

Damn Us, Janus

The other day I was out for a stroll and passed two middle aged guys in animated conversation, “I remember high school like it was yesterday, and my best friend from there is now a grandfather!” That was interesting to me because I’d been thinking about how only with age do we see the makeup of that tumultuous phase- the cliques, the overlapping circles, passage from underclass to senior. At the time it’s all too much to fully take in- social rapids, interpersonal eddies, perilous falls. If we knew then what we do now, what would be different?

Which got me thinking about perspectives, given or gotten by way of time or shifted points of view. Semi-related, for some reason I can’t yet understand, I’m a bit unsettled by a thing I habitually do when seeing someone for the first time from behind. I try to guess what they look like head on. It’s kind of a game, but it’s not, probably harkening back to a reptile brain instinct. And it’s practically impossible to guess accurately. The human array is infinite. I’m not sure if the disturbing part has to do with being unwittingly judgmental, confused, or other measures that reside in the unconscious mind.  

Brannan Street Road Closure 

On September 3, 2024, LaRock Construction (a contractor of the Town) will begin replacement of a retaining wall near the eastern intersection of Brannan Street and Williams Street.  The work is expected to take several weeks. 

When work commences, Brannan Street will remain closed from the east intersection with Williams Street to the intersection of Brannan Street and West Streets. This closure will continue through the completion of the project. Following the completion of the retaining wall, pavement repairs will be made on Brannan Street, Crosby Street, Strand Avenue, West Street and Highlawn Road that will create minor traffic restrictions.

Brattleboro Labor Day Closings

In observance of Labor Day, all Town offices will be closed on Monday, September 2, 2024, with the exception of emergency services. Parking is free at all metered spaces and in the pay-and-display lots on Sunday, September 1, and Monday, September 2. All other violations will be enforced. Brooks Memorial Library will be closed on Sunday, September 1, and Monday, September 2. Trash, recycling and composting WILL NOT be picked up on Monday, September 2, 2024. All curbside collections will be delayed by one day all week.

New Program Supporting People with Serious Illness

Serious Illness Program

Support for Those Going Through Life-Altering Illnesses

Have you or someone you love been diagnosed with a serious illness, or coping with an exacerbation of an ongoing serious illness such as organ disease or cancer?

The time of a new diagnosis, or treatment for a recurrence or exacerbation of an ongoing illness often calls for added support. If you or your loved one are going through cancer treatment, or experiencing a healthcare crisis due to cancer or organ disease we can help.

Brattleboro Planning Commission Meeting: Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 6:00 pm

6:15 – 6:55 Request for Land Use Regulation Amendment (cont.)
An update on how the VT Legislature’s changes to 24 VSA 4412 affect World Learning’s re-zoning request. Review maps of other affected areas. Discuss potential options for bringing the Land Use Regulations into compliance with State statute.

6:55- 7:25 2026 Town Plan
Review and discuss additional data assessment of Brattleboro. Preview activity for October Planning Commission meeting.

Voter Information for November 2024 Election

Please run the attached and below regarding voter information for the November 5 election.

The Vermont Secretary of State’s office will be mailing the November 5 General Election ballot to all active registered voters by late September. They will be pulling that list from the election database on or around September 3.

Percussionist Cyro Baptista on the Bandwagon Summer Stage

The Next Stage Bandwagon Summer Series presents Brazilian-born percussionist in jazz and world music Cyro Baptista, on Saturday, September 21 at 5:00 pm.

Cyro Baptista is a Brazilian born percussionist and composer whose vast talent and penchant for innovation brought him to be praised as one of the most respected musicians in the world.

Cyro’s endless sonic curiosity and intense rhythmic led him to create several musical ensembles and record many albums of his own. He has also lent his sounds to several GRAMMY award-winning records and to over 300 CDs with many of the most beloved musicians in the world.

“Easily the most famous of all of the artists of the series, Cyro has played with Trey Anastasio, Paul SImon, Yo-Yo Ma, Herbie Hancock, and John Zorn. This project, Chama, is his new group that explores Brazilian themes, but with obvious surprises,” says Keith Marks, Executive Director of Next Stage Arts. “Cyro is a musician’s musician, and it goes without saying that we’re blessed to have this performance as part of our outdoor summer series. Cyro is a playful soul whose music is imbued with playfulness and virtuosity.”

September 18, 2024 Brattleboro DRB Agenda

Review of Cases/Public Hearings to be reviewed under the Brattleboro Land Use Regulations as warned on October 12, 2015.
 2024-71                David Timmons & Robin Bitters; Residential Neighborhood 5400 District; request for Waiver of Dimensional Standards Approval to construct a 41′ x 42′ 2-story home, located in part in the front yard setback in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and in response to site conditions at 101 Chestnut Hill; Tax Map Parcel #00265205.000

2024-84                BEEC & Earth Bridge Community Land Trust; Rural District; request for Site Plan & Local Act 250 Approval to construct a parking lot at 1219 Bonnyvale Road; Tax Map Parcel #100248.000 Continued from August 21, 2024

The Bondville UFO

It looks like a UFO has landed at the Bondville Fair. As the flying disc stops spinning and comes to a full stop, the doorway opens up as if the aliens were about to come out to make contact. Instead, it was some slightly dizzy kids.  Looks like fun.

