

Bullock Street Closure

On Wednesday, October 13, Utilities Crews will be working to repair a sink hole on Bullock ST.  The work will begin at 7:00 am and will continue through approximately noon.  

Motorists should plan to use alternate routes during this time period.

If you have questions or concerns please contact the Department of Public Works at (802) 254-4255.   

BCTV Schedules – Week of October 11, 2021

BCTV Channel 1085 schedule for the week of 10/11/21

Monday, October 11, 2021

4:30 am Vermont State House – Pension Benefits, Design, and Funding Task Force Pt3 8/25/21
5:00 am Windham Central Supervisory Union – WCSU Bd and Exec. Comm. Mtg 9/29/21
7:30 am Vernon Selectboard – Vernon SB Mtg 10/5/21
8:00 am The David Pakman Show – The David Pakman Show – Weekly Broadcast
9:00 am Energy Week with George Harvey – Energy Week #439 – 10/7/2021

Carving with Computers?

Yes! This hands-on workshop is designed high school students and adults to learn the basics of design for the X-Carve, a computer numerical controlled machine (CNC) for carving on wood, plastic and other materials.  No woodworking experience required.  Learn more at Digital Design for the X-Carve with Gail Fletcher, at HatchSpace, Saturday, October 16, 9 am – noon; $60

Climate Not Christmas, Sharing Not Shopping – Scientists Say Get Real

Recent research shows children around the world are highly anxious and depressed — not just about the climate, but about their parents and governments doing nothing about it. Isn’t it weird to talk about it and see it looking so calm and harmless in a screen or paper? If you really think about it, you can get very very upset in a few moments. As a serious active work it will make you anxious and depressed. And now we know, when we do nothing, children feel betrayed. Belief in the science of climate change is not enough… Scientists have been demanding radical, drastic, unprecedented action.

The crisis is unthinkable. But doing nothing is NOT an option. We must act.

The Simple Gift of Open Mic

We live in a world that pushes for bigger and better where other people try to determine what is best for us. In our little corner of the world in southern Vermont most of us know better and we determine our own standards on our own terms. That is especially true in the town of Brattleboro.

Music provides a good example of what I am talking about. Our area is blessed with an abundance of gifted musicians. Some have risen to the level of star status, but most are happy to live life on their own terms in a place that they feel welcomes them.

Foreseen! A Celebrities Led Movement To Halt USA Nuclear War Preparations

USA Congress plans to spend a $1.5 trillion on improved nuclear weapons! [1]

“If We Don’t End War, War Will End US,” [2]

Twenty years after the end of the Cold War there are at least 23,000 nuclear warheads still in existence, with a combined blast capacity equivalent to 150,000 Hiroshima bombs. The U.S. and Russia together have over 22,000, and France, the UK, China, India, Pakistan and Israel around 1,000 between them.

Windham County Heat Fund Update

It’s the time of year again when the Windham County Heat Fund reminds all of the generous people in the county that our less fortunate friends and neighbors will need your help once again as we approach another heating season.

The Windham County Heat Fund was created in 2005 by Richard Davis and me to help people in Windham County Vermont who were not able to buy enough heating fuel to make it through the winter. In 2010 the Heat Fund was incorporated as an IRS 501 C 3 non-profit entity. At the time, oil prices were escalating and we thought our efforts would only be needed for a year or two.

Cannabis is Coming – Will Town Taxpayers be the Losers?


As some may already know, I was appointed by the Vermont Senate to represent municipalities’ interests on the Cannabis Control Board’s Advisory Committee. While I wouldn’t claim to have the level of “expertise in municipal issues” that some other longer-serving Selectboard members in Vermont might have, I feel that my past work advocating for the rights of towns, cities and villages does give me some insights, and I’m doing my best to represent local taxpayers during many rapid deliberations over the shape of the upcoming retail cannabis marketplace.

I want to make very clear my opposition to a hastily made decision by one of our sub-committees, the Market Structure, Licensing, Taxes and Fees Sub-Committee, without reasonable input taken and considered from the Vermont municipalities. This committee has evidently already voted to “cap” what local town clerks can charge for a cannabis license to $100 yearly, a laughable amount considering the fact that the state portion of yearly fees being currently considered are between $5,000 and $10,000.

Brattleboro Literary Festival at Twenty….A Virtual Celebration!

From October 14-17, the 20th annual Brattleboro Literary Festival will host more than sixty authors featured in 40 events and discussions—all online and free! Books presented at the 2021 festival will cover a range of topics: rebellious women and feminist cowboys, homelessness, former presidents, immigration, New York, New Orleans, political upheaval, Banksy, aging, writers and lovers, fake accounts, hurricanes, and pandemics. 

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Louis Menand will present The Free World: Art and Thought in the Cold War, a follow-up to The Metaphysical Club. He will be in conversation with National Book Critics Circle award-winner Michael Gorra.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting Agenda

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, October 6, 2021 at 5:00pm at the Brattleboro Municipal Center (230 Main Street). The Board will convene at 5:00pm and is expected to immediately enter into executive session to discuss the appointment or employment or evaluation of a public officer or employee.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – They Like Us, Union Station, and Great Rates

Selectboard October 5

Promotion of Brattleboro was a primary topic at the regular meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard Tuesday. Blue Whale Public Relations had some typical Zoom-related delays but otherwise gave a solid report on their early efforts to reach out to the media.

Hybrid meetings will continue for a while longer, favorable financing for the water treatment facility was announced, new stop signs are official, and Union Station might be sold for a dollar in order to save as much as $100,000.

Brattleboro Indigenous Peoples’ Day Closings

In observance of Indigenous Peoples’ Day, all Town offices will be closed on Monday, October 11, 2021, with the exception of emergency services. 

Parking is free at all metered spaces and in the pay-and-display lots on Sunday and Monday, October 10 and 11, 2021. All other violations will be enforced. 

Brooks Memorial Library will be closed on Sunday and Monday, October 10 and 11, 2021. 

Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Human Services Review Committee Applications Available

 The Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Human Services Review Committee is accepting applications for FY23 Human Services Funding. The Application, as well as Instructions and Guidelines, are posted on the Brattleboro Town website – www.brattleboro.org. The deadline to submit applications to the Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office via e-mail is Tuesday, November 9, 2021, at 5:00pm.