

Helpful Information for the November 3 General Election and Absentee Voting in Brattleboro

Good morning,

Below is information that might be helpful to know for the November 3rd General Election.

Due to the pandemic, there is no in-person early voting in Brattleboro. However, all active registered voters were automatically mailed a ballot. Please make sure to follow the instructions included with your ballot, including SIGNING THE CERTIFICATE ENVELOPE and making sure your ballot is INSIDE that envelope. Please use a BLACK PEN OR PENCIL to mark your ballot. DO NOT USE A MARKER as it can bleed through to the back of your ballot and require you to need a replaced ballot. If you have not received your ballot, or if you have any questions about your ballot, please call the Town Clerk’s office at 251-8157.

October 21, 2020 Brattleboro Development Review Board Agenda


Call to Order
Review and Approve Minutes of previous meeting.
Review of Cases/Public.
2020-70                 Pass Trading, LLC; Mixed Use Neighborhood District; request for Sign Approval to replace wall signs with conforming externally lit sign with new business name adopted by new property/business owner and a Variance to replace a  price panel on a freestanding sign that is non-conforming for area, height, and lighting in contradiction to Section 319.L of the Regulations at 228 Canal Street; Tax Map Parcel 325401.000

Brattleboro Fall Leaf Collection Schedule 2020


The following dates have been scheduled for Brattleboro’s curbside Fall Leaf Collection. All locations will be picked up each Friday:

Leaf Pick Up Date

ALL RESIDENTSFriday, October 23, 2020

ALL RESIDENTSFriday, November 6, 2020

Brattleboro Fall Paving Update


Starting Monday, October 5th, All States Asphalt (a contractor of the town) will begin the Contract #1 portion of our annual capital paving project. Weather permitting, the following schedule is anticipated:

Monday, October 5

New England Dr. – Access may be limited during paving operations. Paving operations may take several hours.

Brattleboro and Vermont COVID-19 Dashboard Numbers – October 2020

It’s October now. Here is the continuation of daily COVID-19 dashboard numbers from the Vermont Department of Health, Brattleboro Memorial Hospital, and MA and NH counties that surround Brattleboro.

You can find the September numbers here, August numbers here,  July numbers here, the June numbers here, the May dashboard reporting here, and the April numbers here.

A Trump Coup?

Two nights ago, at the first 2020 U.S. Presidential debate, Americans of all political leanings should be alarmed and sickened by the spectacle that was Donald Trump. Trump, when asked point blank if he condemns white supremacists, refused; instead he told an armed neo-fascist organization to “stand-by.” He further verbalized a series of lies seeking to undermine confidence in the U.S. election system. Together these assertions give strong inclination that Trump expects to lose the popular vote & the electoral college, to be defeated by Joe Biden, and yet to position himself in a way that will allow him a public argument as to why he must remain in power. Never in modern U.S. history has such an extreme rightwing Presidential candidate come so close as to telegraph a coup.

Democratic candidate Joe Biden, for his part called for massive re-investment in America’s infrastructure, building out our renewable energy production, for the creation of millions of new prevailing wage jobs, and for a collective effort to find redress to systemic racism. Biden, who is endorsed by the National AFL-CIO, presently leads Trump in national polls by 6.4%.

Landlords & the Vermont Housing Crisis: A Response from TUB to Brandie Starr’s “Be Part of the Movement Towards a Sustainable Brattleboro”

Brandie Starr of the Brattleboro selectboard recently wrote an article titled, “Be part of the movement towards a sustainable Brattleboro” in which she directly addresses community members and, more specifically, landlords. The article is in reaction to and support of a, now notorious, proposal written by the Tenants’ Union of Brattleboro (TUB) which limits security deposits to an amount of one month’s rent or less.

Since the proposal was added to the last selectboard meeting agenda and since Starr has voiced her support, there have been rumblings of discontent from the landlord community. From voices of opposition at the selectboard meetings, to local landlord Deedee Jones’s rebuttal piece, to emails sent directly to the tenant’s union.