We approach the Starship 3000 with eager anticipation. The rotating metal contraption was built, one might guess, when Close Encounter of the Third Kind was released in theaters or shortly thereafter. 

We are told, somewhat suspiciously, to take all of our belongings out of our pockets and leave them outside the spaceship. Wallets, keys, purses, phones, and more all go into a communal pile on a white folding table.

Addiction As A Form of Suicide

I make no claim of being a therapist or an expert on human behavior. But when you have been around for nearly eight decades you do come to understand a few things. I have learned that people who are unhappy about the course of their lives, people, who feel they are trapped in their lives with no way out and people who feel that the world around them will not allow them to succeed, often turn to drugs and/or addictive behaviors to ease their pain.

This is not a judgment call but simply an observation. I suspect that if you were to do a survey among people who have turned to drugs or alcohol or who have any kind of addiction at the center of their life, you would find most of those people to be among the unhappy.

Rakish and The Early Risers at Next Stage

Next Stage Arts Project and Twilight Music present a contemporary folk double bill with Rakish (Maura Shawn Scanlin and Connor Hearn) and The Early Risers (Ashley Storrow and Putnam Smith) on Friday, September 20 at 7:30 pm at Next Stage.

Violinist Maura Shawn Scanlin and guitarist Conor Hearn unite to form “Rakish.” The pair gets their namesake from the traditional Irish tune Rakish Paddy, an origin that aptly suits the duo and their shared background in traditional Irish and Scottish music. Yet “rakish” itself also suggests something strikingly unconventional in its appearance, and Maura and Conor knowingly embrace this wealth of connotation in their music, drawing on the music they grew up with and performing it with their own slant. In a performance that toes the line between concert music and session music, Rakish explores tunes and songs from Irish and American folk traditions in a way that reflects their shared interest in and love for old traditional tunes and chamber music. Maura Shawn, a two-time U.S. National Scottish Fiddle Champion and a winner of the Glenfiddich Fiddle Competition, wields the technical range of a classical violinist and the deep sensitivity of a traditional musician. Conor, a native to the Irish music communities of Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, MD, makes his home in Boston, MA playing and teaching guitar. As a duo they have performed at venues and festivals across North America, and can be found teaching at fiddle camps across the country.

Windham Southeast School District Board Meeting Agenda Aug 27, 2024

– If appropriate, every agenda item is subject to Potential Action.
– If any Board Member feels that an item on the Consent Agenda warrants discussion, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be set aside for discussion. In this way the Consent Agenda will be approved in one motion. That request should be made now, or before the vote on the Consent Agenda.
– Amendments to the Agenda

“My Yehudi Friend”

In the wake of October 7, 2023 and its aftermath, the idea that Jews and Arabs might share a deep impulse to love one another, might seem absurd. Thus I have felt reluctant to share this story with the 72 blog88.org subscribers or to post it to iBrattleboro. Yet the profound reality is that the inclination to love is fundamental to human nature.

I have heard people say that it is governments which stir up hatred and violence. But a small group of “true believers” can ignite cascading violence, which draws in governments and escalates into war. In normal times, as neighbors, we may share a garden. But in another situation, I may feel the need to kill you as quickly as possible, before you can kill me.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Brattleboro To Expand Police and Surveillance

selectboard aug 20 2024

The Brattleboro Selectboard voted in favor of many suggestions by Police Chief Norma Hardy at their regular Tuesday meeting: using community safety funds to purchase surveillance cameras, plus authorizing a move forward on un-budgeted hiring of three more officers, hiring two unarmed police staff, and one police data technician. They also will move ahead with locating a police satellite office downtown.

This came after a presentation on police data that showed that the majority of police calls in town were not for crimes, and many incidents with police involve a handful of known actors.

WSESD Social Justice and Equity Committee Meeting Minutes – August 1, 2024

Panorama retention survey, school climate, well-being, and teacher feedback should be included in the annual report. The report will address the need for equity support and emphasize the importance of continuous improvement. Specific attention will be given to marginalized students in the continuous improvement plan to ensure that goals are met.

Upon reviewing the data, it is evident that students with individualized education programs (IEP) and those from low-income backgrounds are not performing well. This called for specific attention in the CIP plan for math and literacy. Deborah will speak to Mark about drafting the necessary goals that were presented at the June administration retreat.

WSESU Board Meeting Minutes – August 14, 2024

Our renegotiations will start around November and the goal is to be done by the annual meeting or earlier in February if possible. The usual time requirement is 4 pm – 8 pm weekly on a non-board meeting night. The board discussed including 2 board members on the negotiation team in a “silent but present” capacity. While the negotiations fall under the SU purview, the board discussed if representatives from the SD and VES boards, who are not on the SU board, could be included. Anne will reach out to legal counsel to see if we can expand the group to include district membership.

WSESD Board Meeting Minutes – August 13, 2024

● The Board reviewed who is on each of the committees and who the chair is. Also reviewed who participates in each of the school’s L.C.s

● The Board voted to resume responsibility for accepting all hires, resignations, and retirements now that the summer session is coming to a close.

● The Board voted to resume responsibility for the financial decisions now that the summer session is coming to a close.

● The Board approved the hire for the Automotive Teacher for the WRCC.

● The consent agenda was approved by the Board.

● The Board re-adopted policies E14, F4, F5, F41 and G13.