The Guilford Board of Civil Authority reminds all Guilford legal residents that you are both eligible and encouraged to run for a Town position, via the Australian Ballot at Town Meeting. Here’s the catch: To be on the ballot, you have just 2 weeks to file a petition. It’s not too hard: Go to the Town Office (Mon-Thurs) and sign up. Get a petition for the office you’d like to seek, and get 18 signatures of registered voters, turn it in by the close of the day on Monday, Jan. 27, and you’re a candidate!
Here are the offices which will be elected on the ballot: Town Clerk, 3-year term; Treasurer, 3 years; Selectboard: One 3-year term, one 2-year, and the remaining year on an unexpired term; Lister, 3-year; Auditor, 3-year, and Town agent, 1-year.