

Submission of Community RFP Proposal for August 6 Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting

Good Morning –

Attached is the proposed RFP submitted by the community members for review at this Thursday’s Selectboard meeting.  This document has been posted in the section of the Town’s website where Selectboard meeting backup materials are posted.  Also posted there for easy reference are the related documents that the Selectboard has reviewed at its meetings on July 7 and July 21.

Please assist us in advising the public that these documents are all available for review in advance of the August 6 Selectboard meeting.

BCTV Schedules – Week of August 3, 2020

BCTV Channel 8 / 1075 schedule for the week of 8/3/20

Monday, August 3, 2020

4:00 am Taconic Music Summer Concert Series – 7/11/20 Concert
5:00 am Vote for Vermont – Linda Joy Sullivan
6:00 am St. Michael of Brattleboro Catholic Mass – Mass from this Sunday
7:00 am PR Benefits – Episode 10 – Barb Harris and Sharon Kreherp
7:30 am The Quarantine Sessions from Next Stage Arts – Sunny Lowdown

VFW $7 Lunch Specials Open to the Public 8-3 to 8-7

Specials listed below are only $7 a plate.

Our hours are Mon-Fri from 11am-7pm. Sat & Sun from 1pm-7pm. We will be serving lunches Mon-Fri from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm, with doors opening at 11 am. Lunches will be served on our hall side due to social distancing restrictions. Entrance will be through the glass doors, and the public is welcome. Per town ordinance, masks must be worn while walking around the hall, but not while seated at your table. Everyone must sign in at the bar with the bartender.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting Agendas and Notes – Regular and Special Meeting

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold two meetings next week. The first is their regular Tuesday meeting at which they will approve water and sewer construction contracts, set a date certain for Representative Town Meeting 2020,  set property tax rates, buy winter sand, resume water shutoffs for commercial and industrial customers, and more.

Their second meeting of the week will be on Thursday, to review the Community Safety RFP.

You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Vermont School Re-Opening Date Is Tuesday, September, 8, 2020

Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott has signed a Directive officially setting Tuesday, September 8 as the universal reopening date for Vermont schools.

“Schools should take this extra time to make sure systems are ready and effective, so we can deliver for our children, and build confidence in the public education system’s ability to be flexible and responsive,” said Governor Scott. “I know none of this has been easy, and I appreciate and have faith in educators and school boards, because I know they are 100% committed to giving kids the educational opportunities and support they need.”

Originally announced on Tuesday, the directive requires all public and independent schools to open for in-person or remote instruction on September 8, with an exception for schools primarily serving students with disabilities, which can restart operations prior to September 8. The Secretary of Education will have oversight and authority in the implementation of the order and local school officials and governing bodies are required to consult with, and abide by, the direction of the Secretary of Education.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meetings To Be Held Via Zoom

“After our recent discussion about the advantages of using Zoom for Representative Town Meeting,” said Brattleboro Selectboard Chair Tim Wessel, “I realized there are several reasons to go ahead and try Zoom now for Selectboard meetings. It’s more well-known to regular users than GoToMeeting, more user-friendly, and we will have time to ‘break-in’ the service as both a host and as users well in advance of RTM.” Wessel added that “the security concerns we had in March that swayed us toward GoToMeeting are no longer present.” 

The Great Vaccine Hype

Listening to news reports one might think that the only way that we can move from pandemic mode to some degree of post-pandemic normalcy is to have a vaccine to rid us of COVID 19. Any vaccine that is developed will not magically make COVID 19 go away. It might help a little, but a magic bullet cure is unlikely.

The sound bite, short-attention span world is not suited to explaining complex issues such as how vaccines are developed and how they work. Instead, the world sees hope when a lab developing a vaccine sends out premature press releases of success so their stock value can increase.

There are well established scientific protocols in place for vaccine development and they all require years of trials and research. Sometimes vaccine development efforts are successful and sometimes they are not. When a vaccine is developed and made available to the public it takes years for us to see the big picture of how the vaccine works.

View the Cris Ericson Candidate Videos CCTV.org Town Meeting TV Refused To Air!

“kvillemaire@cctv.org” of CCTV Town Meeting TV single handedly decided on July 20, 2020 to NOT allow Vermont voters to see 6 videos of candidate Cris Ericson who is on the 2020 Progressive Party primary election ballot for 7 offices. This person did allow one video in June of Cris Ericson’s campaign for Representative to Congress.

Here are the 6 videos that “kvillemaire@cctv.org” under “color of authority” deprived Vermont voters from viewing on July 20, 2020!

Tech Dinosaurs, VHS Tapes, and Groundworks Collaborative

I have a collection of VHS tapes (movies). They’re virtually all in good shape. I had hoped to donate them somewhere, but most places no longer accept them. I just can’t consign them to trash.

Proposal: I want to get rid of all of them in one “package.” You must take them ALL. What you do with them afterward is up to you (yard sale, whatever). After we agree on an amount, you’d make out a check to Groundworks Collaborative and give it to me. I’ll see that they get it. I am in no way associated with Groundworks; just want them to benefit by this donation.

BCTV Schedules – Week of July 27, 2020

BCTV Channel 8 / 1075 schedule for the week of 7/27/20

Monday, July 27, 2020

4:00 am Mr. Scammer – T.J. Donovan
4:30 am Northgate TV – Gentle Yoga 1 with Emily
5:00 am Slow Living Summit – Sandra Steingarner 6/5/20
6:32 am Slow Living Summit – Coop Ownership 6/10/20
8:00 am Democracy Now! – Democracy Now! Daily Broadcast

VFW $7 Lunch Specials Open to the Public 7-27 to 7-31 & Fish Fry Aug. 1st!

Specials listed below are for 7-27 to 7-31
Our hours are Mon-Fri from 11am-7pm. Sat & Sun from 1pm-7pm. We will be serving lunches Mon-Fri from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm, with doors opening at 11 am. Our lunch specials are now $7. Lunches will be served on our hall side due to social distancing restrictions. Entrance will be through the glass doors, and the public is welcome. Per town ordinance, masks must be worn while walking around the hall, but not while seated at your table. Everyone must sign in at the bar with the bartender.

Vermont Strengthens Mask Requirements

Montpelier, Vt. – As the state continues its sustained efforts to encourage mask use as a tool to limit the spread of COVID-19 and protect the most vulnerable, Governor Phil Scott today announced strengthened mask requirements in public places and congregate settings.

“Based on national and regional data on how the virus is spreading – and rather than waiting like other states have – I feel we need to act now to protect our gains, which have allowed us to reopen much of our economy,” said Governor Scott. “That’s why today I signed an Order, which will strengthen our current mask mandates, so that we do not take steps backwards and we can stay open into the fall as people move more of their interactions indoors,” Governor Scott added.