

Brattleboro Committee Meeting Warnings

The Representative Town Meeting Steering Committee will meet on Monday, May 3, 2021 at 4:00pm using Zoom (with no physical location due to the ongoing social distancing requirements of COVID-19). The attached agenda contains information on how to access the meeting remotely, including the required “passcode.” 

The Brattleboro Tree Advisory Committee will meet on Thursday, May 6, 2021, at 9 Southern Avenue (call 257-1164 for directions).  The agenda is attached.

Elliot Street Cats

The Windham County Humane Society had this story in their most recent newsletter. Interesting project regarding the community cats of Elliot Street in downtown Brattleboro.

When we received a call from Brattleboro Animal Control Officer Cathy Barrows about a colony of community cats, we got straight to work. The first request from the property owner was that we come trap all of the cats and move them. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of people clamoring for cats that you can’t touch and who won’t sit in your lap.

VFW Serving Burgers/Fries Etc. 5/1, 5/8, 5/22 and 5/29 Public Welcome

The Brattleboro VFW located at 40 Black Mountain Road will be serving hand made burgers, hot dogs, fries and chicken wings from noon to 6 pm the following Saturdays in May : 1st, 8th, 22nd and 29th. Yes, we are opening earlier for those Saturdays instead of at 2 pm. Open to the public for the food. Masks, social distancing, and contact tracing rules are still in place.

May 15th is our lasagna to go meal for $12. For $12, you will get lasagna, garlic bread, salad and chocolate cream pie. To-go or dine in (Dine in is allowed as of this moment, but keep in mind COVID can change everything at the last minute.) When calling in for reservations, please let us know if you are dining in or getting a to-go, time for your meal, type of salad dressing, and amount of meals needed. (Just tell us everything!)

Brattleboro Consumer Confidence Report/Water Quality Report for 2020 Available

The Town of Brattleboro Water Department’s annual Consumer Confidence Report/Water Quality Report for 2020 is now available. This report can be viewed on-line at https://www.brattleboro.org/ccreport or printed copies are available at the Department of Public Works, Tri Park CO–OP Office and the Guilford Country Store.  Questions about this report can be addressed to the Department of Public Works at 254-4255.

A Good Time To Die

Today In History, April 28:

Coffins. A Very Large Assortment of all sizes, at A. Van Doorn & Sons, at reduced prices.

Does anyone else find it strange to advertised that there is a large supply of coffins at bargain prices? I would think that no one will be induced to purchase a coffin because the price is good, but that a person would only buy a coffin if it is needed, at whatever price it might cost.

Saying Good-Bye To Steve

We were sorry to hear that our buddy Steve, long time resident and “howdy neighbor” of Upper Forest Street, has passed away. He was 80 years old and died of complications of a stroke.

When we lived on Cedar Street, we used to walk by his house all the time on our way to my mother’s or to Main Street. His place was always interesting. He had a cute little cat for many years that looked a bit like a miniature raccoon. He had a stone wall out front that he decorated with little plastic figurines. Some of them — the little pink teddy bear, for instance — were added by passers-by such as myself. I always got a kick out of his Beware of Falling Acorns sign too.

Brattleboro’s Academy School Building Renovations Vote May 11

The Windham Southeast School District wants to know if you’d like to spend an extra $2 million. The money would be spent on renovations to the Academy School in Brattleboro, grades K-6. The vote is called for everyone in the school district – Putney, Guilford, Dummerston, and Brattleboro.

If you’ve been following Wendy Levy’s meeting minutes for the school meetings, you already know all about the renovations, which include an addition to the building and updates to “student learning environments.”

Austrian Terrorists

A few years back, I was attending ski instructor training at Jay Peak and there was no snow, so we had to drive north 20 miles to Mt. Sutton (Quebec) where there was. There was no border patrol either way.

One day, as we re-entered Vermont, a Border Guy WAS sitting in his car checking crossings,

He stopped us and asked the usual questions: What’s your name and where are you from?

The woman in the front seat said she was Canadian. No problem.

Making A Connection To The Past

Youth is a time of great possibilities. It can also be highlighted by arrogance and ignorance. Those qualities may not become apparent until we have moved a few decades down the road. I have been thinking about these issues in relation to the history of my family.

When my grandparents and other relatives were alive I never asked them about where they came from and about the history of our family.

Three of my grandparents came from Eastern Europe and they arrived in this country during a wave of immigration when Jews were looking for a better life in the “golden land”.

