

Professional Sports In The Time of Pandemic

It would seem that Major League Baseball (MLB) would have been able to figure out how to resume their season without fans in the stands by now. They have nearly unlimited financial resources and they certainly have the personnel to work on solving all of the logistical problems that have to be dealt with. Players have made comments that they would find it difficult to play without fans, but if they really had a love for the game they would realize that the fans would adjust temporarily. They owe it to their fans to make a better effort.

Professional sports in this country are driven by obscene salaries and, no matter what well-intentioned people might say, money rules. Consider these numbers.

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status – May 8, 2020, 1:30pm 


• While we will continue to post a daily update to the Town’s website every day, we will issue those daily updates as news releases only on days when there is a change in the status of Town operations. This change is intended to make it easier for the media and the public to identify when something is changing. To check the status of Town operations at any given time, please view the latest daily update posted on the Town’s website. 

• The Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department announces the following update regarding the status of its facilities: 

➢ The Fred H. Harris Tennis/Pickleball Courts at Living Memorial Park are open. 

➢ The frisbee golf course at Living Memorial Park remains open. 

➢ All softball fields are available to families for informal kickball, wiffleball etc. 

Softball fields are not yet open for more formal team activities (games or practices). 

➢ Basketball courts remain closed until further notice. 

➢ The Dog Park at Living Memorial Park remains closed until further notice due to COVID-19 and being recently reseeded to rejuvenate the turf. 

➢ All park equipment remains closed (benches, picnic tables, playgrounds etc.) until further notice because it is impossible to sanitize that equipment in between users. 

➢ Restrooms at Living Memorial Park and West River Park remain closed until further notice. 

3-mile Loop Trail on Wantastiquet Rediscovered

There’s a beautiful, unknown 3-mile loop trail on Wantastiquet. I discovered it a few years ago. I’ve pushed fallen branches to the side, so now it’s sort of possible to follow it. I’ve posted a GPS track “kmz” file here that can be used on a smartphone to help stay on the trail, www.danaxtell.com/Wantastiquet_Flank_Loop.kmz . Google Earth will show this track as an overlay.

The trail goes nowhere near the summit, but does visit the best panoramic lookouts on the mountain—the ones that photographers have been using for 170 years. The loop is possible only because there is a carefully graded trail and retaining wall through the rockslides on the steepest section. I have never seen a mention of this stretch of trail. I found it while exploring the various lookout points in the area. It’s a mystery.

Brattleboro Area Hospice Virtual Advance Care Planning/Advance Directive Session

Brattleboro, Vermont.  May 13, 2020 10 -11 am Brattleboro Area Hospice’s Taking Steps Brattleboro (TSB) program will host a zoom Advance Care Planning/Advance Directive Question and answer Information session. If you are interested in attending, please contact Don Freeman by email: don.freeman@brattleborohospice.org  or calling 802.257.0775 ext 101 and leave your contact information so that you can receive the emailed zoom invitation and/or telephone call-in number.  

Interested people are encouraged to attend this informational session to ask questions about how to complete or update an Advance Directive for healthcare including where do I find the forms, who should be named as an healthcare agent, who do I give the completed form to, and how do I talk with my family about my healthcare wishes if I am unable to speak for myself? Anyone over 18 years old should have a completed Advance Directive. This is the second weekly zoom informational session, which will be held each Wednesday from 10-11 am through June 24, 2020.

VT Governor Scott Announces Limited Socializing

Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott today announced that outdoor recreation and limited social interactions may resume under strict health and safety precautions, as state modeling continues to indicate a slow in the spread of COVID-19.

While the Stay Home, Stay Safe order remains in effect, if able to comply with outlined safety measures, the Governor’s latest order allows the following social activities to resume:

Gatherings of 10 or fewer. Vermonters may now leave home for outdoor recreation and fitness activities with low or no direct physical contact and to resume limited social interactions and gatherings of 10 or fewer, preferably in outdoor settings that allow for greater physical distancing protocols.
Inter-household socializing. Members of one household may gather – and allow children to play – with members of another trusted household, provided health and safety precautions are followed as much as possible.   

Brattleboro 2019 Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes Due

The fourth installment of the 2019 Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes will be due on May 15, 2020 by 5:00 PM.  Payments made after May 15, 2020 will have an additional 1% interest, as well as an 8% penalty added to the unpaid balance.

The utility billing is also due on May 15, 2020 by 5:00 PM. Payments made after May 15, 2020 will have an additional 1% interest, as well as an 8% penalty added to the unpaid balance.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – War and Water

brattleboro sb may 5 2020

The Brattleboro Selectboard held their regular virtual meeting Tuesday night to discuss war monuments, COVID-19, the Town financial outlook, a new water treatment plant, a new pump station, a new purchase of property, and an overview of additional planned Utility Fund expenses.

