

Holiday Gift Making Workshops at HatchSpace

Craft a holiday gift for someone you love. Workshops available for sign up include, Cutting Board Workshop, *Resin Edge Bowl Turning, Make a Frame, Build a Flower Press, Make a Gift Box, Design and Carve Key Holder, Tile Top Charcuterie Board, Turned Gifts (bottle stopper, opener and more). Open to beginners, no woodworking experience required. Space is limited. Sign up today! Go to www.hatchspace.org for details and registration. *Bowl turning experience required for the Resin Bowl workshop.

WSESD Independent Budget Review Committee Agenda

I. Introductions

II. Determine Use of Robert’s Rules of Order (small boards), and Elect Officers

III. Determine Our Open Meeting Law Obligations and Public Participation in the Process

IV. Review the Brattleboro Independent Budget Committee Process and Report

BCTV Schedules Week of November 8, 2021

Monday, November 8, 2021

5:00 am Mitchell Giddings Fine Arts – Christine Treibert
6:10 am The Vermont Housing Summit – Panel 2 – Smart Growth Principles
7:00 am Community Forum – Windham 4 Community Conversation 10/23/21
8:00 am Democracy Now! – Democracy Now! Daily Broadcast
9:00 am Town of Brattleboro Trick-or-Treat Event – Town of Brattleboro Trick-or-Treat Event 10/31/21

Veteran’s Day at the VFW Nov. 11th

We will be having our Veteran’s Day Ceremony Thursday Nov. 11th at the Brattleboro VFW located at 40 Black Mountain Road. Doors open at 10 am and the ceremony starts at 11 am. The public is welcome to attend. There will be no Legion Band this year, but we are having a free meal for those who attend the ceremony.

Are Vermont’s Hospitals Capable of Big Changes?

The Green Mountain Care Board, the entity that oversees and regulates Vermont’s health care system, commissioned a consultant’s report, “Green Mountain Care Board: VT Hospital Quality Review and Capacity Planning in Preparation for Value-Based Care October 27, 2021” to point the way for long-overdue systemic reform. Hospitals do not take kindly to being told what to do. They have become institutions that have been resistant to big change because of the power they wield in local communities. But pressure is mounting for real change. That is what this report points out.

We hear talk about the high cost of health care and about how something needs to be done. The only way this country is ever going to control health care costs is for there to be bold change and bold change in not something hospitals are good at. The consultant’s report calls for bold change.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting Agenda November 9, 2021

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, at 6:15pm over Zoom. The Municipal Center (230 Main Street) will be open to the public with limited seating spaced six feet apart and face coverings will be required. The public is encouraged to participate in the meeting over Zoom. The attached agenda contains information on how to access the meeting remotely, including the required “passcode.”  ASL interpreters will be available for deaf and hard-of-hearing community members.

November 6 Shopping Day at Swap Shop

SHOPPING ONLY DAY at Swap Shop at WSWMD on Old Ferry Road, Brattleboro on Saturday, November 6, 8:30 am to noon. ALL ITEMS ARE FREE.   Photos of some available items are posted on Facebook’s Brattleboro, Vermont group page.
Swap Shop will be open on Nov. 6 for shopping only, Nov. 13 for donating only and our last day before closing for the winter will be Nov. 20 for shopping only. Come get your Christmas decorations and stocking stuffers while we’re still open!

More Goals For The Brattleboro Selectboard To Consider

The Selectboard was reviewing and adding to their goals at their most recent meeting. There are a few more items they should take up:

End Weigher of Coal Position

This is just embarrassing in 2021. Brattleboro should rid itself of any mention of coal. It’s such an easy thing to do.  Town Managers since Barb Sondag have promised to get this done. All it takes is sending an article to Representative Town Meeting.

Brattleboro Veterans’ Day Closings

In observance of Veterans’ Day, all Brattleboro Town Offices will be closed on Thursday, November 11, 2021, with the exception of emergency services.

Parking is free at all metered spaces and in the pay-and-display lots on Thursday, November 11. All other violations will be enforced.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – FY23 Budget Season Begins

selectboard nov 1 2021

The Brattleboro Selectboard kicked off their FY23 budget season with an overview of the proposed town budget by Town Manager Peter Elwell. Questions were limited at this meeting, allowing the board and the public to take in a broad overview. Deep dive questions begin next week.

One of the lengthier passages in this meeting was a discussion of prepaid assigned funds compared to unassigned funds and how they both are accounted for legally and financially.

Broadband Grants Go To Four Vermont Communication Union Districts

Governor Scott Announces $9.9 million in grants to Accelerate Broadband Buildout in Four Vermont Communication Union Districts

Montpelier, Vermont – The Vermont Community Broadband Board (VCBB), along with the Governor, Congressman Welch and other state and federal officials and representatives of many of the state’s Communications Union Districts, celebrated the awarding of $9.9 Million in Preconstruction Grants to four Communication Union Districts (CUDs) in an event in Montpelier Monday. The Districts represent 64 Vermont towns and villages.

Governor Scott celebrated the investment, “We all know how important broadband is to Vermonters and our economy. Connectivity is essential to our everyday lives, the way we do business, and how we stay connected with family and friends. Making investments in this critical infrastructure will allow us to grow in all 14 counties and help us retain and attract more workers, and I’m excited this work is moving forward.”

BCTV Schedules Week of November 1, 2021

Monday, November 1, 2021

4:30 am Guilford Selectboard – Guilford SB Mtg 10/25/21
5:00 am Windham Central Supervisory Union – WCSU Bd and Exec. Comm. Mtg 10/27/21
7:00 am Vernon Selectboard – Vernon SB Mtg 10/19/21
8:00 am The David Pakman Show – The David Pakman Show – Weekly Broadcast
9:00 am Energy Week with George Harvey – This Week’s Energy News

Halloween Trivia

A Vampire is a person who is not permitted to properly die (usually because of an evil life). A Vampire still has a soul. A Zombie is a soulless but undead being. (Vampires usually make more money.)

I had a friend in Saudi Arabia named George Ghoul. He was a Saudi Arab.