BCTV Schedules – Week of April 26, 2021

BCTV Channel 1075 schedule for the week of 4/26/21

Monday, April 26, 2021

4:02 am Education and Enrichment for Everyone – Politics 2021 – The New Administration after Two Months 3/26/21
5:00 am Addiction Recovery Channel – Public Health Alert – Harm Reduction 3/25/21
6:10 am Special Olympics Vermont – 2021 Special Olympics Vermont Penguin Plunge
8:00 am Democracy Now! – Democracy Now! Daily Broadcast
9:00 am Vermont Racial Justice Alliance – Abolish Slavery Vermont Learning Session 4/7/21

Brattleboro VFW Breakfast and Lunches Open to the Public

Breakfast at the Brattleboro VFW every Wednesday and Saturday from 6 am – 10 am. Public welcome for our meals!
Lunch is served Thursdays and Fridays from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm.

Wednesday breakfast special for April 28th will be three slices of Texas French Toast with real maple syrup for $5.50

Lunch special for Thursday the 29th will be stuffed chicken breast, baked potato, gravy, cauliflower and a roll
Dessert for that day will be a peach cake with homemade brown sugar frosting for $2.50 a slab while supplies last.


In 2010, the Supreme Court of the United States held that the free speech clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting independent expenditures for political communications by corporations. (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310)

The court effectively ruled that spending on political campaigns was “speech” and was protected by the constitution.

May 19, 2020 Brattleboro Development Review Board Agenda


Call to Order
Review and Approve Minutes of previous meeting.
On the record review of Cases/Public Hearings to be reviewed under the Brattleboro Land Use Regulations. Pursuant to 24 VSA §§ 4464(a)(1)(C) and 4471(a), participation in this local proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal.
2021-50                 Groundworks Collaborative Foundation, Inc; Service Center District; request for Site Plan Approval to demolish existing structure, retain existing masonry fireplace. construct new 2-story, wood-framed, saltbox-style building for social services use at 60 South Main Street; Tax Map Parcel #325266.000

iBrattleboro Contributor and Local AFL-CIO President David Van Deusen In Hot Water For November General Strike Vote

As a sometime reader of Counterpunch, I occasionally run across items of local interest. This time, it’s an article highlighting a voice iBrattleboro readers know well — Vermont-chapter AFL-CIO President David Van Deusen. Van Deusen has been posting articles on iBrattleboro about local labor issues, and I’ve always been surprised by how refreshingly “left” this union rep sounds — why he’s almost a firebrand! Which is why I was unsurprised to learn that not everyone finds his labor radicalism so appealing.

The article, entitled “Why is AFL-CIO So Worried About Its Vermont Affiliate?” details recent friction between Vermont’s local chapter of the AFL-CIO and the national leadership of the parent organization. It all stems from a local resolution to call for a general strike if there was any protracted attempt on the part of the Right to keep Trump in office illegally.

Brattleboro COVID-19 Update -April 23, 2021


Governor Scott’s “Vermont Forward Plan” anticipates a phased reduction in restrictions for both indoor and outdoor activities between now and a projected return to near-normal by July 4. It is important to note that the Governor and other State officials have stated that this schedule is subject to change. It is based on certain assumptions regarding increased vaccination numbers and decreased new case numbers. If those targets are not met, the schedule will be adjusted. We in Brattleboro town government will continue to closely monitor the available data and public health experts’ advice. We intend to be cautious in reopening Town facilities to ensure that we do not move too quickly and endanger Town employees or the public we serve. Based on local conditions and expert advice, we may decide to move more slowly than indicated in the Governor’s plan. Please read these weekly COVID updates from the Town and other information released by Town departments to stay up to date on Town decisions and actions as COVID-related restrictions are eased. 

Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Finance Committee, CPCC Meeting Agendas

The RTM Finance Committee will meet on Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 6:00pm using zoom (with no physical location due to the ongoing social distancing requirements of COVID-19). The Citizens Police Communications Committee (CPCC) will meet on Monday, April 26, 2021 at 5:30pm using zoom (with no physical location due to the ongoing social distancing requirements of COVID-19). The attached agendas contain information on how to access the meetings remotely, including the required “passcodes.” 

VFW $12 Lasagna Meal To-Go or Dine in Sat. May 15th. Public Welcome

Our next Brattleboro VFW Saturday meal will be offered May 15th. For $12, you will get lasagna, garlic bread, salad and chocolate cream pie. To-go or dine in (Dine in is allowed as of this moment, but keep in mind COVID can change everything at the last minute.) When calling in for reservations, please let us know if you are dining in or getting a to-go, time for your meal, type of salad dressing, and amount of meals needed. (Just tell us everything!) Open to the public. Pick up times between 4pm-6pm.

Brattleboro Preferred Siting Subcommittee Agenda: April 26, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.


A. Call to order (6:00 p.m.)
1. Agenda review
2. Announcements

B. Approve minutes of March 22, 2021 (6:05 p.m.)

C. Possible discussion with guest (6:10 p.m.)

D. Discuss main takeaways from independent studies/summaries)) (6:30 pm)

F. Present / Consider our Final Products (6:50 pm)
1. roughly drafted siting spectrum
2. siting criteria checklist/points concept