

Tim Wessel Appointed to VT Cannabis Advisory Committee

From Pro Tim Becca Balint:

“3/ Two appts to the Advisory Cmte. that will guide the VT Cannabis Control Board—@TimWesselVT , a Selectboard member & former Chair from Bratt., will represent municipalities, & Chris Walsh, Director of Sales & Bus. Dev. at @terraveratweets, will represent the Cannabis industry.”

Wonder What This Is About…

Today In History
Events for Jul 23
“Committees from neighboring towns and from Springfield and Weathersfield, assembled in convention at the house of Colonel Sargent in Brattleboro for the purpose of concerting measures to protect themselves and their constituents from the indignities to which they were subjected by the authorities of Vermont.”

New Works by Edward Kingsbury III at Gallery in the Woods

Brattleboro, VT – Edward Kingsbury III’s new works are featured at Gallery in the Woods for the month of August with an opening during Gallery Walk on Friday, August 6 from 5:30 – 8 PM. Kingsbury is a self-taught artist who works in many mediums. His artistic process is informed by a deeply prayerful, meditative life.

In 1997 he was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and he found making art to be therapeutic as it serves the purpose of connecting at a deep level with the mystery and acceptance. He describes his work as a conversation with God, allowing the process to happen organically without preconceptions. He has been known for highly detailed abstract, black and white, stream-of-consciousness drawings.

Brattleboro Real Estate and Personal Property Tax Schedule

The taxpayers of the Town of Brattleboro are hereby notified and warned that Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes assessed upon the Grand List of 2021 are now due and payable to the Town Treasurer at the Treasurer’s Office in the Brattleboro Municipal Center, 230 Main Street, Suite 111, Brattleboro, Vermont, in four equal installments as follows:

1st Installment due August 23, 2021

Brattleboro Department of Public Works Road Update


The Department of Public Works has crews out in several areas of town working on road repairs following the severe rainstorm on July 17.  The rain caused a great deal of damage throughout town and Town Officials are working with personnel from the State of Vermont and VTrans to manage and seek funding for these repairs.

Motorists and residents are asked to continue to use caution on roadways when approaching crews and equipment working on these repairs and to expect delays.  

What to Do with $3,000,000

BCS proposed graduated distribution of COVID stimulus funds and a “People’s Budget” at the last selectboard meeting (July 6, 2021).
A draft of the technical explanations will be available on the BCS website. This is not a final version, but is pending peer review.

In comments at the end of the meeting the board members expressed some confusion about the funds. They no doubt have their own ideas about spending on infrastructure projects and tax relief for property owners. One member of the board actually said that distribution of the money to low-income people would be inappropriate, although the ARPA legislation specifies the purpose of the funds as COVID relief. This would certainly not exclude payments to low-income people.

WSESD Climate Crisis Task Force Meeting Agenda


I. CALL TO ORDER – Thomas Nolan, Task Force Chair

II. Approval of Minutes from May 24, 2021

III. Hear outline of Django’s Presentation, Which He Aims to Present at a Full Board Meeting in the Fall

IV. Get an Update from Tim About Progress on the Rich Earth Institute Program

V. Discuss Kurt Daims’ “Greta” Resolution

BCTV Schedules Week of July 19, 2021

BCTV Channel 1075 schedule for the week of 7/19/21

Monday, July 19, 2021

4:25 am Yoga with Liza – Kundalini Yoga
6:00 am Yoga with Liza – Chair Yoga for Creating Openness, Strength, and Tranquility
7:00 am A Work in Progress – A Work In Progress: Pedestrian Bridge in Brattleboro
7:15 am Nuclear Free Future – Transporting Radioactive Waste from Vermont Yankee 6/14/21
8:00 am Democracy Now! – Democracy Now! Daily Broadcast

The Eve Of Destruction

It is helpful to step back every once in awhile and try to look at the big picture. What we see when we look at the human species and the planet is not pretty.
Living organisms are programmed for survival. But the great paradox is that so many human activities are geared toward destruction. One of the most glaring example has to do with climate change.

