

Why Don’t We See More Masks?

Engaging in usual forms of commerce makes one believe that the pandemic is a thing of the past. I find it extremely frightening that more people are not wearing masks in public because the science does tell us that not enough people have been vaccinated to provide the kind of herd immunity that we might need to protect all of us.

Fifty four percent of the U.S. population has received a first dose of vaccine and 47% have received a second dose. That means that as you go about your daily business about half of the people you see should be wearing masks. Of course, the vaccination numbers vary by state. Vermont has a vaccination rate of 82% for a first dose and 75% for a second dose. Massachusetts is at 70% for a first dose and 61% for a second dose.

Even with those numbers we still should see a quarter to a half of the people we engage with on a daily basis wearing masks. It is just not happening. Most places, as well as the CDC, have lifted mask restrictions for vaccinated people and have let the unvaccinated rely on their conscience to do the right thing.
Guess what? It ain’t working. The daily numbers of new COVID cases and deaths are declining but more than 600,000 Americans have died from the disease and it has become clear that most of the recent deaths are in people who have not been vaccinated.

Brattleboro Heat Advisory Notice

 The Town of Brattleboro urges everyone to drink plenty of water, wear light clothing, and stay out of the heat as much as possible during the current heat wave. 

People who need some cool air can visit the Senior Center at the Gibson Aiken Center (207 Main Street), Brooks Memorial Library (224 Main Street), the Central Fire Station (103 Elliot Street), or the West Brattleboro Fire Station (16 South Street). 

BCTV Schedules Week of June 28, 2021

Monday, June 28, 2021

4:18 am North Branch Nature Center – What’s in a Name – Bird Subspecies
5:30 am North Branch Nature Center – Gulls Demystified
7:06 am HANDS in the Kitchen – Plant Based Proteins 4/15/21
8:00 am Democracy Now! – Democracy Now! Daily Broadcast
9:00 am Juno Singles – Derrik Jordan – Suite for an Imaginary Country

Brattleboro Independence Day Closures

 The Brattleboro Town Offices Will Be Closed Monday, July 5, 2021, in Observance of the July 4th Holiday. 

In observance of the July 4th holiday, all Town offices will be closed on Monday, July 5, 2021, with the exception of emergency services. 

Parking is free at all metered spaces and in the pay-and-display lots on Monday, July 5. All other violations will be enforced. 

Life Out Of Balance

From this chart we see that in 10,000 BCE (12,000 years ago) wild animals comprised 100% of the total vertebrate biomass on this planet. Today, wild animals comprise only 4% — less biomass than the cats and dogs that we humans keep for pets. The world’s cattle now comprise a greater biomass than all other animal species combined. Now you can believe that methane from cattle can make a deadly difference.

Annie Guion of Windham County Humane Society To Retire

Annie Guion has announced her retirement from the Windham County Humane Society. Here’s the letter:

Dear Friends,

After 14 years of the best work of my life and my most fun and fulfilling job to date, it is time for me to move on to the next adventure. My partner is retiring and we are planning to pursue some long-held dreams and check some items off the bucket list. I love the Windham County Humane Society (WCHS) and in order to ensure a smooth transition, I will be staying through the end of 2021.


The only thing we know for sure about CV-19 is that we don’t know ANYTHING for sure.

There are lots of conflicting stories about the ”Pandemic” floating around and no way to tell for sure which of them are accurate.

MSNBC is saying one thing and FOX is saying another.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Monday, June 28, 2021 at 4:30pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Municipal Center. The public can also connect to the public session of the meeting using zoom. The Board will convene at 4:30pm and is expected to immediately enter into executive session to discuss the appointment or employment or evaluation of a public officer or employee. The Board will reconvene after the executive session and immediately adjourn. No action will be taken.

Brattleboro Committee Meeting Warnings

The Brattleboro Citizens Police Communication Committee (CPCC) will meet on Monday, June 28, 2021 at 5:30pm in the Brooks Memorial Library Main Reading Room. The RTM Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday, June 29, 2021 at 6:00pm at the Brattleboro Co-op Outdoor Café. The Brattleboro Tree Committee will meet at 6:30pm at 9 Southern Avenue in Brattleboro.

