

Some Thoughts On Being In The Spotlight

It surprised many that Town Manager Yoshi Manale resigned after just a few months. But it isn’t that surprising.

Brattleboro is unusual. For a small town, there is a tremendous amount of media. Two newspapers, three radio stations, citizen journalists, and others pay close attention to what goes on in town government. Add in social media, discussions in offices, and conversations on the street and you end up with a rather active core population that follow the details of town government.

There are big cities with less coverage of their municipal governments and fewer news outlets. And big city news is often dominated by crimes, fires, and other distractions, making municipal news a smaller piece of the overall newscast or front page headlines.

Windham County Heat Fund Update

On behalf of some of Windham County’s more vulnerable residents the Windham County Heat Fund would like to thank our generous community for support of our efforts this year. The Windham County Heat Fund was created in 2005 by Richard Davis and Daryl Pillsbury to help people in Windham County Vermont who were not able to buy enough heating fuel to make it through the winter. In 2010 the Heat Fund was incorporated as an IRS 501 C 3 non-profit entity. At the time, oil prices were escalating and we thought our efforts would only be needed for a year or two.

Over the years, we have come to learn that there is a constant need to supplement state and federal fuel assistance programs for those who fall through the cracks and for those who run out of fuel assistance allotments.

Town of Brattleboro Statement on Town Manager Resignation

Brattleboro Town Manager Yoshi Manale has submitted his resignation effective Friday, June 3, 2022. Selectboard Chair Ian Goodnow accepts this resignation with regret, “I understand that Yoshi would prefer to return to work in larger municipalities and we wish him the best with his future endeavors.”

Town of Brattleboro Press Release: Heat Advisory

The Town of Brattleboro urges everyone to drink plenty of water, wear light clothing and stay out of the heat as much as possible during the current heat wave.

People who need some cool air can visit the Brooks Memorial Library (224 Main Street) and the Central Fire Station (103 Elliot Stree).

Yoshi Manale Resignation Statement

Statement from Brattleboro Town Manager Yoshi Manale

I have submitted my resignation to the members of the Brattleboro Selectboard, and they have accepted it. My last day will be June 3rd.

Brattleboro is a beautiful town that I was excited to work in. People here are warm, friendly, gracious, and welcoming. There are fantastic recreational opportunities, great local food, and outstanding cultural offerings. And, of course, it is located in a beautiful setting of mountains, ponds, and rivers.

Swap Shop is Overflowing!

SHOPPING ONLY DAY at Swap Shop at WSWMD on Old Ferry Road, Brattleboro on Saturday, May 21, 8:30 am to noon. ALL ITEMS ARE FREE.   Photos of some available items are posted on Facebook’s Brattleboro, Vermont group page.  WE ARE OVERFLOWING WITH TREASURES! Please help us clean out our space.

Shopping Days- 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month
Donation Days- 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the month
If a month contains 5 weeks, the Swap Shop will be closed
Hours are 8:30am-12pm.  (Large donation loads may not be accepted after 11:30am)

Estey Organ Museum Celebrates 20 Years of Living History 

Organ trio at Estey Organ Museum

Brattleboro, VT…. Brattleboro is home to many historic treasures, some large enough to grace the main street in town, others hidden gems that we need to seek out. The Estey Organ Museum is one of those pieces of history that is well worth a visit for many reasons. Tucked away in the company’s Old Engine House on Birge Street, it holds a century of local history that spread the Estey reputation far and wide. 

The new season starts on May 21 in celebration of the museum’s 20th year and will be open to the public on Saturdays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. through October. It is unique in that unlike what we’re used to in most museums, the hosts in this museum say to all visitors—adults and children alike—please touch; please sit down and play the organs. Visitors even have the opportunity of walking through a pipe organ to see how the mechanism works.  

WSESD Special Board Meeting

I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:00 p.m. – Kelly Young, Board Chair
II. EXECUTIVE SESSION – 1VSA §313 (a)(1)(F) confidential attorney-client communications made for the purpose of providing professional legal services to the body.

Beginners: Get Started! Fundamentals of Woodworking, May 20-22

Have you been wanting to get started with woodworking as a hobby or side business? Take the first step at HatchSpace! We have a terrific beginners intensive course starting on Friday evening of this week, our Fundamentals of Woodworking class with member and RISD graduate Martin Simpson.

