

Chase Street – Notice of Road Closure and Water Service Interruption

There will be an interruption of water service on lower Oak ST and Chase ST from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 3, 2021, while Utilities personnel can replace valves in the intersection of Oak ST and Chase ST.

Work will begin on Monday, August 2, when the intersection will be closed for utilities crew to dig up the old valves and will remain closed until the work is completed on Tuesday, August 3. Residents at #6 – #26 Chase ST should use Forest ST for access and residents at #30 – #49 Chase ST will be able to use Linden ST for access in both directions.

Brattleboro Senior Meals To Open 5 Days a Week

Beginning Monday,  August 2nd,the Brattleboro Senior Congregate Meal program will be operating five days a week (Monday – Friday).

Please note that there will be a limited capacity and reservations will be required. To make a reservation please call Cynthia at 802-267-1236. No later than 10 am.

Another Jobs Blow To Brattleboro

In another disappointing blow to the jobs market in Brattleboro; M&T Bank (Formerly People’s United) has filed a WARN notice with the state that next year they intend to lay-off 51 employees at the Brattleboro Operation’s Center.

People’s United is the largest depositor in Vermont with 26% of the state’s total deposits. Perhaps this will kick off the discussion again about the possibility of establishing a state bank who’s charter is to serve the people of Vermont. Just an idea…

Brattleboro Development Review Board, August 18, 2021


Call to Order
Review and Approve Minutes of previous meeting.
Review of Cases/Public Hearings to be reviewed under the Brattleboro Land Use Regulations.
2021-87                   Paul Belogour for Vermont Re Development, LLC; Service Center District; appeal of a Zoning Administrator’s determination that a ground sign cannot be refaced as it is non-conforming for height, lighting, and area, and non-grandfathered at 580 Canal Street; Tax Map Parcel #00340035.000 Continued from July 21, 2021

Futility: The Story of a Moth

Moth on Window

I was sitting in the window the other day looking out into yet another summer shower when I noticed a moth flapping around between the inner pane and the outer storm window.  As is typical for moths trapped in such situations, this one had flown all the way to the top of the window casing where it was beating itself against every surface trying to get out.  I felt for it but couldn’t figure out a way to get at it to effect a bug rescue.  As I pondered its dilemma, it occurred to me that the general tendency of most flying insects when trapped between window panes is exactly the wrong one for escaping that situation.  They always fly up where there is no way for me to open the window and let them out.

Please Help BCTV With This Short Survey

Brattleboro Community TV is a vital community asset. Now, you can help it be even better by taking a short survey to ascertain how it is meeting the needs of the community as a public access TV station and community media center. Your responses will help shape the future of BCTV! Thank you.

An Open Letter To The Unvaccinated

If you are choosing to not get the COVID vaccine then you need to accept complete responsibility for your behavior. That means acknowledging the fact that you may be responsible for the suffering and death of others. It means that you should make an effort to keep away from other people while you wear a mask. But your selfish behavior has made it clear you will not make the effort to protect others.

American society is putting a lot of effort and money into trying to convince the unvaccinated to get the shot, but those efforts are resulting in less than adequate outcomes. The time has come to give up on the unvaccinated and start punishing them for putting the rest of us in danger.

Big Bucks – A Trillion

A trillion is a million million.1,000,000,000,000. That’s a 1 followed by 12 zeros. The entire US economy (GDP) is 21 trillion dollars.

On September 10, 2001, then U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld disclosed that his department was UNABLE TO ACCOUNT FOR roughly $2.3 TRILLION worth of transactions. The next day, the U.S. sustained the terrorist attacks that changed the world, and this startling revelation was forgotten.

Chase Street Water Valve Repair

On Wednesday, July 28, Utilities Crews will be working to repair a water valve on Chase Street at the intersection with Oak Street.  The work will begin at 7:00 am and will continue though 5:00 pm.  

Motorists should plan to use alternate routes during this time period.

If you have questions or concerns please contact the Department of Public Works at (802) 254-4255.   

Here We Are with Jim Maxwell

From the life of a 60’s radio DJ to acting in N.Y. and Next Stage, with a bit of lawyering at Vermont State House in the mix, JIM MAXWELL has enjoyed every endeavor – and you can hear his personal playlist on our own WVEW, community radio at it’s best.


Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

It’s an ill wind that blows no good…  Just kidding. As most of us are probably aware, there’s been a lot of smoke in the air recently, although what zephyr it blew in on I have no idea.  We noticed it last night around sunset, and by the time we went to bed, we could see this strange fog enveloping the area, detectable even in the dark.  The trees seemed really distant, we could only see one star, and when a car drove by, there was complete white-out and all the trees disappeared.  Although the National Weather Service forecast was calling it “haze,” it seemed pretty smoky to me.

This morning, it cleared off, but after noon, it rolled back in like gangbusters.  I was surprised to discover that not only can you see the smoke, you can smell and taste it too. I even noticed my eyes burning which is normal if you’re in a smoky environment, but frankly, you just don’t expect to be in a smoky environment as a result of a fire 2500 miles away.  

