

Brattleboro Committee Virtual Meeting Warnings

The Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Finance Committee will meet on Thursday, June 4, 2020, at 5:00pm.  In keeping with Governor Scott’s “Stay Home – Stay Safe” order, this meeting will be held with no physical location using GoToMeeting.  A copy of the agenda is attached and it contains information about how to access the meeting remotely.  

The Brattleboro Citizen Police Communications Committee (CPCC) will meet on Monday, June 1, 2020, at 5:30pm.  In keeping with Governor Scott’s “Stay Home – Stay Safe” order, this meeting will be held with no physical location using GoToMeeting.  A copy of the agenda is attached and it contains information about how to access the meeting remotely.  

Census Survey Assistance Available

2020 Census – SHAPE YOUR FUTURE.

It starts with each of us doing our part. We do this is by completing the 2020 Census questionnaire. You can do it online or by phone. It is easy, safe and takes around 10 minutes to complete.

Completing the questionnaire allows you to influence the amount of money that comes to Vermont for many of our essential programs…programs that benefit our health and safety, that pay for our roads, for local government, for schools, for hospitals, and for so much more…

Unusual Demonstration on Putney Road

another world is possible

There was an unusual demonstration on Putney Road, this past Sunday.

Messages of hope. A number of people in fantasy costumes. Some of the banners and signs had a symbol which I am not familiar with — anyone have any ideas what it is?

Brattleboro Amended Face Covering Emergency Order

At its meeting last night, the Brattleboro Selectboard reaffirmed and slightly modified its Emergency Order requiring that face coverings be worn by all employees, customers, and visitors in any store, office, or other indoor setting where business is conducted. 

The modification clarified that children under 5 “are not required” to wear face coverings. The original order stated that masks “should not be placed on” children under 5. The remainder of the order is unchanged and it continues to apply equally to businesses, non-profit organizations, and governmental facilities anywhere in Brattleboro. 

Vermont AFL-CIO President Speaks: Demand A New Social Contract That Puts Workers First & Green New Deal!

Last week I, as Vermont AFL-CIO President, talked with WGDR’s Carl Etnier (a UAW member) about COVID-19, the health concerns of Early Childhood Educators, the fight of Burlington City workers (AFSCME) to defend their pay and benefits (while not suffering layoffs), the need to rebuild the economy through a more directly democratic Green New Deal, and Labor’s support for Progressive David Zuckerman for Governor.

It is beyond the pale that while we continue to struggle and suffer during the pandemic, that the elite and many politicians are calling for cuts to social spending, the closing of colleges, for workers to lose their jobs or suffer wage & benefit reductions, and for the wealthy among us to continue benefiting from the massive tax cuts reaped under the Trump Administration. All the while tens-of-thousands of Vermonters are out of work (40 million across the Nation). Thousands are already lining up at Vermont National Guard bread lines! And yet the rich, and too many politicians who they wield influence over, want to protect their comfort and privilege by asking YOU to tighten YOUR belt. The Vermont AFL-CIO rejects this basic premise!

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Water and Sewer Rate Increases, and Face Mask Review

Brattleboro Selectboard Virtual Meeting

The Brattleboro Selectboard had a long discussion about their long discussion last week about face coverings. Is it too strict? Not stick enough? What about the children? They then moved on to a discussion of raising water and sewer rates to help pay for the new water filtration plant. Is 6% a year too much? Is 2% too low?

The final discussion was of the parking system, and how with no income and continued expenses, the budget doesn’t look so good. Should the Parking Fund remain an enterprise fund or be rolled back into the General Fund? And who has the best ceiling?

Brattleboro Filing 2020 Abstract Grand List and Warning of Grievances by Listers

The Town of Brattleboro announces the filing of the 2020 Abstract Grand List.  Applications to schedule a grievance hearing are available at the Assessor’s Office by appointment or online at www.Brattleboro.org on the Assessor’s page. Applications for a hearing must be received in the Assessor’s office by 5:00pm on June 9, 2020.  The Brattleboro Board of Listers will hold grievance hearings via GoToMeeting starting Tuesday, June 9.  See the attached Warning for instructions on how to access GoToMeeting. 

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status May 26, 2020


• Free Wi-Fi at the Library: 

Brooks Memorial Library is providing limited outdoor tables and chairs for wi-fi access along the Main St. area of the library (weather permitting). Tables will be positioned in accordance with social distancing requirements for café seating. All users are requested to wear masks, use hand sanitizer, and notify staff upon leaving so that tables and chairs can be disinfected between users. 

• At its meeting tonight at 6:15pm on GoToMeeting, the Selectboard will hear additional public comment on the emergency order requiring face coverings to be worn in all indoor locations where the public is invited to transact business. At this meeting, the Selectboard also will give preliminary consideration to staff proposals on the Parking Fund budget, the Utilities Fund budget, and Utilities Fund rate increases. 

The 2020 Census and Second /Seasonal Home Ownership

Instructions for Second Home Owners

Second home owners should know they must respond to the Census – once for each home they own. Please use the following instructions to complete the survey for each house that you own.