There have always been naturalists and conservationists among us. I would consider them people who understand that our behavior has an effect on all other living matter around us. Their voices have been small and not very loud over the ages, yet they possess the knowledge that all of us need to help preserve the natural world that we live in. Humans have never given science the respect it is due and that attitude is proving destructive to everything we interact with.

In the 21st century it is not enough for there to be naturalists pointing the way because humans have become so arrogant and selfish that the only way they will move to change their behavior is if it effects their pocketbook or their selfish way of life.

Rosefire Writing Circles Welcomes New Writers

The Rosefire Writing Circle has been offering community and support for writers of all ages and abilities since 2016. Award-winning writer and veteran teacher Deborah Lee Luskin facilitates.

Deborah creates a safe and welcoming space where participants write to prompts designed to prime the creative pump. Writers focus and fly, spilling their words onto the page. Those who wish then read this new work, while others bear witness to these remarkable stories. The entire process enhances creativity; participants invariably write more, write better, and write with greater confidence.

Brattleboro Summer Paving Schedule 2021

2021 paving map

Monday, July 19th, D.M.I. Paving (a contractor of the town) will be starting our summer paving project. Cold Planning and paving operations will be taking place on Highland ST, Central ST, Pearl ST, Thomas ST, Pellet ST, Blakeslee ST and White Birch AVE. Weather permitting, work is expected to happen between 7 am and 5 pm, Monday thru Friday. On street parking will not be permitted during work hours. The project is expected to take approximately two weeks. 

BCTV Schedules – Week of July 12, 2021

BCTV Channel 1085 schedule for the week of 7/12/21

Monday, July 12, 2021

5:05 am Vermont State House – Presentation of the Final 10 Year Telecom Plan 6/22/21
7:30 am Montpelier Connection – Rep. Sara Coffey 6/24/21
8:00 am The David Pakman Show – The David Pakman Show – Weekly Broadcast
9:00 am Energy Week with George Harvey – This Week’s Energy News
10:00 am Brattleboro Selectboard – Brattleboro SB Mtg 7/6/21

Minority Rules in Government and COVID

It’s bad enough that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his band of idol-worshipping Trumpies are controlling much of what goes on in congress, but many of their supporters around the country are also in control of the course of COVID.

Federal politics has always been less than representative of the will of the people and that kind of imbalance has increased over the last few years. Even though Democrats have a slim majority in the Senate they have great difficulty passing any significant legislation because of issues like the filibuster and the need for 60 votes for bill passage. This situation has all but crippled the body politic and it will continue for the foreseeable future.

That future is starting to look at little grimmer when it comes to COVID in this country. A minority of Americans are determining the course of COVID because of their refusal to get vaccinated. The unvaccinated are not a monolithic group but it seems clear that states that lean Republican and places that have bought into the Trump lies have the lowest vaccination rates.

Summer Woodworking Classes at HatchSpace

HatchSpace is offering several woodworking classes for both beginners and experienced woodworkers.

Mastering the Card Scraper with Tom Bodett: In this 2.5-hour workshop, Tom Bodett shares his passion for woodworking and especially the Card Scraper – a simple and effective tool for creating a beautiful finish on wood.   Tom will cover how to use the Card Scraper and how to keep it sharp.  Each participant will receive a card scraper and the tools to keep it sharp – a diamond stone and burnisher.  Offered on July 17 and August 14.

Intermediate Lathe Techniques: An introduction to face-turning techniques on the lathe, with master wood turner Jeff Bower.  This 3-hour direct learning experience focuses on tools and techniques to create a wide-variety of simple forms. Includes safety, setup, design, and tool selection to take the mystery out of turning and inspire your creativity.  Previous lathe experience is required.  Offered on July 25 and August 1.