Cutting to the chase, it’s worth noting that for this afternoon at least, out air quality puts us in an Orange zone as indicated on the EPA air quality web page; this means “Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups.  If you cross the river to NH or drive over to NY, the adjacent areas there are Red zones — which is simply “unheathy air.” You can see the regions highlighted on the map at the link below.

Brattleboro DPW Road Work Update


The Department of Public Works continues to have crews out in several areas of town working on road repairs following the severe rainstorm on July 17.  

Motorists and residents are asked to continue to use caution on roadways when approaching crews and equipment working on these repairs and to expect delays.  

Hinesburg Road

The stone culvert failed at the intersection of Hinesburg Road and Melchen Road.  The road will remain closed for several weeks while repairs take place.  

Norma Hardy to Become Brattleboro Police Chief on July 28 

norma hardy

Norma Hardy will become Brattleboro’s next Police Chief on Wednesday, July 28, 2021. 

Hardy had a distinguished 26-year career with the Police Department of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. After 10 years of service as a Police Officer serving at a variety of Port Authority facilities, she was promoted to Construction Sergeant at the World Trade Center site in 2002, to Executive Officer at the World Trade Center site in 2006, to Police Captain and commanding officer at the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels in 2008, to Police Inspector and Northern Zone Commander in 2011, and to Chief of Port Authority Bridges, Tunnels, and New Jersey Airports in 2013.

She received numerous internal commendations and external awards during her career with the Port Authority, including the 2014 Officer of the Year Award from the International Association of Women Police and the 2016 Trailblazer Award from the National Organization of Black Women in Law Enforcement. Hardy attended the John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the City University of New York and also has completed advanced training in law enforcement leadership, personnel and finance administration, security assessment, and emergency response management. 

The Rich Get Richer

“The Rich Get Richer: How Our Quest to Accumulate Wealth has Divided America” will be the topic of a conversation between author/journalist Michael Mechanic and local author and campaigner Chuck Collins, at 7:00pm on Tuesday, August 3, at 118 Elliot (118 Elliot Street, Brattleboro). Since Mechanic and Collins share overlapping interests, their dialogue about the surprising advantages and pitfalls of wealth hoarding promises to be as lively as it is informative. The Rich Get Richer event is live, indoors, and limited to 50 people.

Michael Mechanic is a veteran senior editor at Mother Jones whose writing and editing have resulted in dozens of journalism awards. He is author of the new book, Jackpot: How the Super-Rich Really Live –and How Their Wealth Harms Us All. His work at Mother Jones has often focused on social and criminal justice, racial disparities, mass incarceration, economic inequality, and corporate shenanigans. Since writing Jackpot, he’s been looking more at the ways the wealthiest Americans manipulate the system to their advantage. He lives in Oakland, California, but grew up messing around in the Windham woods and brooks with his local cousins. His late mother, Maggie Newton, grew up on a farm near Hamilton Falls where her parents, David and Margaret Newton, established the Newton School for boys; she later moved to Brattleboro and played in the local orchestra.

BCTV Schedules – Week of July 26, 2021

BCTV Channel 1075 schedule for the week of 7/26/21

Monday, July 26, 2021

4:25 am Yoga with Liza – Kundalini Yoga
5:30 am Brattleboro Music Center presents – The EOS Project Concert 11/8/2020
6:50 am HANDS in the Kitchen – Healthier Snacking 7/1/21
7:30 am Here We Are – with guest Catherine Stephan
8:00 am Democracy Now! – Democracy Now! Daily Broadcast

Brattleboro VFW Breakfast/Lunch Info. Public Welcome to All Meals

Breakfast at the Brattleboro VFW located at 40 Black Mountain Road every Wednesday and Saturday from 6 am – 10 am. Public welcome for our meals!
Breakfast menu includes homemade pancakes, corned beef hash, eggs cooked to order, home fries, bacon, sausage and more. Wednesday’s have breakfast specials, and Wednesday July 28th will be a waffle with strawberries for $5.50. To-go’s are welcome by calling 802-257-0438. Attached is our Saturday menu with pricing, which is slightly different than the Wednesday menu. Come in, socialize, have a chat while drinking a coffee, relax. We don’t care. Just come in and be civil.

Smart Meters

A few years back, the power company announced that they would be installing meters that would broadcast usage date directly to the company, without the need for meter readers. Some customers complained that the new meters were making them sick.

I understand that some people are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation.

However, some of these people were complaining BEFORE the new new meters were installed.

Marlboro Music Ensures Its Future Through Agreement to Purchase Potash Hill

Marlboro Music Festival has an announcement:

Dear Friends,

I am delighted to share with you the news that Marlboro Music has come to agreement with Democracy Builders Fund—our landlord this past year, following the closure of Marlboro College—to purchase the Marlboro campus that has been our only home since 1951. This arrangement includes an amicable settlement with Type 1 Civilization, which has been engaged with Democracy Builders in a dispute over ownership rights. We have issued a press release about this transaction, which ushers in an exciting new chapter in our history.