

Vermont AFL-CIO To Hold General Strike Authorization Vote In Event of Trump Coup – Labor Will Defend Democracy

10/25/2020, Montpelier, Vermont – The Executive Board of the VT AFL-CIO, representing 10,000 unionized public and private sector workers across Vermont, shall hold a General Strike Authorization Vote at its November 21, 2020, Convention should the U.S. Presidential election deliver a winner, but should the losing candidate refuse to commit to a peaceful transfer of power on Inauguration Day, January 20th, 2021. To our west, In New York, the Rochester and Troy Central Labor Councils of the AFL-CIO have already called for the National AFL-CIO to call for a General Strike in the event of a coup.

For months, Donald Trump has repeatedly refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power in the event that Democrat Joe Biden wins the election. Trump has also made the irresponsible claim that the only way Biden can win is if the election is “rigged.” Trump is presently losing in the polls to Biden in a majority of battleground states, and is behind in national polls by 8.1% (with a national approval rating of just 44.4%). Trump has also told violent neo-fascist organizations to “stand by” while previously saying that “good people” marched with the KKK and other extreme right groups in Charlottesville. It has further been reported by The Atlantic that Republican officials in a number of states, including Pennsylvania, are discussing having state legislators send pro-Trump delegates to the Electoral College even if voters in their state give Biden the win. Together, these actions give the appearance of what amounts to a potential Trump led coup attempt following a Biden win on November 3 (or when all the votes are counted thereafter).

Jazz Ku Bop by Namaya the Jazz Poet

JAZZ KU BOP by Namaya the Jazz Poet


The definitive CD of Jazz Ku Bop by Namaya the jazz poet.

“utterly agile and delightful—poetry filtered through a hep-cat cool.” Cyrus Cassells – poet.

Vampires versus Zombies

Do you know the difference between Zombies and Vampires?

A Vampire is a person who is not permitted to properly die (usually because of an evil life).
A Vampire still has a soul.

Brattleboro Committee Meeting Agendas

The Brattleboro Citizen Police Communications Committee (CPCC) is meeting on Monday, October 26, 2020, at 5:30pm, using Zoom (with no physical location due to the ongoing social distancing requirements of COVID-19).  The attached agenda contains information about how to access the meeting remotely.

The Brattleboro Community Safety Review Committee is meeting on Monday, October 26, 2020, at 6:00pm, using Zoom (with no physical location due to the ongoing social distancing requirements of COVID-19).  The attached agenda contains information about how to access the meeting remotely.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting Agenda – October 27, 2020

Tired of long Brattleboro Selectboard meetings? You aren’t alone. At their next special meeting the board will consider using a “consent agenda” as a way to potentially speed things up on a trial basis for the next few months. 

The board will also take up a few other matters that slipped through the cracks recently due to… long meetings. They’ll hear about a plan for sustainability, financial reports, the revised Long Term Financial Plan, and will et a schedule to hammer of the FY22 budget. You can bring up other itmes not on the agenda during public participation.

The Long Winter Ahead

When the pandemic started to take over our lives the spring season of growth and rebirth was providing us with some positive energy. As bad as things seemed, many were able to adapt to a life outdoors making the best of a bad situation.

If the federal government had made an effort to mount a unified response to the pandemic we would now be able to hunker down for the winter with the hope that the spread of the virus was controlled to some degree. Instead, the virus is out of control and the number of new cases continues to climb every day.

The Word “Race” Has Two Definitions!

Wow, the word “race” has two definitions!

When, Why, Where and How did the Democrats change from being pro-Slavery while the Republicans were anti-Slavery? This topic is going around the internet now that we are so close to the November 3rd pre-climax of the 2020 Presidential race, waiting in agony for all of the many law suits filed in different states about mail-in ballots to be resolved in the months to come before we have a certified winner.

Found Phone

On 19 October about 6:15 PM I found a smart phone on the ground inside the entrance to Aldi’s. I gave it to the cashier guy.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Rental Ordinance Fizzles

selectboard in brattleboro

The Brattleboro Selectboard held a first reading of a proposed ordinance to limit upfront rental costs, but decided not to move ahead with a second reading. Instead, more research, new ideas, and data will be explored.

Groundworks got a big grant which enables the completion of their project on South Main Street, and the marketing initiative to promote Brattleboro was discussed.

BCTV Schedules Week of October 19, 2020

BCTV Channel 8 / 1075 schedule for the week of 10/19/20

Monday, October 19, 2020

4:00 am Education and Enrichment for Everyone – Votes… for Women?
5:00 am How Brattleboro’s Skateboard Park was Built – The Dedication of Perseverance Skateboard Park 10/3/20
6:35 am PR Benefits – Episode 21 – Amy Smith
7:00 am All Things LGBTQ – News 10/6/20
8:00 am Democracy Now! – Democracy Now! Daily Broadcast
9:00 am Brattleboro Rotary Club Speaker Series – Episode 19 – Geoff Hatheway
9:40 am Meet the Candidates – Doug Hoffer, Candidate for Auditor of Accounts (Dem/Rep)

Interview with Brattleboro Town Clerk

Elliott Greenblott interviews Hilary Francis, Brattleboro Town Clerk about the voting in this year’s election.


Remember to vote ~ Make your vote count ~ Follow the instructions

Save Dottie’s!

Sadly, the Brattleboro Co-op, with minimal announcement to its owners, is planning to close Dottie’s. In the current “Food for Thought”, they describe it as “the integration of Dottie’s into our main store”. If this happens, Dottie’s as we know and love it, will no longer exist.

Although the plans seem to be far along, we are asking the management to kindly reconsider.

Many people, especially those on a tight food budget, rely on Dottie’s, and everyone benefits from the mix of interesting products, many of which are not available in the main co-op.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – October 20, 2020

The Brattleboro Selectboard will have a first reading of an ordinance to limit upfront rental costs at their next regular meeting, which will be held on 10-20-2020. (And probably end at 10:20.)

Police cars will be purchased, health insurance will be renewed, leases will be extended, grants will be applied for, and the skatepark committee will be disbanded now that their work is through. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.