

Kathak Lecture/Demonstration & Workshop with Veronica Simas de Souza Rosas

Kathak Lecture/Demonstration & Workshop with Veronica Simas de Souza Rosas
01.00 to 1.45pm
Discover the graceful and dynamic North Indian classical dance form of Kathak with this lecture demonstration and workshop.
We will cover a brief history of the dance form, development and today’s expression. Along with an explanation and demonstration of the typical repertoire of Kathak

Holi: The Festival of Colors An Evening of Indian Classical Dance and Music

21March 2019, Brattleboro, Vermont:  As a benefit for Brattleboro Planned Parenthood,  kathak dancer Veronica Simas de Souza and cellist Jake Charkey will present an evening of Indian classical dance and music entitled Holi: The Festival of Colors on Thursday, March 21 at 7:00 pm at 118 Elliot in downtown Brattleboro. Doors open at 6:00 pm. Suggested donation of $10.  

BCTV Started This Petition Today To Save The Nation’s Public Access Television Stations

Brattleboro, VT—Brattleboro Community Television (BCTV) started this petition (below) today (Feb 22, 2019) via Change.org to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai.

Across the county, public access television stations – one of the last forms of free, local and accessible media available to Americans – face the threat of being defunded by the end of this year, as the U.S. Federal Communications Commission quickly moves to adopt a rule change that would permanently strip them of funding under pressure from big cable corporations.

Helpful Election Information for March 5 and Sample Ballots

Below is information that might be helpful to know for March 5th local elections.

Attached is a sample ballot from each of Brattleboro’s three districts. All districts’ ballots are the same except for Town Meeting Members for each district. Absentee ballots are currently available at the Town Clerk’s Office and may be requested until 5:00 pm on Monday, March 4. Sample ballots can also be found on our website at www.brattleboro.orgunder Elections.

Quest for Eagles: Wildlife Photography from Brattleboro & Beyond

Less than a week away! View the raptors and wildlife of Brattleboro through photographic images at the Brooks Memorial Library from February 26th through March 22nd. Photographs, by Dara Carleton Wildlife Photography, will include bald eagles, ospreys, cormorants, songbirds, small critters, and waterfowl images all taken within a 30-minute drive from Brattleboro. Come view the bald eagles and wildlife that’s right in your backyard! Opening reception will be Wednesday February 27th from 5-7pm.

Spanish Language Television from the Library!

Brooks Memorial Library is pleased to offer access to the Pongalo Novela Club!

If you are a fan of Spanish Language Television, look no further! Your library card allows you to register for a FREE RB Digital account, and from there you may choose programs from such categories as: Columbia, Venezuela, Péliculas, Telenovelas, and Series, and watch them en español. Stream from home, or come in to use one of our laptops or public access computers!

The Health & Wellness Resource Center – At Brooks Memorial Library

February was designated American Heart Month by the American Heart Association, and the first official observance was established by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1963, to raise awareness of heart diseases—the number one killers of Americans, according to the CDC and to tell people about all the steps they can take to minimize their risks and improve their health.

No Fines at Brooks Memorial Library!

This is just a reminder to anyone who might not have heard the great news:

Do you have old fines from years ago? Brooks Memorial Library will forgive them, and you can start over with a clean slate  We have changed for the better!

Moving forward, we are mostly FINE FREE.

iBrattleboro Turns Sixteen

cats with cake

iBrattleboro comes of age today. The site turns sixteen.

Sixteen means we can get a learner’s permit for driving. We can drop out of school. We can consent. We can get an adult passport, donate blood,  and in some countries vote, drink or join an army.

Some other notable sixteens:  Louis XVI, 16 personality types in the Myers-Briggs system, 16 pawns in a chess set,  the F-16, and it’s the the age Sleeping Beauty pricks her finger and falls asleep.

Selectboard Candidate Interview – Daniel Quipp

daniel quipp

Next in our series of interview with Brattleboro Selectboard candidates is Daniel Quipp, running for a one-year seat.

Give us a brief biography – who are you? What do you do?

I’m originally from Wales and married to a person who grew up in Newfane. I have been coming to Brattleboro since 2004 and have lived here since 2014. I’m currently a crisis fuel worker with SEVCA and just started a new job with Vermont Interfaith Action working in Windham and Bennington counties.

Nimbus Dance Company Performance at The Putney School

The Nimbus Dance Company will be back on The Putney School campus from Feb. 24 to March 2 for a week-long residency.

This will be the premier New Jersey contemporary dance company’s eighth consecutive year on campus. While here, the dancers will teach master classes and perform excerpts of new Nimbus dance pieces in addition to pieces from their acclaimed repertory.

Why Andy Davis Is Running for the Brattleboro Town School Board

I have taught in Brattleboro public schools for over 25 years. Our two children went to Brattleboro schools, BAMS and BUHS. Even though I retired from teaching in June of 2018 I continue to contribute to area schools and to speak out for quality public education. I am committed to promoting equal access to a quality education for children of all abilities. I have lived in this town for over 30 years and believe I have a sense of our community values… diversity, creativity, compassion, sustainability.

Breakfast at the Brattleboro VFW Feb. 23rd Public Welcome

The VFW will be having a breakfast Saturday Feb. 23rd from 8 am – 10:30 am. This is not a buffet, but you may choose to purchase eggs made to order, sausage, bacon, potatoes, toast, homemade sausage gravy over biscuits, doughnuts, cinnamon rolls, and pancakes or french toast with real maple syrup. This will be on the canteen side, not the hall side.

“Stolen Jewels”: Gems for Flute & Piano

FOMAG artists

Guilford, Vt. – Friends of Music at Guilford, now in its 53rd concert season, presents “Stolen Jewels,” its Midwinter Musicale, on Saturday, February 23, at 3:00 p.m. in the sanctuary of Guilford Community Church. Alison Hale, flute, and Christopher Lewis, piano, both busy teachers and guest artists, will perform four romantic duets transcribed for flute that were originally scored for other instruments with piano. The program of chamber favorites includes the Brahms Sonata in F minor for clarinet, the Schubert Arpeggione Sonata for Cello, the three Romances for Oboe by Schumann, and the Sonata in A Major for violin by Fauré.

Introducing Jill Stahl Tyler for Brattleboro School Board Three-year Term Slot

Happy February! As a member of the Brattleboro Town School Board since 2011, I’ve seen first-hand the extraordinary work done by dedicated professionals.  I’m running to continue to ensure that excellence, particularly as we move towards a merged entity under the state-mandated Act 46.

To comply with Act 46, I have led our board through reviewing all options, including the alternative governance plan.  I could not support the alternative governance option because legal and financial experts had serious concerns of its legalities, particularly regarding sharing of staff.