

Don’t Forget The Flu!

Influenza (flu) is a contagious viral infection that can cause mild to severe symptoms and life-threatening complications, including death, even in healthy children and adults.

There was an epidemic of H1N1 Influenza that began in 1918 and petered out in about 1950. At the time, the spread of “The Flu” was blamed by many on the electrification of homes. Another H1N1 pandemic began from 1970 and is still with us today. A more severe flu variant, H3N2, has been running parallel. Electrification has nothing to do with any of it.

Press Release – Blog88.org October Issue

I apologize to everyone who woke early on the 1st to check your screen, disappointed that the Blog88.org October Issue was not up. Well, it is still October, and here it is!

Articles by Phoebe Sparrow Wagner in each of the first two issues was a hard act to follow. Phoebe had set a world-class standard. Following an Olympic Gold Medalist long distance runner, we will be happy to amble in her footsteps, enjoying the stroll. I think we ended up with a very nice issue. There is a lovely piece by amazing Justin Cabral. In a uniquely unencumbered style, with 83 exuberant words, Cabral extols an array of 40 things which bring him joy. The October Issue also features an Ask The Broker column, titled, “Black Swans.” And there is more.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – November 2, 2021

Budget season begins with an overview of the proposed budget by the Town Manager to the Selectboard, and this starts at the next regular meeting of the board.

They’ll also approve more repairs for the skating rink, increase the deductible on health insurance for town employees, review their goals, and more. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

“Here We Are” with Elena Dodd

Elena Harap Dodd talks about her childhood experiences of segregation in the south, and how that has informed her focus on inclusivity in her acting, writing and collaborations. She co-founded “Streetfeet Women”, a muti-racial, multi-cultural women’s writing and acting group which is still going strong after 40 years – and with a newly published book!

5th Saturday – Swap Shop Closed

CLOSED! The Swap Shop at WSWMD on Old Ferry Road, Brattleboro will be closed on Saturday, October 30 as it is the 5th Saturday of the month.
Swap Shop will be open on Nov. 6 for shopping only, Nov. 13 for donating only and our last day before closing for the winter will be Nov. 20 for shopping only.
Shopping Days- 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month
Donation Days- 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the month

“Conversation Station” Video from October Artful Streets

Here’s a Video highlight of October’s Gallery Walk: “CONVERSATION STATION” where local youth talk with adults from the community about all kinds of things – Many insights, much laughing and some surprises……..Featuring Samirah Evans, Johnny Swing, Curtiss Reed, Jr., Steffen Gillom, “Woody” Woodworth and more.

Nuclear War is Being Planned! Henry George & Thorstein Veblen Warned War Is Capitalism’s End Game

Preparations for nuclear war have been in the news, even mainstream news, more than just occasionally:

NATO unveils master plan to defeat Russia in nuclear war, Voice of London, UK., October 23, 2021 [1]

America’s failed weapons test shows Washington is currently hopelessly outgunned by Beijing in the race for hypersonic supremacy International Journal, Oct. 22, 2021 [2]

China says new hypersonic missile a blow to US ‘strategic superiority,’ New York Post, Oct. 17, 2021 [3]

This writer is puzzled by the absence of fear of nuclear war as a topic of concern.

Brattleboro Community TV Producer Awards Night

Brattleboro Community Television today announces the winners of its 2021 Annual Producer Awards. The Producer Awards recognize organizations and individuals that have created outstanding local programming in the last year. Six different organizations and/or individual winners will be honored this year.

The public is invited to the awards ceremony that will be held on Thursday, November 4 at 6:00 PM at the Latchis 4 Theatre in downtown Brattleboro.

November 17, 2021 Brattleboro Development Review Board Agenda

Call to Order
Review and Approve Minutes of previous meeting.
Review of Cases/Public Hearings to be reviewed under the Brattleboro Land Use Regulations.
2021-165              Vermont Re Development LLC; Industrial District; request for site plan approval to construct a brewery at 239 Old Ferry Road; Tax Map Parcel 80019.000 continued from October 20, 2021

2021-181              FW Webb Company for Thompson & Vaillancourt; request for site plan & local Act 250 approval to construct a 15,000 sq. ft. addition, expand outdoor storage area and site improvements at 231 John Seitz Drive; Tax Map Parcel 110401.061

The Pandemic Revealed and We Turned a Blind Eye

There seemed to finally be hope that the American health care non-system would finally be scrutinized in a new way. It became clear that as the pandemic unfolded our public health infrastructure was inadequate to meet even the most basic of needs. It also became clear that what we call health care in this country is really a reflection of the socioeconomic divide that is growing wider every day.

We learned that if you have money and live in a “good” neighborhood you have a better chance of staying healthy and avoiding the ravages of the pandemic. This comes as no surprise to anyone who has had their eyes open for the past few years.

BCTV Schedules Week of October 25, 2021

Monday, October 25, 2021

4:00 am All Things LGBTQ – Interview Show 10/12/21
5:00 am Racism in America – What is Critical Race Theory 10/13/21
6:25 am Southern Vermont Live Music – The Amphion Baroque Trio “Gems of the High Baroque” Set 1
7:00 am Education and Enrichment for Everyone – The Need for Justice Reform 10/1/21
8:00 am Democracy Now! – Democracy Now! Daily Broadcast

WSESD Seeks Volunteers for Independent Budget Review Committee

The Windham Southeast School District is seeking volunteers to serve on an Independent Budget
Review Committee. One volunteer from each of the district’s four member towns (Brattleboro,
Dummerston, Guilford, and Putney) will be appointed.

The four-member committee will prepare a report that will assist participants at the March 15,
2022 Annual District Meeting to engage in a meaningful discussion of the school budget and to
vote in an informed manner on the warned budget article.