I am a member of TUB and a tenant who has rented four apartments in Brattleboro. On behalf of myself and the tenant’s union, I would like to elaborate on Starr’s points and examine the conditions that make a proposal like this reasonable, necessary and, quite honestly, not very radical. I would also like to address some of the voiced and rumored concerns from our local landlords.

BCTV Schedules – Week of September 28, 2020

BCTV Channel 8 / 1075 schedule for the week of 9/28/20

Monday, September 28, 2020

4:00 am Keeping Up with Senior Solutions – Episode 10 – Pati Kimball
4:33 am Spotlight – Okemo Resort’s Upcoming Season
5:00 am Meet the Candidates – Cris Ericson, Candidate for State Auditor (PROG) 9/2/20
5:20 am Meet the Candidates – Cris Ericson, Candidate for Attorney General (PROG) 8/23/20
5:51 am Poems to Live By – OnLiving by Nazim Hikmet
6:00 am Meet the Candidates – Emily Peyton, Candidate for Governor (Truth Matters)
6:30 am Meet the Candidates – Pamala Smith, Candidate for Secretary of State (I)

England’s Trump

The English have their own Trump

His name is Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson (AKA Boris or BOJO).

He’s a former journalist who has served as Prime Minister of the UK and Leader of the Conservative Party since 2019.

March for Medicaid

On October 3 the Vermont Workers’ Center will hold a March for Medicaid in Bellows Falls. This is part of a national week of action coordinated by the Workers’ Center and the Nonviolent Medicaid Army, a growing national force fighting for universal healthcare and all economic and social rights for poor and working class people. The campaign is calling on Governor Scott to protect Medicaid by cutting the state’s contract with OneCare, a for-profit company siphoning off millions in Medicaid funding that should be spent on people’s healthcare, and to make good on Vermont’s commitment to universal healthcare as enacted in Act 48.

Will It Be A Funeral Or A War For Democracy?

Just when it looked as though the current political climate in this country could not get any worse, events unfolded that have pushed us closer to unprecedented constitutional and human crises. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a Supreme Court justice who changed the world for the better, has passed on. Her legacy will last for generations and life will be better for many Americans years after her death.

But the Republican politicians in Washington want to shorten the mourning period and act quickly to move the court as far to the right as they can. They have vowed to place a Trump appointee as quickly as possible and, because our government no longer serves the people, the minority viewpoint will prevail and the court will tilt to the right for too many years.

October Surprise?

The polls so-far don’t look too good for Trump’s re-election.

His ego will not accept a defeat. He WILL go to extreme measures to prevent this.

One extreme measure might be a war.

VFW $7 Lunch Specials Open to the Public 9/28 to 10/2 and Wed. Breakfast

VFW $7 Lunch Specials Sept. 28th – Oct. 2nd/Breakfast Sept. 30th

Mon – 2 chili cheese dogs w/ macaroni salad & coleslaw
Tues – chicken n biscuit w/ salad
Wed – breakfast 6am-9am
Wed – pulled pork grilled cheese w/ potato chips
Thur – stuffed cabbage rolls w/ salad (order ahead starting Tues)
Fri – tuna noodle casserole

Noticed Around Brattleboro – Fall 2020

Time once again to notice little things around town. It’s the easy add-a-comment diary designed so you can just jot a sentence or two rather than write entire paragraphs or stories. Simple!

To get you started:

Renaissance Antiques has a sign saying it is closing.

Amy’s Bakery has a sign saying it is for sale.

The West River water level is very very low.

The Fish & Chips parklet seems larger than the actual restaurant. And what a huge sign!

Imagine Trump or Biden In Church Praying For Yemeni Children Facing Starvation and US Missiles?

Noting the history of the child genocide in Yemen as only one example of America’s genocidal foreign policy and cruel criminal media managed political distraction away from compassionate public interest, article seeks to awaken enough of a feeling of outrage to promote public demand for a halt of what is the ongoing murder of a massive amount of children.