This introductory course is designed to give beginner students an overview of the safe use of some of the most common machines and hand tools used in woodworking.

May 20, 2022 Brattleboro Cemetery Committee Meeting


The Brattleboro Cemetery Committee is established for the purpose of advising the Selectboard in matters of care and maintenance of all Town owned cemeteries.

It establishes policies, rules and regulations for operation of the cemeteries; sets prices for services provided; lays out plots, drives and paths and prices for burial plots.  No policy making decision of the Committee is valid unless approved by the Selectboard.

The Immigrant Experience in 2022

I am a second generation American. My grandparents were immigrants. They came from eastern Europe to escape the pogroms and persecution that Jews faced. I often wonder what it was like for them when they arrived in this country. I never did ask them about their experiences.

The reason I am thinking about this now is that I am experiencing immigration from the perspective of someone welcoming new immigrants to this country. Brattleboro, Vermont has become the home to about 100 people from Afghanistan. They have escaped the prospect of constant violence and painful lives to become citizens of a new country.

Our community has worked hard to help the Afghans adjust to their new home. I am surprised to realize that the adjustment can be difficult for the local people as well as the newcomers.

Brenda Siegel of Newfane Files for 2022 Gubernatorial Race

Montpelier, VT – This morning, Brenda Siegel of Newfane filed her petitions with the Secretary of State to become the first candidate from any party to officially be in the race for Governor of Vermont. Siegel, a Democrat, is running on a platform committed to some of Vermont’s biggest issues: housing, the overdose crisis, education, and climate change. 

Said Siegel upon filing: “I’m so grateful for the opportunity to run in this race. I’ve been fighting for working Vermonters my entire life, and now, more than ever, our communities are struggling and they need us to do more. Vermont needs leaders who prioritize taking bold climate action, building a bottom-up economy, putting real resources into healing the overdose crisis, and supporting and strengthening our education system. These are not new issues and we need a Governor that is ready to lead. I’m confident that I can – and will – be that Governor.”

Milling and Paving of Main Street

On Thursday, May 19, beginning at 6:00 pm, Highway crews will be milling and paving Main ST between High ST and Grove ST.  The work will take place overnight and is expected to be completed by Friday morning at 7:00 am.  There will be no on street parking during this project and motorists should expect delays in the area and seek alternate routes.  

The rain date for this project is Thursday, May 26th.

High Street Paving

On Thursday, May 19, beginning at 6:00 pm, DMI Paving (a contractor of the town) will be paving High ST from Main Street to Green Street.  The work will take place overnight and is expected to be completed by Friday morning at 7:00 am.  There will be no on street parking during this project and motorists should expect delays in the area and seek alternate routes.  

The rain date for this project is Thursday, May 26th.

Brattleboro Traffic Safety Committee Meeting Agenda

1. Minutes – March 17, 2022
2. Public Participation
3. Monthly Report on Pedestrian and Bicycle Incidents – For March and April 4.
5. Monthly Report on Traffic Data Collection – for March and April
6. Street and Sidewalk Safety Policy Safety Action Requests

Brattleboro Committee Vacancies Announced

The Town of Brattleboro is looking for citizens to serve on the following committees and boards:

Agricultural Advisory Board
Agricultural Advisory Board Ex-Officio Members
ADA Advisory Board
Arts Committee
Brattleboro Housing Partnerships Board of Commissioners
Cemetery Committee

EMS in Brattleboro – On the Agenda Tuesday May 17 Selectboard

It is important that Selectboard members hear from Brattleboro residents on how our Emergency Medical Response service to the town will work, going forward.

A change to the delivery of EMS was agreed to by the Selectboard at the April 19 meeting. This week’s board meeting will cover a proposal for a feasibility study, to include EMS. See item 8 (B) on the attached agenda for this Tuesday, May 17 at 6:15pm. In-person and remote joining details are below.

A general observation –

When the $25,000 for the Fire Department strategic plan was approved in the budget at RTM on March 19 of this year, there was no public indication that Rescue Inc would no longer be providing EMS services. Community input absolutely needs to be a part of any strategic plan for this service, following the example of other towns. Therefore, in this proposed feasibility study, “all options should be on the table.”