

Brattleboro Committee Vacancies

 The Town of Brattleboro is looking for citizens to serve on the following committees and boards: 

Agricultural Advisory Board 

ADA Advisory Board 

Arts Committee 

Conservation Commission 

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Community Safety Committee Presents Findings and Recommendations

brattleboro selectboard jan 5 2021

Marginalized populations of Brattleboro were a common theme for the Brattleboro Selectboard at their first meeting of the new year. They struggled with Human Services funding requests, then listened to an extended overview of the Community Safety report.

Everyone is encouraged to read the full report then return next week for more discussion of this and other topics.

The Selectboard Show

2021, for me, marks 20 years of watching the Brattleboro Selectboard. 

I first turned the show on when we moved to Brattleboro in 2001. At first, it was to learn about Brattleboro and what was going on here, but soon the experience evolved more into watching something akin to a soap opera.

The show has the regular cast of characters: Town Manager, department heads, and support staff. They stay on the show season after season with few changes, though major roles get recast from time to time. New roles have been introduced, too: the Assistant Town Manager, the Human Services Director, and the Sustainability Coordinator are examples.

2021 Brattleboro Town Meeting Election Calendar

Thursday, January 14 Last day (5:00 P. M.) to file petition requesting that an article be placed on the Warning for Annual Town and Town School District Meeting (47 days preceding election).  Approx. 469 (5%) signatures of registered Brattleboro voters required.  17 VSA 2642 

Thursday, January 21 First day to post Warning for Annual Town and Town School District (not more than 40 days preceding election)  17 VSA 2641 (a) 

Brattleboro Consent of Candidate Forms for March Elections Now Available

Consent of Candidate forms for Brattleboro Town Officers, Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) Board Members, and Town Meeting Members are now available at the Town Clerk’s office.  Please call or email our office to request the form. Due to the pandemic, petition requirements have been waived for candidates to have their names placed on the ballots for this election. Town elections will be Tuesday, March 2 at the American Legion, and the Annual Representative Town Meeting, Saturday, March 20, likely via Zoom. Consent of Candidate forms must be filed in the clerk’s office no later than 5:00 P.M. on Monday, January 25 in order to have their name placed on the ballot.

Too Much and Never Enough

Clinical psychologist Mary Trump, (Donald Trump’s niece) has publicly predicted Trump’s increasingly dangerous, aberrant and delusional behavior. Her bestselling book “Too Much and Never Enough” chronicles how her uncle came to be the man he is today, and the dire, almost existential threat that he represents to the United States and the world.
Ms Trump warns that Donald Trump will only become more dangerous as Inauguration Day approaches and he faces the last days of his presidency.

Brattleboro Community Safety Review – Final Report

Here’s the Executive Summary from the Community Safety Review report, followed by a pdf of the full report. You can also download this and other related materials on the Town of Brattleboro website. This report will be reviewed and discussed at the next meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard.

“It Was a Stupid War Anyone Who Went Was a Sucker” A US President Reportedly Enlightened Americans

DESCRIPTION: Apparently, the highest official of the US government owned by wealthy investors in war inadvertently let himself be overheard making an off-hand truthful remark that contradicts what the CIA overseen criminal media tells the world in excusing America’s genocidal crimes against humanity in Vietnam. Important is how criminal media seeks to ridicule someone saying something truthful about the the war it lied about and promoted

The Vaccine Rollout – Too Many Unknowns

World governments are trying to deal with the complexity of vaccinating enough of their populations to provide an adequate level of herd immunity to be able to declare that the COVID 19 pandemic is under control. Having a Darwinian health care system and a lack of federal leadership means the U.S. will most likely lag behind the rest of the world in vaccine rollout. Experts are guessing that anywhere from 70-90 percent of people need to be vaccinated to meet herd immunity efficacy .

One of the major problems that all countries face is the fact that no one really knows how the pandemic will play out, even under the best of vaccine rollout scenarios. In addition, there are many unknowns about how vaccines work and how the virus behaves.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda & Notes – January 5, 2021

To kick off the new year, the Brattleboro Selectboard will hear a report and recommendations from the Community Safety Review Committee. The board will also consider an increase to Human Services funding, contemplate mailed ballots for Town Meeting Day, and call for volunteers to serve on committees.

WSESD Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes


I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:00 p.m. – David Schoales, Board Chair



• CLERK’S REPORT – Approval of Minutes – December 16, 2020


Warrants of December 1, 2020

Making Sense of 2020

As 2020 coasts to a close, it feels unusually difficult to write a year-end essay that encapsulates all the things that happened to us this year. Even a personal essay would be too long to write, let alone read. But this sort of thing hasn’t stopped me before, so what follows are the highlights, by which I mean most memorable and important happenings of 2020 from my own perspective. Even this isn’t easy because processing experience takes time and a lot of this stuff just happened or is still going on. But here we go: Pause, rewind, and….

Still Time for a Winter Market Curbside Order

Visit the Winter Farmers’ Market Online Shop at https://openfoodnetwork.net/brattleboro-winter-farmers-market/shop#/shop today!

Orders can be placed from 9AM Monday morning through 9 AM Thursday morning for a Saturday Curbside Pick up from the Market, every Saturday through March at the C.F. Church Building, 80 Flat St. Downtown Brattleboro.

SNAP/EBT customers can turn $10 into $40 each week through January with market match coupons thanks to grants from NOFA-VT, C&S Wholesale Grocers, New England Grassroots Fund, Brattleboro Savings & Loan, and individual gifts from caring community members.

Times Change

From the 1950’s film “White Christmas”
• What would be a novelty up here in Vermont? (Bing Crosby)
• Who knows? Maybe we could dig up a Democrat? (Danny Kaye)
• They’d stone him (Crosby)

Noticed Around Brattleboro – Winter 2020-21

It’s time to look around and jot down things you’ve noticed around Brattleboro. Such as:

Temperatures in the 50’s and river flooding after heavy rains, for Christmas.
Potholes getting an early start…
Print Town book has been published…

BCTV Schedules Week of December 4, 2020

BCTV Channel 8 / 1075 schedule for the week of 1/4/21

Monday, January 4, 2021

5:00 am Rotary Cares – Ep 31 – Venu Rao and Lawrence Penna
5:35 am New England Youth Theatre presents – NEYT’s Romeo and Juliet in COVID Times
7:30 am Brattleboro Literary Festival – Uncovering the Past with Maya Shanbhag Lang and Jessica Pearce Rotondi
8:00 am Democracy Now! – Democracy Now! Daily Broadcast