

Brattleboro Selectboard Candidate Interview: Evan Chadwick

Evan Chadwick

Evan Chadwick is running for a one-year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.

Tell us about yourself….  

I have lived in Brattleboro since 2006.  I graduated from Keene State with a bachelors degree in social science.  I then enrolled in a 4 year legal clerkship at the the law office of Thomas Costello.  I took the bar in 2012 and began my own law firm now named Chadwick and Spensley PLLC.  We have three offices located in Brattleboro, Pittsford and Randolph.  A large part of our practice is prosecuting police brutality cases against cities such as Burlington and Saint Albans.  For seven years I was the head boys basketball coach at Bellows Falls Union High School.  Last year I served as the freshmen coach at Brattleboro High School.   

Gone, But Not Forgotten

He ain’t goin’ away, folks!

Trump has just established an official post-presidency office in Florida. “The Office of the Former President” will manage Trump’s correspondence, public statements, appearances and official activities.

According to a press release, “President Trump will always and forever be a champion for the American People.”

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – 2-2-2021

A smattering of small items awaits the Brattleboro Selectboard at their next regular meeting. They’ll approve dates for informational meetings, make a committee appointment, approve of annual liquor permits, and kick off the design of the new train station parking lot.

You can add small or large items not otherwise on this agenda during public participation.

February 17, 2021 Brattleboro Development Review Board Agenda

Call to Order
Review and Approve Minutes of previous meeting.
One the record review of Cases/Public Hearings to be reviewed under the Brattleboro Land Use Regulations. Pursuant to 24 VSA §§ 4464(a)(1)(C) and 4471(a), participation in this local proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal.

The Oz Books of L. Frank Baum

I just completed reading all of the L. Frank Baum Oz books. I’ve had this collection for quite a while. They were inherited from my father’s Aunt Arlene, a teacher in Buffalo. When the books first arrived, I was a bit old for them. I had reached the mature age of about 12 or 13, and the covers looked rather ancient to me. They sat in boxes with my mother for quite a while. I got them back a few years ago.

Seeing a series of unread books on the shelf can nag at you, and these were yelling at me. “C’mon, man, read us!” So I dove in.

L. Frank Baum wrote 14 Oz books total:

Weather Advisory – Prolonged Bitter Cold Temperatures

The National Weather Service has issued a warning for prolonged bitter cold temperatures Thursday night through Sunday with life-threatening wind chills expected Thursday night through Saturday.

Life-Threatening wind chills of -15 to -30 degrees are possible Thursday night through Friday morning, and wind chills as low as -25 degrees are possible Friday night through Saturday morning. In these conditions frostbite can occur to exposed skin in under 30 minutes and hypothermia can happen quickly.

Eliminate The 1-10 Pain Scale

Anyone experiencing pain who has had contact with the health care system has had one of the most meaningless and offensive questions posed to them. “On a scale of one to ten, ten being the worst pain you have ever had, what is your pain now?” Nurses are often the ones asking the question. Asking that question makes life simple for nurses, but it is not fair to patients to ask them to characterize their pain that way.

In the 1990’s health care professionals started to pay more attention to pain. I was working as a nurse then and accepted the 1-10 scale as gospel, as did most nurses. But I was never entirely comfortable with this rating system and I always tried to ask more questions of people experiencing pain.

Be Prepared to Vote!


Town Meeting Day and Windham Southeast School District elections are coming up on
Tuesday, March 2, 2021.

Your vote is your voice! Use it!

Brattleboro Design Review Committee Meeting: February 2, 2021 at 1:00 p.m.

1. Call to Order

2. Review and Approve Minutes of previous meeting.

3. Review of Development Proposals

a. 47 Flat Street LLC; Urban Center District, Downtown Historic District; Request for exterior modifications which include an addition to the north side of the building along with a fifth story and new entrance on the east side of a contributing building at 47 Flat Street; Tax Map Parcel #275462.000

Selectboard Candidate Questions Have Been Sent

Questions for this year’s slate of Brattleboro selectboard candidates have been sent. We’ll publish the answers as we get ’em.

Reminder to those running for other offices – feel free to publish your own candidate statements and opinion pieces anytime. Voters are interested and looking for information.

Vermont Governor Scott Budget Address 2021

Vermont Governor Scott gave his budget address today. Here’s the full text of his remarks, following a bit of PR from his office


“Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott today delivered his fifth budget address to the General Assembly, presenting a balanced budget that, with the help of federal stimulus, includes $210 million in bold new investments to strengthen the economy, create more and better paying jobs, and address big priorities, like downtown revitalization, infrastructure, broadband and climate change. All without raising taxes or existing fees or cutting essential services.

The $6.83 billion budget lays the foundation for a strong economic recovery in all of Vermont’s 14 counties as we build back from the pandemic. This includes $123 million over two years in state capital construction, $680 million in roads, bridges, and other transportation projects, $1.99 billion in general fund spending and $1.89 billion for preK-12 education.

Democrats and Democracy After Trump

Nick Biddle PhD. will offer brief comments assessing the nature of the Trump presidency and its consequences. In light of those consequences, how might Democrats repair democracy’s damage as they face pandemic, economic turmoil, un-civil cultural war and raging climate crisis? Democratic leaders compare this moment to World War II. What bold steps will work to repair ourselves and our world? General discussion will follow.
Please join the conversation.
Nick has lived in Brattleboro since 2013. He is a retired professor of Latin American History.

Brattleboro 75 and Up – Get Your Vaccinations

Vermont’s vaccination enrollment program is open for people 75 and older. It is a statewide, centralized registry system. No need to call your hospital or doctor’s office. 

They would prefer you to register online, but there is a phone number: 855-722-7878

Hours for the phone center are: Monday-Friday, 8:15 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

A few things to know:

BCTV Schedules – Week of January 25, 2021

BCTV Channel 8 / 1075 schedule for the week of 1/25/21

Monday, January 25, 2021

5:00 am At BMAC – What is Mail Art?
5:15 am Hooker Dunham Presents – SOLOs Episode 3
6:00 am Get Thee to the Funnery – Qualities of “Mercy?”
7:10 am Middlebury College Faculty at Home Series – Sleuthing From Home 10/19/20
8:00 am Democracy Now! – Democracy Now! Daily Broadcast