1. Go to 2020Census.gov and enter another form once you have completed the survey for your primary residence.

2. In the address location, where it *specifically* says, “Where were you living ON APRIL 1?” disregard that instruction about the date, and put in the seasonal/second home address.

We Are All Lab Rats

As the death toll continues to climb in the U.S. and worldwide during the COVID 19 pandemic, economic and social needs are becoming more of a priority than the prevention of morbidity and mortality. Societies are opening and trying to be as cautious as possible, but even scientifically based efforts and careful monitoring are nothing more than a crap shoot. Every move we make is nothing more than wishful thinking, because we still do not know a lot about the potential of the virus

If you want to stay safe during the coming months the only way to do so is to minimize your contact with other people, wear a face mask in public places and use hand sanitizer liberally. This may sound like the same old mantra and it is, because the COVID 19 virus is still multiplying among us and we have no cure and only supportive treatment for those who contract the virus.

BCTV Schedules – Week of 5/25/20

Monday, May 25, 2020

4:00 am Dummerston Conservation Commission – An Archaeological History of Vermont 10/23/18
5:15 am The Quarantine Sessions from Next Stage Arts – Teese Gohl with art by Doug Trump
6:00 am Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium Virtual Learning – ‘Science of Thunderstorms’ (Grades 3-8)
6:30 am Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium Virtual Learning – ‘Introduction to Astronomy’ (Grades 6-8)
7:07 am The Quarantine Sessions from Next Stage Arts – Walter Parks and Rob Curto
7:15 am Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium Virtual Learning – ‘At Home Science’ (Grades K-2)

Primal Wounds

Someday, all will be forgiven. We will be dead then.

Changed, Transformed, In Heaven. 

We won’t have to social distance any more. How many lovers who just want to hug each other have become stuck… one in Spain, the other in Georgia unable to fly?

Mourn On Memorial Day & Indict Our Ruling Criminally Insane Murderous Investors in Wars on Wall St.

On Memorial Day, after mourning our loved ones, taken away from us by our ruling criminally insane murderous investors in Weapons of Mass Destruction on Wall Street, let us at least indict these pathetic racist colonial powered accumulators of capital in our hearts and minds and look to the day when pale skin bankers will no longer wield such incredible power over the planet and humanity.

Vermont Free Food Distribution May 27 at BUHS

On Wednesday, May 27, the State of Vermont will be distributing a large amount of free food in the student parking lot at Brattleboro Union High School from 10a – 2p.  Everyone is welcome,  you will be asked only the community you are from (this is for Brattleboro and the region around us) and how many people are in your household.  You will not be asked names or your financial information.  

Elliot Street Fire – Press Release

Fire between 42 & 50 Elliot St – 05/23/2020 – At 10:26p Central Dispatch received a call reporting a fire between 42 & 50 Elliot St. A 1st alarm assignment consisting of Engine 2, Engine 4 and Ladder 1 responded and upon arrival reported smoke showing from the alley between the two buildings and a possible basement fire. Investigating further a fire was discovered in a wooden roof that covered the stairwell that goes down between 42 & 50 Elliot St with some extension into the basement of 42 Elliot. 

At 10:36p the shift captain ordered a 2nd alarm be struck, recalling all Brattleboro Firefighters and bringing all Brattleboro apparatus to the scene. An attack line was stretched down the stairwell and the fire in the roof was quickly extinguished. Entry was forced into the basement of 42 Elliot from the stairwell and a fire around a boarded-up window frame was extinguished. No further extension into the building was found.

Thinking of You! From the Common Loaf Bakers

I stepped out of the rally organizer’s van. It was like stepping into a churning river, the thought flashing through my mind, “I was coming out!” At last, my newly formed convictions of conscientious objection to war and oppression would become known. I was taking a big risk, but the world seemed entrapped in the deathgrip of war and injustice. Stepping up to the microphone I was in full dress military uniform. It was December of 1981 in Southern West Germany and many Germans were wanting to control their destiny.

Venezuela Can Be Protected by Quoting Martin Luther King and Other Famous Condemners of US Crimes

King cried out “The greatest purveyor of violence in the world is my own government.” Obama’s pastor, “God Bless America? No! God damn America for her crimes against humanity!” Michael Moore, “sick and twisted violent people that we’ve been for hundreds of years, it’s something that’s just in our craw, just in our DNA. Americans kill people, because that’s what we do. We invade countries. We send drones to kill civilians.”

VT Governor Scott Announces More Limited Re-Openings

Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott today announced the resumption of additional business operations, including outdoor seating at restaurants and bars, hair salons and barber shops and some additional health services.

“I believe these steps forward will be welcome news for many and because Vermonters are being smart to stay safe, our data continues to show we’re still moving in the right direction,” said Governor Scott. “As more Vermonters get back to work and there are more places to visit and meet with others, it is more important than ever to stay vigilant about your health and the health of others.”

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting – FY21 Utility and Parking Funds

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, at 6:15pm.  In keeping with Governor Scott’s “Stay Home – Stay Safe” order, this meeting will be held with no physical location using GoToMeeting.  The attached agenda contains information about how to access the meeting remotely.   ASL interpreters will be available for deaf and hard-of-hearing community members.