehouse in eastern Pennsylvania, which is one of the oldest and most venerable music institutions in the country.

Open Studio Thursday Nights (Families Welcome)

The Drawing Studio at 28 Williams Street hosts an ongoing Thursday Night Open Studio from 5 to 8pm. Each week is a different theme: Animals, Shoes, Mythical Creatures, Your Neighborhood, etc..). Bring a friend, a sister, your kids. All drawing materials provided and the Open Studio is supported by your donations.
Please email Jason at jna1972@hotmail.com or visit the link for more info!

Seeking Local Wedding and Party Businesses… For VFW

The Brattleboro VFW located at 40 Black Mountain Road sometimes hosts weddings and parties in their facility. I would like to start a binder of local businesses that are into the wedding or parties business…..do you make cakes, take professional photos, DJ, do flower arrangements, make decoarations, etc? Please mail your contact information to the VFW at 40 Black Mountain Road, PO Box 8233 Brattleboro VT 05304. Some photos of your work would be perfect too, along with contact information of satisfied customers.

Clark Street Closing for Sewer Repairs

Clark ST will be closed on Friday, May 18, 2018, beginning at 7:00 a.m. The road will be closed in the area of 81 Clark ST while Utilities crews repair a sewer line. Local residents can access residences at the northern end of Clark ST via Lawrence ST.

Motorists should plan to use alternate routes during the construction period. Signage will be in place to remind motorists of the road closure.

Brattleboro Union High School Board Meeting Agenda


The BUHS #6 Planning and Policy Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, May 21 in

the WRCC Cusick Conference Room.


The BUHS #6 Board of Directors will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 21, 2018 in the

WRCC Cusick Conference Room.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Town Plan Adopted, Fire Truck Financed, Meters Put On Pause

Brattleboro’s Town Plan revision was adopted by the Brattleboro Selectboard at Tuesday’s meeting. It was one of many items in a packed agenda that included financing of the new fire truck, preliminary design work on a possible police carport, and likely train station improvements.

The usually dull Parking Fund overview was spiced up by a request for a comprehensive look at the parking system, with public discussions, prior to approving any capital improvements. The FY19 Solid Waste Budget was introduced, finances were discussed, goals were adopted, and we learned that Brattleboro has a new Indian restaurant.

Finally, Brattleboro’s two confidential employees received a 2% raise, along with other non-union positions.