The new water treatment plant is estimated, currently, to cost about $11 million.

“The Stand At Paxton County”

I always thought very highly about Humane Societies and animal rights people in general. It’s not always the case.

In the film “The Stand At Paxton County”, I got an entirely different view of the whole situation. (It’s currently available on Netflix)

Though the film is fiction, it’s based on reality.

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status – May 4, 2020, 5:15pm 


All Town offices resumed daily on-site office functions today, in accordance with the following: 

• The exterior entrances to all Town facilities remain locked at all times. 

• Signs are posted at all exterior entrances clearly indicating that no one may enter the building if they have any symptoms of respiratory illness (fever, cough, and/or shortness of breath). 

• There is only 1 employee in each office at any one time, except when more than one employee is necessary to complete a required task. 

• Employees who are not in the office continue to work from home in the same manner as they did during the full closure of Town offices between March 27 and May 4. 

• The public is requested to continue to do as much Town business as possible remotely (by email, internet, phone, or mail). Please note that this includes the payment of property taxes and utility bills. Those can be paid by mail, online, or by dropping an envelope containing your check (no cash) into a locked black drop box that is attached to the large wooden light pole in the parking lot behind the Municipal Center. 

VT Governor Scott Allows Limited Elective Procedures

Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott today announced limited elective procedures would resume, which had previously been put on hold as Vermont’s health care system focused on preparing for, and responding to, COVID-19.

The Governor’s decision comes as the state’s modeling continues to show spread of COVID-19 has slowed – thanks to Vermonters’ physical distancing efforts – and the state’s ability to track and trace outbreaks of COVID-19 has become more robust. Health care providers who recommence these procedures have been provided guidance and must meet specific mitigation criteria to protect patients and clinicians from possible infection.

BCTV Schedules – Week of May 4, 2020

BCTV Channel 8 / 1075 schedule for the week of 5/4/20

Monday, May 4, 2020

5:00 am Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium Virtual Learning – ‘Forces and Motion’ (Grades 5-6)
5:40 am Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium Virtual Learning – ‘Outdoors With Bobby-Farlice Rubio’
6:00 am Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium Virtual Learning – ‘Introduction to Science Topics’
8:00 am Democracy Now! – Democracy Now! Daily Broadcast

Happy Walpurgisnacht Everybody!

Walpurgisnacht or Walpurgis Night is the eve of the Christian feast day of Saint Walpurga, an 8th-century abbess and is celebrated on the night of April 30 and the day of May 1.

Saint Walpurga is revered by Christians for battling rabies and whooping cough. Miracle cures are reported from ailing people who anoint themselves with a fluid known as Walpurga’s oil that drains from a rock at her shrine in Eichstatt, Germany.

Governor Scott Announces Additional Economic Re-Opening Steps

Montpelier, Vt. – As modeling indicates continued progress in slowing the spread of COVID-19, Governor Phil Scott today announced a third incremental, evidence-based step forward to put Vermonters back to work.

If able to comply with outlined safety measures, the Governor’s latest order expands on Addendum 10 and Addendum 11 to allow the following operations to operate:

Crews of 10 or fewer employees per location/job to perform outdoor work and construction work in unoccupied job sites. (Effective May 4)
Manufacturing and distribution operations may resume with a maximum of 10 employees in any location if they are low-density and ensure employees are always six feet apart. (Effective May 4)

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting Agenda and Notes – May 5, 2020

It will be a DPW night at the next regular virtual meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard. The Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project’s final engineering  is about to get underway, Signal Hill Pump Station will be replaced, and other utilities projects will be discussed.

The Town Manager will offer COVID-19-related information and updates and provide the board with a preliminary look at the current fiscal year as it begins to wrap up. You can virtually bring up other topics not on the agenda during virtual public participation.

How To Wear A Mask

Over the past few weeks I have been tempted to create a squad of the mask police. I have seen too many people who either don’t seem to understand how a facemask is supposed to work or they think half a job is better than none.

When I see people who do not cover their nose with a mask my blood pressure rises a little, but I have refrained from telling them how to use it correctly. Forty years as a nurse in a variety of settings has given me some credibility in this area, having probably spent hundreds of hours in close proximity to communicable disease while wearing a mask and other protective gear.

This isn’t rocket science. It’s actually pretty simple if you just put a little bit of thought into why you are wearing a mask. Although some masks are more effective than others they all have the same purpose: to stop the spread of disease.