

The Nursing Shortage Needs New Solutions

News reports during our times with COVID point to a worsening of a nursing shortage. Clearly, the epidemic has made the shortage worse because of a host of problems, not the least of which is burnout. But the nursing shortage has been with us, and the rest of the world, for a very long time and there are no signs of it letting up anytime soon.

When I was in nursing school in the late 1970’s we were told there would always be a job for us and that the demand for nurses was greater than it had ever been. Things have not changed much in all these years and politicians, nursing leaders and policymakers have been pointing to the problem for just as long. The situation never seems to get any better.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Manale Begins, FY23 & RTM Loose Ends

yoshi manale brattleboro jan 2022

The Brattleboro Selectboard began 2022 with new Town Manager Octavian Yoshi Manale at the helm. He remained relatively quiet, letting staff do most of the explaining while he adjusted to the new surroundings.

The board made a few FY’23 decisions, punted a few others to another meeting, and helped approve some articles to go before RTM at what they cautioned might be another virtual town meeting.

New Year – New Skills! January Classes at HatchSpace

Join a woodworking class at HatchSpace for a great start on 2022. Many classes are suitable for beginners as well as experienced woodworkers.  Learn new skills from experienced instructors in a safety-focused environment.

Financial aid may be available, contact info@hatchspace.com for details.

Connecticut River Joint Commissions Receives Grant from State of Vermont

The Connecticut River Joint Commissions (CRJC) is pleased to announce that it has received a $30,733 grant through the State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation. This one-year grant provides funding to implement CRJC’s July 2021 to June 2022 work program. Additional funding is provided by New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.

These funds will allow the CRJC to continue its emphasis on the grassroots, locally focused work of its five local river subcommittees and the broader implementation of its river management plan. The CRJC focuses on the key issues facing the Connecticut River watershed of Vermont and New Hampshire and plays the vital bi-state role of convening, catalyzing, and leading dialogue on these regional issues.

Brattleboro Dog and Wolf Hybrid Licenses Available

Brattleboro dog and wolf-hybrid licenses are available for the 2022 licensing period.  Vermont dogs and wolf-hybrids 6 months of age and older must be licensed on or before April 1. 

Renewal licenses may be obtained in person at the Town Clerk’s office, by using the drop box in the Municipal Center parking lot, through the mail or online at www.brattleboro.org.   Dogs being licensed in Brattleboro for the first time may be licensed in person, by using the drop box,  or through the mail by printing the license form from the website listed above. 

Farewell to Peter Elwell & Sabine Rhyne

Two folks who have made huge contributions to our town are stepping down from their jobs : PETER ELWELL as our Town Manager, and SABINE RHYNE as General Manager of the Brattleboro Food Coop are moving on to their next adventures.

Each was a guest on “Here We Are” and we thought it would be nice to re-post their shows as way of saying Farewell and Thank You!

BCTV Schedules – Week of January 3, 2022

BCTV Channel 1085 schedule for the week of 1/3/21

Monday, January 3, 2022

6:30 am Landmark College Graduation – Fall 2021 Landmark College Commencement
8:00 am The David Pakman Show – The David Pakman Show – Weekly Broadcast
9:00 am Energy Week with George Harvey – Energy Week #449 – 12/16/2021
10:00 am West River Education District – WRED Bd Mtg 12/20/21

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – January 4, 2022

The first regular meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard in 2022 is also the start of Yoshi Manale’s tenure as Town Manager. Welcome, Yoshi!

Changes to the Agricultural Land Preservation Fund will be discussed. The board will also consider feeding and providing childcare for Representative Town Meeting, they’ll review goals, and consider some traffic safety items. And, as always, you can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

I Want A Snow Day

Remember way back when we used to have snow? Wasn’t that a fun time?

I’d really appreciate a good, old-fashioned snow day sometime soon. One of those days when we get a foot or more of (not heavy and wet) snow and everything has to close down. Everyone gets a day off, schools close, and  we hear the sound of plowing, shoveling and snow blowing.

Brattleboro Opioid Settlement – Executive Summary

Executive Summary

1. Settlement Approval Deadline: January 2, 2022
2. Recommendation: Approve Settlements
3. Total Funds to Vermont: Approximately $65 Million (assuming full participation)
4. Local Government Allocations: 15% of total Vermont share, to be allocated pursuant to Exhibit G to the Settlement Agreements.

BCTV Schedules – Week of December 27, 2021

BCTV Channel 1075 schedule for the week of 12/27/21

Monday, December 27, 2021

6:00 am Veterans Events – Wreaths Across America Comes to Brattleboro 12/13/21
7:34 am The News Project – Visiting a 98 Year Old Veteran
7:45 am BUHS-TV – BUHS-TV News 12/21/21
8:00 am Democracy Now! – Democracy Now! Daily Broadcast
9:00 am BCTV Open Studio – Project Feed the Thousands 2021

Postponed : Lecture on Critical Race Theory (CRT)

We’re having a problem.

The CRT lecture by Etan Nasreddin-Longo must be postponed (date TBA).  Professor Nasreddin is well.  Unfortunately, one BCS staff member is sick with COVID, and other residents at BCS headquarters are sick and in isolation.   Although we would be glad to see everyone, we have plenty of help from the community.  Please do not drop in unannounced. 

Brattleboro Planning Commission Agenda for January 3, 2022

The Brattleboro Planning Commission will meet at 6:00 pm on Monday, January 3, 2022 in the Hanna Cosman Room at the Brattleboro Municipal Center (230 Main Street) and on Zoom. The physical location for this meeting will be the Hanna Cosman Room at the Municipal Center, 230 Main Street, where everyone will be required to wear a face covering and maintain social distance. The public is strongly encouraged to attend this meeting using Zoom.

Masking Smartly Makes A Difference

Are people who are getting infected and re-infected with COVID using masks? Are they using masks correctly? When we hear about numbers of cases or individual cases there does not seem to be any reporting about mask use. This got me to wondering if people who use masks are using them to maximum benefit.

I have read a number of peer-reviewed medical journal articles and I also looked at data from the CDC and the EPA(Environmental Protection Agency) to determine the most effective masks and how they should be used.

COVID Christmas

I thought we could retire this one last year, but now it’s a becoming a regular holiday special. Here it is again, the COVID Christmas Anti-Viral Holiday Special…  stay safe everyone!

No USA Christmas Charity for Afghani Venezuelans Cubans Syrians Iranians North Koreans

This Christmas season, as always, CIA controlled mainstream media is filled with unctuous images of the hungry homeless in America being charitably served food by private citizens and institutions. It has long become an American tradition of kindness during the season celebrating the birth of all loving Jesus along with gift giving Santa Claus, and along with the encouragement and participation of churches, this tradition often receives government support .

The Christmas time Christian tradition of charitable feeding of the hungry homeless in capitalist USA never extends to include those millions of men, women and children made hungry by heartless US sanctions on countries overseas. The hard hearted Deep State investors in war of the Military Industrial Complex would never allow any of its captive US presidents to be gracious to the hungry in sanctioned nations at Christmas time.