New Map Shows Broadband (Lack of) Availability

The NTIA has released a new map showing indicators of broadband need. It takes several data sources, combines them, and then shows how different parts of the country compare.

It’s a fascinating map, showing where people in the US are getting fast internet speeds (big cities, Silicon Valley, and a few places here and there), and how the rest of us are doing.

For Windham County the numbers are like this:

Good Time To Hike Wantastiquet

On Wantastiquet, the trail is dry and the mountain laurel is blooming. On June 23, 2021, there was no water on the carriage road trail up to the summit. Not even a puddle. Really, things are that dry. You can wear sneakers. And the mountain laurel will be in bloom for another week. Invasive mountain laurel is everywhere on Wantastiquet, unfortunately, but it sure is pretty for these two weeks. It doesn’t bloom well at lower elevations, so you won’t see blossoms until the 7th hairpin turn (out of 9). The blossoms are much better if you continue past the summit towards Mine Ledge. (The trail after the antenna tower is narrow. I found a tick on my arm within three minutes. Past the summit, tick precautions are necessary.)

The view from the summit is disappointing now. The scruffy oak trees were last cleared out in 2009. Now they block most of downtown Brattleboro. Instead, you should take the side trail at the 6th hairpin turn to see the view from the lower lookout–the preferred spot for Brattleboro panoramas for 165 years. I’ve posted the two panoramas I took today on iBrattleboro’s photo section. It was a post-thunderstorm morning with low humidity–perfect for a photo. There’s even some mountain laurel in bloom on that side trail. That outcrop will have good blueberries in two weeks.

Thugs, Politicians and Guns

I can’t stop being outraged at the lack of action by politicians on the issue of gun control. It would be easy to become insensitive to the daily reports of mass shootings in this country but every time I hear about one I become more and more depressed because I know that nothing will change in my lifetime, if ever.

This lack of action makes it clear that the U.S. political system is controlled by amoral, unethical and inhumane people. It is fueled by self-interest and the only time that things get done is when politicians think they can get more votes or more financial support in the next election.

Gun control is not about guns or mental health. It is about a failed political system.

Noticed Around Brattleboro – Summer 2021

It’s the summer 2021 edition of “Noticed Around Brattleboro” – your seasonal catch-all for little things not worthy of a full story but certainly worthy of making note of for the history books.

• Exit 2 I-91 bridge work is ongoing. Looks like a new surface for the upper level.

• Hermit Thrush Brewery has a sign up where Silver Moon used to be.

BCTV Schedules – Week of June 21, 2021

BCTV Channel 1075 schedule for the week of 6/21/21

Monday, June 21, 2021

5:30 am North Branch Nature Center – Gulls Demystified
7:06 am HANDS in the Kitchen – Plant Based Proteins 4/15/21
8:00 am Democracy Now! – Democracy Now! Daily Broadcast
9:00 am Juno Singles – Derrik Jordan – Suite for an Imaginary Country
9:30 am Community Conversation – Cutting the Cable Cord

Brattleboro VFW Breakfast/Lunch Info. Public Welcome to All Meals

Breakfast every Wednesday and Saturday from 6am-10am. Public welcome, as are to-go’s. Breakfast specials are offered every Wednesday, and the special for this Wednesday the 23rd will be the meat lover’s omeltte with toast for $7.50. Also offering corned beef hash, eggs cooked your way, homemade pancakes, breakfast sandwiches, and more.

Listed below are our $7 lunch specials offered Thursday’s and Friday’s. Also selling burgers, fries, etc. during our lunches that are served 11:30 am-1:30 pm.

Brattleboro Planning Commission To Release Downtown Plan For Review

The Brattleboro Planning Commission announces the release of the Downtown Plan. This Plan outlines a vision for placemaking and public space improvements to attract and retain businesses and residents. It looks at pedestrian and bicycle improvements, stormwater and landscaping, and how arts and cultural activities can enliven and revitalize public spaces.

In mid- to late 2019, a series of activities were held to engage the public. Surveys, walking tours, demonstration projects, and open studios were all used to allow the public to share ideas and aspirations for downtown. The Downtown Plan presents a starting point to help envision how to create an active, vibrant, and sustainable downtown.